Dolls, Scores of Dolls

Is there a doll you always wanted? We might have it!

Some of the huge variety of dolls in our collection.

Check our front window. There’s an amazing selection of dolls from small cloth dolls to beautiful baby dolls and everything in-between! They’re in excellent condition and will surely delight a collector, or a young one whose eyes would light up with one or two of these beautiful dolls.

Beautiful Presidents’ Wives Collection, Bride doll, and Beanie Babies.

Above are wives of former presidents (l to r): Mrs. Barbara Bush, Mrs. Pat Nixon, Mrs. Jackie Kennedy, Mrs. Nancy Reagan, and Mrs. Rosalyn Carter. These dolls are beautiful. In addition, there’s a lovely bride’s doll. And the beanie babies are only a few of the collection we have acquired.

Stop in soon and take a peek. Surely there’s a perfect doll for a very special person in your life! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

“Help” – the Beatles…

… is this beer can legit?

hmmm… legit? We’re not sure!

This unique beer can found its way to our store recently. We’ve done lots of searching, but can’t find any certification.

Beer can “A Tribute to the BEATLES”

The can says:

A Tribute to the BEATLES
Contents 12 Fl. Oz.

What do you think?

This side says:

“HELP” Brewing Company
Liverpool, England

So we’re curious. We’ve been searching, but haven’t found a definitive answer. But, since there aren’t many out there, it might be a great collectible and ‘conversation piece.’ Always fun.

Stop in during a great weekend that includes First Friday and the Wine, Art & Jazz Festival on Saturday. Of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Yes, we have ‘critters’

Well, we’re not the Farm Fair but …

This little piggy … is CAST IRON

We have some wonderful critters to decorate your home or even your office! This piggy bank is cast iron and probably at least a foot long. What a great way to keep that door open and let the cool breeze in while having a great place to put all that loose change!

Mary had a little lamb… and so did Bahoukas!
Lifesize kitty cat … don’t you just love it!

The lamb, geese, and cat are ceramic. But oh, so cute! Surely there’s a special little space that one or two would work perfectly!

The dog is cast iron. We have a wide variety of cast iron pieces for shelf or floor, as well as some doorstoppers.

The cast iron heron is perfecting for our area. But, then again, anyone who loves herons will find the perfect spot for it. Have a water view from your home? This would be a wonderful addition to your decor. Wish you had a water view? This wonderful statue could help remind you of the joy you feel when you’re near the water.

Just a sampling of the fun items you’ll find at Bahoukas Antique Mall & Beer MuZeum in Havre de Grace, MD. Stop in and discover a perfect collectible from the ‘Collector of Collections.’ Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

MUSIC – it’s everywhere

Guitar, dulcimer, horns … at Bahoukas!

This beautiful guitar with case is ready for someone to love it enough to create beautiful music together.

Ready to begin? Or maybe add a new guitar to your collection?

Marching Snare Drum from early 1940s at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace

Yesterday we sold a wonderful drum to an excited young man. In June, Jack Broadbent surprised us with a visit while here for the Jazz Festival sponsored by our HdG Opera House and Arts Collective.

Jack Broadbent playing a dulcimer at Bahoukas
musical instruments available at Bahoukas Antiques
Variety of amazing string instruments at Bahoukas
Holton Trumpet by Leblanc that works - at Bahoukas
Yep, even George gives it a try! (hahaha)

You just never know what might be happening when you visit our shop. Stop in now… hey, the weather’s perfect!!! Yep, we’re always watchin’ for ya!

Very Collectible Comics

We recently joked about George and the Barbie Doll Collection. But that’s all not that’s arrived at the store in the past week or so.

Very collectible comics …

Several of these comics, though not the 1st edition, are #2! We recently added more than 30 new comics to our collection. The ones pictured include Sinister House, Woody Woodpecker, E-man, The Flintstones featuring the GREAT GAZOO, and Underdog!

You know we’ll be watchin’ for ya! Stop by soon!

Sizzling Heat and Barbie

No need to complain. No one wants to hear it. The heat has been … well … BEYOND HOT!

Do you wonder what George does when it’s so HOT?

“Caught ya!”

Yep, he received a wonderful assortment of all things “Barbie” and just had to play. Here he is going through the cases and dressing the dolls.

A variety of Barbie cases for the Barbie Doll enthusiast ... or maybe a special little girl! All part of the Barbie Doll collection at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace

Here’s a sampling of the latest arrivals that came during our sizzling heatwave. Stop by and check them out. Whether you’re a collector, or you just have a special young girl that you know would just LOVE these, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

See what you miss when you aren’t checking in on George!?!? Stop by soon. We are looking forward to a break in the temps this week. And yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Sometimes it’s not the rain…

that keeps us in – but the sun!

Wonderful Little Golden Books at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Wonderful selection of Little Golden Books and more…

With temperatures heading up to the 90s this week, often it’s too hot for the young ones to be outdoors for too long at a stretch. We just might have a solution or two for you at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

More great books for the young reader at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
From princesses to cowboys, kittens to bunnies, great stories for your young readers

We have a wonderful variety of Little Golden Books and more for the young readers to enjoy. Maybe you’d like to bring them in to pick one out – or surprise them with a selection when you need to bring them indoors for a bit of cool, quiet time!

