Weight Is Everything!

Scales for nearly every purpose …

Scales of nearly every size and shape available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

At Bahoukas Antique Mall you already know we have an amazing array of vintage, antique, collectible, and just plain interesting inventory. Check out these scales… many can be used. Others would make great planters, or decorative items in your home.

Many varieties of scales at Bahoukas Antique Mall

scales make great planters and or decorative items for you home - Bahoukas

And finally, this most unique scale for eggs. What a great kitchen decorative or a perfect item for those who raise their own poultry.

egg scale - great item available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Stop in and see us at Bahoukas today – you’re bound to find something that works perfectly for your collection, decorating, and even your workshop! We’ll be waiting for you!


Turn That Plate Over!

Commemorative Plates Offer Bits of Havre de Grace History

This wonderful plate commemorates the Havre de Grace Double Decker Bridge!

Havre de Grace Double Decker Bridge Commemorative Plate

The back of this plate offers interesting facts that also
give us a glimpse of the economics of earlier times.

back of HdG double decker bridge commemorative plate

Does anyone know who the 7 citizens were that purchased the bridge for $700 in 1908? Fascinating!

Another interesting commemorative plate features the Havre de Grace Methodist Church.

Havre de Grace United Methodist Church Commemorative Plate

Even more interesting, are the details on the back of this plate offering
more information about the Methodist Church.

details on back of HdG Methodist Church commemorative plate

Where was the church located before this building went up?
Was it on the same corner? Or somewhere else?

When you’re looking for collectibles, be sure to check out the back, underside, inside the lid, etc. for interesting details that can often be found regarding the item. Be sure to stop in and chat with George at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. There’s always something interesting happening there!

Vintage Toys from Joseph’s Dept Store

As we celebrate the running of the 142nd Preakness, we also honor another special date for a local business!

Joseph’s Department Store in historic, downtown Havre de Grace celebrated their 80th year in business. As they prepared for their celebration, Bahoukas was lucky enough to get some awesome riding toys.

red scooter from the 50s at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

This beautiful red scooter is in wonderful condition, never used. It’s from Radio Line and the 1950s.

1950s blue tricycle - excellent condition - Bahoukas Antique Mall

This Mercury blue tricycle by Murray is a 1950s collectible in excellent condition.

We showed you the stuffed horse and jockey in a previous post. But check the amazing
stuffed animal that sits on the tricycle, also in mint condition. You must know a  young
child who would absolutely LOVE either of these riding toys!

The Heat Is On – and we have the perfect toy!

No better way to enjoy the summer sand than with a bucket and a shovel!

Disney Characters Metal Buckets and shovel to play in the sandbox at Bahoukas

Whether it’s your back yard sandbox, a little garden spot, or the sunny beach,
these cute and collectible, metal, Donald Duck, Disney-Character buckets and shovels
make a perfect toy. A little rust due to age, but otherwise in excellent condition.
A tiny one (maybe holds a couple cups) and a larger one – probably a quart size.

Made at the Ohio Art Company in Bryan, Ohio
These original items are from 1938.
Proudly made in the USA

Preakness and Bahoukas? You bet!

Unique Ideas for Celebrating the Preakness!

Of course, the obvious thing we think about is all the beautiful and fun hats the ladies wear! Well, here are a few from Bahoukas! Which one works for you?

George at Bahoukas checking out the ladies hats just in time for the Preakness!

(I think George is trying to decide between the pink and the white… although I know he really likes the Orioles one!)

Ladies Baltimore's Orioles wide-brimmed hat just in time for the Preakness - available at Bahoukas

Of course, the unique items available at Bahoukas for the Preakness don’tstop with just ladies’ hats! The 1940s stuffed characters shown below are are both fun and in excellent condition.
The horse and jockey would make a great addition to racing day decor at your party – or to share with a youngster who loves horses and racing.

Here’s a close up. Aren’t these just remarkable.

