Coca Cola in Havre de Grace

Coca Cola Bottling was a solid economic asset in Havre de Grace

1942 Coca Cola Advertising Tray with woman at driver's wheel of a green convertible car and another woman standing and talking to her.Coca Cola has been a part of the Havre de Grace economy for decades. Here’s a small news clip (3rd column a little more than half-way down the page) from the Midland Journal that describes the plant managed by J. C. Hebditch. The date was November 1, 1940. It reads:

Coca Cola By Hebditch
Adhering to the fine principles of production which make Coca Cola the nation’s outstanding drink, the Coca Cola Bottling works has grown rapidly under the management of J. C. Hebditch, who established the plant 17 years ago (1923). It is located in Havre de Grace, on Juniata St.

The modern plant sterilizes every bottle and distrbutes its products throughout the Harford and Cecil counties, keeping service above par at all times. A call for a case of Coca Cola receives prompt attention, with gas and soda orders also filled on prompt schedule.
-The Midland Journal, Friday, November 1, 1940

Another interesting news clip re: J. C. Hebditch of Havre de Grace Coca Cola Bottling Co.

1950 Coca Cola advertising tray with a red-headed lady drinking a CokeRotarian Offers Land For Swimming Pool HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., Sept. 27, 1944 – from The News Journal from Wilmington, DE – J. C. Hebditch, a soft drink company representative for Maryland, has offered a tract of land on the dual highway opposite the Chesapeake Courts for a swimming pool and also has donated $100 toward the $2,000 needed for the civic enterprise. The Havre de Grace Rotary Club, of which Mr. Hebditch is a member, will sponsor the project and has agreed to return all money donations if the pool is not built within eight months after the goal has been reached.

Special Edition Coca Cola Barbie Doll still in box, 1997, Red top, denim vest, red and white checked slacks with various Coca Cola itemsClick here for some fun history from the World of Coca Cola website.

Are you a collector? You might want to check out this page from Coke’s Website!

A Planter is not ALWAYS a Planter!

Create a Perfect Home Decorating Piece with
Fun and Beautiful Ceramic Planters!

Beautiful ceramic planters of all shapes and sizes available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace Maryland

You’ve seen them – the little lambs and chickens, giraffes and bears, baby items and puppies, and so much more. These delightful ceramic planters can be used for many other things than plants. Although, a cute grouping of perfect little plants in these ceramic planters would be awesome. But consider using them to hold a variety of items: business cards, pencils, crayons or colored pencils, paint brushes or pens, toothpicks and cotton swabs. They can be functional and beautiful and most definitely put a little flair in any room! Go ahead, let your creative side show!

There are some really fun ways to enjoy the colorful ceramic planters of yesterday. Visit this Pinterest page for a few of them. Then stop in at Bahoukas to pick out 3 or 4 or 5 for your latest decorating idea. And don’t forget, in a week or two the kids go back to school… then it’s a slippery slide to the holidays and gift giving. You could have a lot of fun with a project using a few of our beautiful ceramic planters. Stop in soon!

Printer’s Trays – yesterday and today

Did you ever wonder why there are so many layouts of printer’s trays?

Old printer's trays often used for shadow boxes today, available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace MD

These amazing vintage printer’s trays are sturdy and beautiful pieces of wood in their own right. Today they are often used for shadow boxes where folks put a variety of ‘collectibles’ in them and usually hang them on the wall. We might add it’s a great way to keep those smaller collectibles together and add a beautiful display piece to your home or office.

But are you aware that they were used to hold the letters for the old letterpress. Well, we say ‘old’ with the exception that Letterpress has become popular again. Just ask Glyph’s in Havre de Grace. Beautiful cards, stationary, and posters are being created today using the Letterpress.

But have you ever wondered why there are so many different layouts. CLICK HERE for some history and also CLICK HERE to read a bit of how they’re being used with a Letterpress today.

Here’s a beautiful assortment of ways to use the old printer’s trays in Pinterest. Gorgeous. Do a search and you’ll thousands of ways to use these old printer’s trays. Enjoy!

When you discover items at Bahoukas Antique Mall, ask George about it. He always has a few tips about the amazing collectibles in his shop.

Mixing Bowls Survive the Test of Time

Mixing Bowls and Kitchen Utensils at Bahoukas Antique Mall

mixing bowls and utensils can be discovered at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace, Maryland

Do you remember licking the wooden spoon after your mom or grandmom poured the cake batter into the baking pans? Did you clean the bowl of mashed potatoes before washing it following the family Sunday dinner? mmmMMMMmmmmm Doesn’t the thought of it bring a smile to your face?

mixing bowls at Bahoukas in Maryland

In this article the author shares the amazing history of the common mixing bowl in the U.K. that still thrives today, offering memories for (hopefully) generations to follow. In America we see the ‘mixing bowl’ in old movies of the west right up through television shows today! Collectors Weekly offers this wonderful article on the diversity of the mixing bowl that still remains.