Nearly every category possible for young readers.

Along with this wonderful selection of books, you’ll also find a nice selection of games that the youngest to the older kids may enjoy! Make a game or reading party to encourage the youngsters to enjoy a respite from the hot sun!

Stop in today… we’ll be open all week. Yes, we are OPEN on July 4th – and we’ll be open on Saturday – parade day! Yessireeeee… we’re always watchin’ for ya at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum.

Collecting Food Tins

These days, people of means tend to dismiss canned or “processed” food as something people without access to fresh food eat. But in the late 1800s, food in tins was highly desirable. It was considered much more sanitary, and therefore healthier, than food offered in bins or barrels. That’s when branding became particularly important; customers learned they could expect a certain level of quality from, say, Kellogg’s.

from Collectors Weekly

We find it interesting that history really does come full circle. Folks again find fresh food in bins and barrels – especially if organic – to be preferable to canned or frozen. Ah yes, the circle of life.

We wrote about this a couple of years ago. But we still have a wonderful variety of vintage and collectible tins. Whether you like the advertising on them, or just old tins, we probably have a couple you’d like to add to your decor or collection.

Very collectible tins at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Yes, you’ll notice a few others that are NOT food tins (like the Gulf oil tin). Stop by and say ‘hi’ while you browse the shop. Yessireeee… we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Victorian Washbowl Set

3 pc Victorian Washbowl Set (Partial set)

Whether you love it just because they’re beautifully painted pieces or you love Victorian, this partial Victorian Washbowl Set is gorgeous.

They can add to your decor, or would be beautiful to display your garden flowers. You could even store your pencil/pen collection or those fancy little drink stirrers in them. You decide!

Stop by and see them today at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

Of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya and George loves to share his “Collection of Collections!” See you soon!

Painted Milk Can

As the weekend arrives, Havre de Grace is excited to be celebrating two ‘firsts’ this Saturday. From 1-5pm is the GRAVITY Youth Event at the Lock House Museum. From 3-8pm is our first Upper Chesapeake Bay PRIDE EVENT at the Concord Point Park (by the light house).

We encourage you to enjoy these events… but please make time to stop in and say ‘hi.’ Chat with George about his ‘Collection of Collections!’

This beautiful handpainted milk can would brighten up a special spot in your home. It’s from Witchwood Farm, which we believe is in New Jersey.

Stop in and see this for yourself. It just might be that special item you’ve been looking for. And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Wednesday Surprise #13

Bust of David, a Camel, and a Decorative Pitcher

Bust of David available at Bahoukas Antiques

Sitting high on a shelf, we discovered this bust of David. Possibly there’s a shelf in your home or office that’s perfect for this piece.

Our wood carved camel is another beautiful and unusual piece available in our shop. Maybe it would be perfect for your collection?

This chalk, decorative pitcher is beautiful. Do you have a special spot in your home or office for this unique piece?

You know that there are many items tucked up high on a shelf or maybe in a box. We encourage you to stop in to Bahoukas Antique Mall to discover a perfect collectible for your home or office – or maybe as a gift. Yep, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!


… collecting thimbles

When was the last time you looked at a thimble? I fondly recall my grandmother’s sewing basket and the wonderful array of thimbles it held. There were porcelain ones with images of little dogs, beautifully crafted metal thimbles with intricate designs, and a very special one that featured the name of a long-ago general store which my grandparents frequented.

Collecting thimbles
Thimbles – metal to porcelain

Yes, a ‘digitabulist’ is a collector of thimbles!

In the past, thimbles were popular advertising vehicles, especially in American culture.

Along the band of some thimbles, logos, company names and even political parties or candidates were featured. In fact, political thimbles came on the scene in 1920, the very same year the 19th Amendment was ratified — guaranteeing women the right to vote.


Interested in starting a ‘tiny collection’? It won’t take much room but could really be interesting. CLICK HERE for a ‘How to’ from WikiHow.

Collecting Thimbles
Many thimbles were advertisements!

We invite you to stop by and see the ‘tiny thimbles’ we have. Yep, we’ll be watching for ya!

Blob Tops

Ink Bottles, Mason Jars

A variety of very collectible jars

In the back of the store is a shelving unit with this wonderful display of old jars. Here’s a little history behind the master ink bottles.

Master inks filled wells around the world

By David McCormick

Master inks are a great part of our country’s history. If they could talk, what stories they could tell. Masters were used at Harvard and Yale and other colleges and universities, helping to put forward new ideas for a new country. They were found at the Civil War campsites at Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Fredericksburg, helping to record the acts of bravery as well as the horrific events that took place. The masters helped pen the letters home to friends and loved ones, and record events in soldiers’ fireside diaries. The masters are partially responsible for creating a record that lives to this day.