Close up of 1940s stuffed toys - horse and jockey - at Bahoukas

You are encouraged to drop by Bahoukas and see just what you might discover to make your Preakness Day Celebrations even more fun! We’ll be waiting for you!

Yes it’s ghostly Friday… but can we talk about Green Stamps!

Green Stamps redeemed for great purchases were a thriving business for decades! Visit Bahoukas in Havre de Grace.

Do you remember waiting for the opportunity to gather all the stamps your mom or grandmom collected
so that you could lick ’em and stick ’em in the books!

It was exciting to see how many pages or books you could fill. Oftentimes, it meant that something you really, really wanted might be possible through the S&H Green Stamps Catalog.

Paste your stamps in the S&H Green Stamps booklet - Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

But do you know they first arrived on the American retail scene in 1896!!! That’s true! Their heyday was throughout the 1960s-70s. S&H Green Stamps were so popular that they were mentioned in songs, movies and tv shows. The Beatles and Pat Boone are just two of the number who mention them in song or movie. As late as 2001 they were mentioned in the moving, Riding in Cars with Boys.

During the 1970s and 1980s, the term “green stamps” was commonly used by truckers and other motorists on Citizens’ Band (CB) radios to refer to money; for instance, a radio operator advising fellow operators that “Ol’ Smokie just got some of my green stamps” was understood to be saying a highway patrolman had just stopped him and given him a traffic ticket. This usage still occurs in the CB radio community.[9]                                             _________from Wikipedia

Even truckers used the term to replace the word ‘money’ in their chatter. Most surprisingly, you can still redeem those old S&H Green Stamps for S&H GreenPoints and get a gift certificate. Really – it’s true! Just click on the image below to go to the website.

S&H Greenpoints will redeem your old S&H Green Stamps. Bahoukas in Havre de Grace has examples to show you!

Now that’s what I call longevity in the world of ‘loyalty programs.’ To learn plenty more details go to WIKIPEDIA! Some great trivia here. ENJOY!

Since I didn’t give you a Ghost Story… you’ll definitely want to check this out!

Schedule for May 20, June 3 and July 15, 2017 paranormal investigators at Bahoukas

That’s right. Our Dead of Night Paranormal Investigators will return
Saturday, May 20th from 9-midnight
to give you the opportunity to meet some of our less visible entities.

Advertising Card Table from the 1940s

This is a great piece of Havre de Grace history!

advertising card table for Havre de Grace from the 1940s

Apologies for the glare. But this is an amazing piece of our local history. There are shops and businesses of all kinds on this 1940s advertising card table. You’ll definitely want to stop in at Bahoukas Antiques and take a peek. I’ll bet many locals have their families’ businesses listed here! There are many that were new to us! WOW!

The advertising company for the card table from the 1940sThis photo to the left is the label on the underside of the card table that gives the name and address of the advertising company.

Below are a few close up shots of different sections so that you might read a number of the businesses that are printed on it.

This is truly an remarkable piece. It’s most interesting where you might find research for your history project! Stop in and take a peek. If you have a story to share, be sure to chat with George!


Section 1 of 1940s Advertising on a card table at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace


Section 2 close of advertising on 1940s card table for Havre de Grace


A corner section of the advertising on the card table from the 1940s at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

WhoZwhatsIts #5

Do you remember a Suicide Knob?

The “Steering Wheel Spinner Knob” was invented by Joel R. Thorp of Wisconsin in 1936. The Brodie name is a reference to Steve Brodie and was meant to describe all manner of reckless stunts. The device is often called a “suicide knob” because of being notoriously useless for controlling the wheel during an emergency. Brodie knobs are also known as “necker knobs”, because they allow steering with one hand while necking with the passenger. It is also called a “knuckle buster” because of the disadvantage posed by the knob when letting go of the steering wheel after going around a corner, the wheel spins rapidly and the knob can hit the user’s knuckle, forearm, or elbow. If the driver is wearing a long sleeve shirt, the protruding accessory on the rim of the steering wheel can also become caught in the sleeve’s open cut by the button. Other names include “granny knob” and “wheel spinner.”  __from Wikipedia

We won’t ask how you know about the Brodie Knob. I’m sure some of you out there in cyber-space have a few stories you probably don’t want to share. 🙂 Watch for our next WhoZwhatsIt…. next week!