Of course, besides the variety of selection we have at Bahoukas, we encourage you to visit Jo Retro, just across the street. offering authentic, affordable vintage from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Love Pyrex! Yep – they have lots.


In addition, here at Bahoukas, we have a wonderful selection of kitchen utensils scattered throughout the store. Before you buy new, check out our supply to see if you can recycle and upcycle an item from Bahoukas. It’s fun to search the store for the right item. It’s keeping items out of landfills. It’s supporting a local shop. But most importantly, you’re getting great quality at a decent price and have a ‘conversation piece’ to talk about as well! Enjoy!

Stop by Bahoukas soon and browse the shop. Give yourself time to search for your treasure!


Home Decor – think Bahoukas!

Pottery from Italy – assolutamente!

Pottery made in Italy

We always recommend giving yourself plenty of time to browse our shop. Here are two pieces of pottery made in Italy! The right ‘find’ will add beauty to your home and create a wonderful conversation piece.

any type of decoration or accessory that sparks interest or curiosity among first-time onlookers.

Often they will ask questions regarding its origin, how you acquired it…etc. , thus leading to a conversation.

“I don’t know how you got that Model T Ford in your living room, but I gotta say it does make an interesting conversation piece!”
by polo September 06, 2004
Beautiful, unique, practical, collectible – all words to describe that perfect item you found to add to your home! Stop in and see just how delightful your shopping experience can be!


All Clowns Are Not Scary

Collectible Musical Clowns by Waco

beautiful hand-painted clown figurines by Waco now at Bahoukas

The beautiful, hand-painted, musical, porcelain clowns by Waco are enchanting – sad maybe – but enchanting. They require batteries. But look at the detail. Colorful, creative designs with a song to match. Stop in at Bahoukas and choose one or all for your collection. They’re waiting for that special someone who appreciates their gift of entertainment even through their sadness! These are from the 60s.

Home Decorating Starts at Bahoukas

Have you walked past these decorative Signs!?

Signs for decorating your home at Bahoukas

There is so much in our shop that it’s easy to walk past the perfect home decor. Seriously, the wood signs are amazing. And the prices are perfect for your wallet!

Decorative Signs for your home available in Havre de Grace at Bahouksa

As you can see, the topics vary … but we know the perfect decorative sign is here for you! Need more ideas? Check this  group out.

Decorative signage for your home at Bahoukas

And check out this selection….

Wonderful selection of decorative signs for your home at Bahoukas

I told you we had a HUGE selection of decorative signs for you home or office. Seriously, if you can’t find something that works for your decor, we’ll be surprised. And this still isn’t all of them. Along with these we also have a few that are magnetic.

So stop in to Bahoukas today and chose your decorative signs to add a bit of whimsy (or even a smidgen of sarcasm) to lighten the day! We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Commemorative Plates 2.0

Concord Point Lighthouse – Havre de Grace History

Havre de Grace Celebrates Nation's Bicentennial - Bahoukas

As the nation celebrated her bicentennial 1776-1976, the above plate highlights historical architecture of Havre de Grace including: Concord Point Lighthouse, the old hospital, city park (Tydings Park),
Decoy Carvers, Bayou Hotel (now condominiums), Burns Carriage Shop, the American Legion Post 47, the Draw Bridge (Amtrak), old railroad station, the railroad cut (would have been St. Clair – now Pennington Ave), and the Old Bank Building (now the beautiful La Banque de Fleuve event venue at 321 St. John St)

History of Concord Pt Lighthouse on back of plate - Bahoukas

Apologies for the blurry photo above…

The above plate highlights our Concord Point Lighthouse, The Lafayette Statue, Rodgers House, the bell at our First High School, The Lockhouse (Susquehanna Museum), and St. John’s Church (presently being restored).

This popular plate showcases the Lighthouses of the Chesapeake, Maryland.

Visit BAHOUKAS Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum Soon! There’s always something interesting!


Weight Is Everything!

Scales for nearly every purpose …

Scales of nearly every size and shape available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

At Bahoukas Antique Mall you already know we have an amazing array of vintage, antique, collectible, and just plain interesting inventory. Check out these scales… many can be used. Others would make great planters, or decorative items in your home.

Many varieties of scales at Bahoukas Antique Mall

scales make great planters and or decorative items for you home - Bahoukas

And finally, this most unique scale for eggs. What a great kitchen decorative or a perfect item for those who raise their own poultry.

egg scale - great item available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Stop in and see us at Bahoukas today – you’re bound to find something that works perfectly for your collection, decorating, and even your workshop! We’ll be waiting for you!


Advertising Card Table from the 1940s

This is a great piece of Havre de Grace history!

advertising card table for Havre de Grace from the 1940s

Apologies for the glare. But this is an amazing piece of our local history. There are shops and businesses of all kinds on this 1940s advertising card table. You’ll definitely want to stop in at Bahoukas Antiques and take a peek. I’ll bet many locals have their families’ businesses listed here! There are many that were new to us! WOW!