As their name implies, the master inks would be used to fill smaller ink containers. They often survived because they could be reused, whereas smaller inks might be thrown away.

While there is a lot of information on smaller inks, master inks are somewhat overlooked.

The master inks were generally made of glass, pottery or ceramic. They come in several varieties including ’pourer’ inks, which were used to top off inkwells and the bulk type, used for filling the inkwells.

Master inks are highly collectible. Their larger size allows them to be displayed more prominently than the smaller inks. The wide variety of colors and shapes offer a wide selection to the collector. Aside from their size, shape, and color, the master inks can be categorized by their makers, countries of origin, and age.

from Antique Weekly

Besides the master ink bottles, blob top bottles, and ink bottles, there are 1800s Mason jars.

This is a wonderful variety of some very collectible pieces. Stop in soon and browse our 9,000 sq ft of collectibles. And don’t forget our Beer MuZeum – another 2,200 sq ft of brewmania and Nascar collectibles.

Of course, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Wednesday Surprise 12

Bahoukas and Thomas Kinkade

Beautiful Thomas Kincade figurines

As you know we are always searching for a unique collection. Looking closely at a number of shelves, these beautiful Thomas Kinkade figurines, Victorian and Elegant Ladies, caught our eye. One, or several, may be a perfect gift for a lady you know (young or old) or a wonderful addition to your own collections.

Stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall to see these exquisite figurines. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Gingerbread or Mantle?

Tic Toc Tic Toc

This 1920s Gingerbread carved clock with chimes is a beauty.

This Linco mantle clock from the 30s could use a little “tlc” … but you’ll find it very worthwhile. The chimes of this wind-up clock are simply beautiful.

Mantle Clock

If you’re interested in a wonderful clock, stop by Bahoukas and see what we have. If it needs repairs or ‘beautified’, we highly recommend the very capable artisans at Stephens & Stephens Clocks. They’re right here in Havre de Grace and have a long history of restoring and repairing clocks. They’ve worked for some very prestigious customers.

Stop in today. If you love the sound of the clock chimes, ask George to let you listen to the beautiful Linco mantle clock. Yep, we’re always watchin’ for ya!

Jazz & Jim Beam

Welcome to the Inaugural Jazz & Blues Fest!

We have a few instruments in our store that might be worth taking a look at. But we thought it might be fun to mention our Jim Beam collection! After all, consider this quote from Eddie Condon:

While your strolling the streets and enjoying the Jazz Festival, drop in and see what we might have in our ‘collection of collections.’ For instance, our Jim Beam collectibles might be of interest.

Jim Beam Collectible Decanters and Go Withs

From the 1980 JIM BEAM Vintage Decanter Fox on a Dolphin South Florida Club Regal China to the Clown Fox Paperweight Figurine Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey 1980 Regal China and more, you just might find the perfect collectible.

Jim Beam Collectible Decanters and Go Withs

Do enjoy our First Friday and our 3-day Jazz & Blues Festival. Between the exciting performances and films, be sure to stop into Bahoukas Antique Mall & Beer MuZeum. You bet, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Wednesday Surprise #10

Movies Anyone?

You know we try to find a unique box or bin for our Wednesday surprises. Every now and then, we’ll remember something tucked away underneath a counter, or spot a shelf behind a shelf, or something way up high. That’s what happened today. These were sitting high up on a cupboard.

old movie projectors

Have some old movies? Take a peek at these amazing old movie projectors. On the left is a 1940s Cinematic movie projector, all electric. On the right is a Keystone Movie Graph, electrified (meaning it uses an electric bulb rather than a candle) but hand operated.

Either of these would make a wonderful conversation piece among your collectibles. We encourage you to drop by today. If these aren’t what you’re looking for, stop in and see the many other collections we have. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Unique Dad’s Day Gifts

Lighters and Pipes

We have a collection of vintage lighters that include Zippo, Wind Resistant, and Scripto among others.

A variety of collectible lighters

First invented in 1823 and improved in the 1880s, pocket cigarette lighters were as common as keys or wallets by the early 20th century. The basic types of vintage lighters are manual (a spark from a flint striking a wheel ignites a wick or creates a flame above a gas valve), semi-automatic (the wheel also opens the fuel-source cover), and automatic (push-button).

The first manual lighters were called strike lighters and worked like matches. Users would scratch a flint using a wand with a hard metal tip and an attached wick; the flint would create sparks to ignite the wick, which was soaked with flammable fluid. By the 1920s, lighters had become functional as well as artistic with the advent of the semiautomatic lighter, in which the user flips open the lid and a flint wheel simultaneously spins and ignites the wick.


The above photo is a selection of available lighters in George’s collections. There are other collectibles pertaining to smoking, including these unique hand carved face pipes made in Italy by Briar.

Fun and funny face carved Briar pipes.

We thought you might enjoy the intricacies involved in creating these carved faces. Watch the video below. Enjoy!

Then stop in to Bahoukas Antique Mall soon. You just might find a really unusual gift for Dad on Father’s Day! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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