Do you remember TV Lamps? Art in unusual places!

With our flat screen televisions, these beautiful pieces are ignored!

But look at the exquisite work on these lamps. For instance, the two that have oriental figures are wonderful. The photos do not do them justice. (Click on the photo to see a larger view – then click back on your browser to return to the page) Better yet, stop in and see them at Bahoukas!

TV lamp beautiful oriental lady - Bahoukas Antiques         Oriental couple lounge on sofa of TV lamp - Bahoukas Antique Mall

TV lamp - bride - beautiful - Bahoukas




Next is a most beautiful lamp that features a bride (or beautifully gowned woman). I could also see this piece used in a bridal decor with a little creativity!





Then we have “Truly Unique” lamps – a dog, ships, and a pheasant. (At this time, the electrical component on the pheasant is not available. George is on a search to find them. This pheasant is fairly rare!)

Dog on TV lamp at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace    Two different 'ship' TV lamps available at Bahoukas

Rare Pheasant TV lamp - Havre de Grace Bahoukas Antiques

And finally (but never the last of those available), this Madonna – or Mother – and Child is so beautiful. The sculpture of this piece is amazing. The colors are soft and gentle, accenting the very piece.

TV lamp - Madonna Mother and Child at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Here’s a close-up to show how astonishingly beautiful this tv lamp is. It would be beautiful displayed as sculpture.

close-up of Madonna-Mother and Child tv lamp at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Visit Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum for
wonderful finds and put your creativity to work!

When Was The Last Time You Phoned Home!

Jimmy Vancherie Shared A Story About the Havre de Grace Switchboard

reproduction of a famous painting titled "The Operator" to honor switchboard operators.

(Apologies for the blurry photo – no matter what we did, we either got blur or reflection!)

Jimmy told George years ago that his mom was a switchboard operator and the service was located on the 2nd floor of the old Post Office Building (where JoRetro is located) on the corner of Franklin and Union.

Now you knew that Bahoukas Antique Mall would certainly have a unique line of antique and collectible phones to complete this piece of history. Check these out (and they work!):

This is a beautiful phone. It’s a Western Electric “Stowaway” – it’s in a most beautiful wooden case and has a retractable cord on the phone. It’s from the 70s and talk about ‘stylish’! WOW! This piece is beautiful. You have to stop in and see it.

Western Electric Stowaway phone - beautiful wood case - at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Inside the case of the Western Electric Stowaway phone from the 70s at Bahoukas.

Then check out this unique phone. It’s almost a piece of sculpture. It’s an Ericsson, made in Sweden. The dial pad is on the bottom.

            the clean, artsy look of the Ericsson phone, made in Sweden

The next phones are a Bell System 1940s dial phone (on the left) and a Princess Style Phone from the 70s on the right. The color of the Princess Phone is rare.


Of course, we can’t ignore the wonderful working reproduction of the Candlestick phone with dial pad. And we encourage you to “Phone Home” just like E.T.

Did you know about the switchboard operator that worked on the 2nd floor of the old Post Office building? Anyone in cyber-land have any stories to add? Stop in one day soon at Bahoukas and share your stories with George.

WhoZwhatsIts #4

It seems this SPOKESHAVE was too easy.


  1. 1.
    a small plane with a handle on each side of its blade, used for shaping curved surfaces (originally wheel spokes).
      1.  1.
shape with a spokeshave.

WhoZwhatsIts #4 found at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace was a spokeshaver!

But if you didn’t know what it was, here’s a great video to show you how it works!

Canning – a major force in Havre de Grace Growth

Entering the 20th century, Havre de Grace’s canning industry was thriving.

CLICK HERE for a brief highlight of canning in Harford County.

EXAMPLE of labels that can be seen in our shop at Bahoukas.