The advertising company for the card table from the 1940sThis photo to the left is the label on the underside of the card table that gives the name and address of the advertising company.

Below are a few close up shots of different sections so that you might read a number of the businesses that are printed on it.

This is truly an remarkable piece. It’s most interesting where you might find research for your history project! Stop in and take a peek. If you have a story to share, be sure to chat with George!


Section 1 of 1940s Advertising on a card table at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace


Section 2 close of advertising on 1940s card table for Havre de Grace


A corner section of the advertising on the card table from the 1940s at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Do you remember TV Lamps? Art in unusual places!

With our flat screen televisions, these beautiful pieces are ignored!

But look at the exquisite work on these lamps. For instance, the two that have oriental figures are wonderful. The photos do not do them justice. (Click on the photo to see a larger view – then click back on your browser to return to the page) Better yet, stop in and see them at Bahoukas!

TV lamp beautiful oriental lady - Bahoukas Antiques         Oriental couple lounge on sofa of TV lamp - Bahoukas Antique Mall

TV lamp - bride - beautiful - Bahoukas




Next is a most beautiful lamp that features a bride (or beautifully gowned woman). I could also see this piece used in a bridal decor with a little creativity!





Then we have “Truly Unique” lamps – a dog, ships, and a pheasant. (At this time, the electrical component on the pheasant is not available. George is on a search to find them. This pheasant is fairly rare!)

Dog on TV lamp at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace    Two different 'ship' TV lamps available at Bahoukas

Rare Pheasant TV lamp - Havre de Grace Bahoukas Antiques

And finally (but never the last of those available), this Madonna – or Mother – and Child is so beautiful. The sculpture of this piece is amazing. The colors are soft and gentle, accenting the very piece.

TV lamp - Madonna Mother and Child at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Here’s a close-up to show how astonishingly beautiful this tv lamp is. It would be beautiful displayed as sculpture.

close-up of Madonna-Mother and Child tv lamp at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Visit Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum for
wonderful finds and put your creativity to work!

When Was The Last Time You Phoned Home!

Jimmy Vancherie Shared A Story About the Havre de Grace Switchboard

reproduction of a famous painting titled "The Operator" to honor switchboard operators.

(Apologies for the blurry photo – no matter what we did, we either got blur or reflection!)

Jimmy told George years ago that his mom was a switchboard operator and the service was located on the 2nd floor of the old Post Office Building (where JoRetro is located) on the corner of Franklin and Union.

Now you knew that Bahoukas Antique Mall would certainly have a unique line of antique and collectible phones to complete this piece of history. Check these out (and they work!):

This is a beautiful phone. It’s a Western Electric “Stowaway” – it’s in a most beautiful wooden case and has a retractable cord on the phone. It’s from the 70s and talk about ‘stylish’! WOW! This piece is beautiful. You have to stop in and see it.

Western Electric Stowaway phone - beautiful wood case - at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Inside the case of the Western Electric Stowaway phone from the 70s at Bahoukas.

Then check out this unique phone. It’s almost a piece of sculpture. It’s an Ericsson, made in Sweden. The dial pad is on the bottom.

            the clean, artsy look of the Ericsson phone, made in Sweden

The next phones are a Bell System 1940s dial phone (on the left) and a Princess Style Phone from the 70s on the right. The color of the Princess Phone is rare.


Of course, we can’t ignore the wonderful working reproduction of the Candlestick phone with dial pad. And we encourage you to “Phone Home” just like E.T.

Did you know about the switchboard operator that worked on the 2nd floor of the old Post Office building? Anyone in cyber-land have any stories to add? Stop in one day soon at Bahoukas and share your stories with George.

Incredibly Gifted Customers

Skill, Art, Creativity, Re-purposing – what have you done with something you purchased at Bahoukas?

We are always meeting wonderful folks at Bahoukas. But sometimes we are really amazed at the incredible talent that shows up. This guy bought several old, tarnished portholes a while back. One day he came back to the shop to purposely show Betty what he does with them. Astounding.

Meet Oscar Sommer. He is 63, retired, and living here in Havre de Grace enjoying the art he loves – finding the perfect items to re-purpose. He also loves painting and photography.

Here’s the first item he brought in to show us:

The top shows what Oscar purchased. Below is the beautifully
cleaned, wire brushed or buffed piece.
He loves bringing the beautiful back into brass pieces.

But that’s not all. Here’s what he creates with some of them.

Here he creates a wall hanging, the porthole window opens… and there’s a love note to Popeye from Olive Oil!





In this beautifully finished piece to the left, he placed a mirror.

He has dozens of ideas or will make one to suit your needs.

Before talking with us, he hadn’t really thought about selling these. But we think they are too beautiful not to share.




Let us know if you’re interested, and we’ll be sure to put you in touch with Oscar.






Below is another unique piece, where he’s lovingly returned the beauty and utility to this old hand-cranked ice cream maker. which has all the internal parts working.


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