Notice the beautiful graphics on early 20th century canning labels, Havre de Grace, MD

Shortly after 1878, Stephen J. Seneca opened a fruit-packing factory in the S. J. Seneca Warehouse with a tin can factory next to Havre de Grace Waterfront. Seneca made improvements to canning with his patents; 1889 Can-soldering machine[12] 1891 Can-soldering machine[13] By 1899, Seneca had become a canned goods broker. Since the original railroad had run down St. Clair Street (now Pennington Ave.) to the river the location of the factory was advantageous for both water and rail shipping. Up until the Second World War many farmers in Harford County brought their produce to the Seneca Factory later run as Stockhams Cannery. S.J. Seneca lived at 200 North Union Ave. was Mayor of Havre de Grace 1893-1894 and donated the Methodist Church.[14]

The Seneca cannery, which is currently in use as an antique shop, is a very good example of a late 19th century brick industrial building. with its severally classical facade and massive stone buttresses on the rear.

from Wikipedia

Here’s another photo of area labels of the once, very profitable canning industry in Havre de Grace and surrounding areas.

Beautiful canning labels from early 20th century in Havre de Grace

Many patents followed the opening of the S. J. Seneca Cannery. 1901 The Baling-press.[15] 1905 The Cooker[16] 1905 The Tomato-scalder.[17] 1917 Improved Tomato-scalder.[18] 1917 The Can-opener.[19] 1918 The Machine for peeling tomatoes.[20] 

from Wikipedia

Spencer-Silver Mansion, now a B&B, located at 200 S. Union Avenue, is an example of the wealth in Havre de Grace in the early 20th century.

The house was built to reflect the wealth and position of its original owner John Spenser, who was in the fish packing business. Along with the Seneca Mansion (HA 815) and the Van Diver Mansion (HA 1124), all on Union Ave., the house represents a small concentration of considerable wealth in the town at the turn of the century. The house was bought at auction in 1917 by Charles B. Silver, a local canning magnate.    source: Maryland Historical Trust

You may also want to visit the Steppingstone Museum located within the Susquehanna State Park, at 461 Quaker Bottom Road, Havre de Grace. They have excellent exhibits of our rural history, including a great deal about our canning industry. Be sure to stop in to Bahoukas for more history of Havre de Grace and they’ll eagerly give you directions to other locations in Havre de Grace to learn more.



Havre de Grace Fire Police?

Susquehanna Hose Company Auxiliary Police Department

The photo is the badge of the Fire Police, Havre de Grace.

This photo shows the members of the Susquehanna Hose Company being sworn in as Auxiliary Policemen by Mayor Walter McLhinney. We believe this photo is from around 1947-1949.


Members taking the oath from left to right are:
G. Robert Pennington, Sr., Fred Bernard, Phil Pascuzzi, UNKNOWN, Charles Gamatoria, Frank Perugino, Harold “Jake” Tollenger, Ed McComas, Alvaro Moretti, Dick Walker, Jack Lay and Chief of Police William Bullock.

Photo of the Susquehanna Hose Co Auxiliary Police Dept being sworn in my Mayor Walter McLhinney - Havre de Grace - 1947-49

Do you know anything about this organization. Share it with us on Facebook or visit George at the shop.


WhoZwhatsIts #2

Sugar Shaker? Salt Shaker? Some  kind of filter? What do you think?

WhoZwhatsIts #2 photo at Bahoukas.com

1st CLUE:  Was sold in the mid-1940s

FIRST guess was a sugar shaker from a Hoosier.

NOPE! More photos…

Yeah we have a winner Becky Fitzgerald is correct…..Mothball atomizer to attach to a vacuum cleaner

ANSWER:  Mothball atomizer used to treat closets and storage areas for moth damage prevention. Attaches to vacuum exhaust end. Glass canister was filled with moth ball flakes and used to fumigate.

Incredibly Gifted Customers

Skill, Art, Creativity, Re-purposing – what have you done with something you purchased at Bahoukas?

We are always meeting wonderful folks at Bahoukas. But sometimes we are really amazed at the incredible talent that shows up. This guy bought several old, tarnished portholes a while back. One day he came back to the shop to purposely show Betty what he does with them. Astounding.

Meet Oscar Sommer. He is 63, retired, and living here in Havre de Grace enjoying the art he loves – finding the perfect items to re-purpose. He also loves painting and photography.

Here’s the first item he brought in to show us:

The top shows what Oscar purchased. Below is the beautifully
cleaned, wire brushed or buffed piece.
He loves bringing the beautiful back into brass pieces.

But that’s not all. Here’s what he creates with some of them.

Here he creates a wall hanging, the porthole window opens… and there’s a love note to Popeye from Olive Oil!





In this beautifully finished piece to the left, he placed a mirror.

He has dozens of ideas or will make one to suit your needs.

Before talking with us, he hadn’t really thought about selling these. But we think they are too beautiful not to share.




Let us know if you’re interested, and we’ll be sure to put you in touch with Oscar.






Below is another unique piece, where he’s lovingly returned the beauty and utility to this old hand-cranked ice cream maker. which has all the internal parts working.


Casper the Ghost Was Friendly – Right?

Bahoukas Antiques Has Some Playful Ghosts…


Casper the Ghost Doll at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace

We know Casper was friendly (and yes, our little doll is for sale). But who knew that one of the dolls that has since been sold just loved to play tricks on Betty.

Listen to Betty’s short tale of a doll that just couldn’t keep his safety-pinned pants on.

What do you think?

(It makes me wonder what happened when the person who bought the doll took it home!)

Sadler Hardware

Sometimes I just see things differently…

I saw this and kept wondering how small the cannon must have been to use these cannon balls. hahahahaha Needless to say, one needs to read the entire description. These are Cannon Ball ‘folding-siding Garage Door Set Combinations’ – not cannon balls!!!

Sadler Hardware, Havre de Grace, MD

Sadler’s Hardware was located on the corner of Warren and Union (opposite from where the 7-Eleven is located). It’s now a parking lot. This box was from Sadler’s. I didn’t measure it, but it was about a foot square. Do you have info you wish to share with us about the Sadler Hardware? Please visit out FB page and share what you know.


Pabst Collectibles and Kathryn Asher

Havre de Grace Distributing Company, a wholesale beer and wine distributor from 1944-1993

Picture given to Kathryn Asher from Pabst for the

Kathryn Asher was well known in Havre de Grace as a woman managing a beer and wine distributorship in a time when women managers were still unusual – in the wine and beer industry, probably even more rare. But as the following paragraph states, she also was very active in the community.

She was born in Havre de Grace, MD to the late Arthur P.G. Asher and Ada May Keen on December 28, 1918. She graduated from Havre de Grace High School in 1935 and attended the Baltimore Business College and University of Baltimore. She was a devoted member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church where she taught Sunday school. She was a Charter member and Charter President of the Harford County/Havre de Grace Soroptimist Club. She managed the family owned business, Havre de Grace Distributing Company, a wholesale beer and wine distributor from 1944-1993. Kathryn J. Asher died on Sept. 11, 2005 at the age of 86.                             …from the Cecil Whig Newspaper Obituaries

Listen to George share a bit of knowledge and some items he acquired following her death and, more recently, the family’s efforts to sell the building.

Closer view of the picture given to Kathryn Asher for Pabst Sales by Pabst

The above picture is NOT for sale. It is a part of the collection in the Bahoukas Beer MuZeum as part of the city’s history.

An advertising piece for Pabst used as a chalkboard to write specials/menu items.

But this great chalkboard (on the left) is available. It was a promotional piece used to write the day’s specials in a bar.

But this great chalkboard (on the left) is available. It was a promotional piece used to write the days specials in a bar.

Here’s the mural that was originally painted on the building. It has since been painted over.

Wall mural that was originally on the side of the Beer Distributor building owne by the Asher Family in Havre de Grace
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