Vintage Christmas Santas

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Everyone at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving, hopefully, shared with family and friends. PLEASE NOTE that we are CLOSED for Thanksgiving Day to enjoy our own families and to appreciate all that we’ve been given. Regular hours will return tomorrow and we’ll be open 7 days/week until Christmas Day!

We know that as soon as this holiday is over, folks will be “full steam ahead” for holiday decorating and gift-giving ideas. The above photo gives you a peek at our latest addition to our vintage holiday decorations – beautiful Vintage Santas!

Santa’s Kaleidoscope – collectible figural glass ornaments

Glass Ornaments

These beautiful very collectible, figural glass ornaments are beautiful. The set, from Santa’s Kaleidoscope, is waiting for just the right home to add a bit of pizzazz to your holiday decor!

Vintage Christmas Decor

Vintage Christmas Decorations

Here’s a sampling of more vintage and very collectible decorations to add a bit of whimsy to your holiday decor. Hurry in. These items tend to go quickly. And yes, we’re watchin’ for ya and are ready to point you in the right direction!

Again, Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels. Always be grateful!

Teacups and Teapots


Japanese teacups


These photos barely touch on the splendor of beautiful teacups and saucers, teapots, and more. Whether you use them to drink your favorite tea or to decorate with them by adding a living plant or a dried arrangement, these pieces are stunning.

Is there a little spot in your home that needs just what these pieces offer – beauty and color and function if you wish? Stop in and pick your perfect choice today!

One example are these pieces of Japanese teacups and teapot to the left. Beautiful colors in fine pieces waiting for you to put them to good use.

All of these wonderful pieces are just waiting for the appreciative eyes of a lover of all things exquisite.

Need ideas for decorating with teacups? CLICK HERE!


Teacups and more at Bahoukas
Do we have teacups? You bet we do!

Maybe you have a youngster who would love to have a tea party with you. Check us out. And you bet, we’re watchin’ for ya and ready to help you find the perfect item you’re searching for.

Lamps Galore!

Do you or someone you know need a lamp? We bet you didn’t think of Bahoukas Antiques when you decided to look! But we have wonderful lamps. You’ll need to look UP – DOWN – and yes, ALL AROUND! Maybe you need a cute lamp for a new baby’s room. Or a lamp to read by that accents your living room decor. Whether short and stout, tall and slender, or in-between, we have LAMPS!

We also have a huge supply of oil lamps that add a certain charm to the holidays and are very helpful when the electricity goes out!

Look up! You’ll find a wonderful variety of lamps!

With a store that overflows with hidden treasures, we have to encourage you to look UP to see a variety of lamps and lanterns available to light up your home or office.

We look forward to helping you find a few very special gifts for your holiday list. Stop in and let us help. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Broken China to Beautiful Mosaics

Just like “aloha” means much more than just “hello” or “goodbye,” the shaka is more than just a simple greeting or gesture of thanks. Saying “aloha” means that there is mutual regard and affection for the other person. It is acknowledging the importance of each and every individual in collective existence. This same core value is reflected in the shaka. The simple gesture symbolizes reverence, solidarity, compassion, and friendship. It is a sign of respect and mutual understanding for the recipient.

from Blog.Padi

Shaka Wave Mosaic

This mosaic is strong and joyful. A beautiful creation, one of many, by Barbara Wagner. She creates from both stained glass and broken pieces of china. She is self-taught and amazingly talented.

The link in the quote above also has a fun video describing the ‘history’ of the shaka wave with a good deal of humor! Having a daughter who now lives in Hawaii with her family, Barbara has had a wonderful opportunity to experience the goodwill of the islands.

Art & Antique Shops

It’s really wonderful to see the many ways that antiques and collectibles can be recycled/upcycled with the amazing creativity of crafters and artists. Barbara Wagner (yes, beautiful wife of George) has found her artistic side creating outstanding mosaics from broken pieces of china. So nothing goes to waste at Bahoukas.

In case you’re curious. We found this easy-to-understand blog post explaining the difference between a stained glass and a mosaic glass piece. CLICK HERE to read it.

Framed mosaic “Water” and two ornaments (star and heart) – stained glass mosaics by Barbara Wagner of GreenJoy

Tap Handle

A unique mosaic with colors of the Maryland Flag created by Barbara available at Bahoukas. This would make a perfect gift for that person who has their own beer on tap in their basement mancave or collects unusual beer taps.

Daisies in a Vase

This is one of my favorites created by Barbara. I love the 3-D effect created by using 1/2 of a tiny vase.

Ready to Play Games?

These beautifully crafted mosaic game tables make a wonderful statement: you love games, you appreciate art, and you’re ready to play! No matter your choice – checkers or chess – the beautiful mosaic games tables are a creation to be seen to be truly appreciated.

Stop by Bahoukas

View the amazing stained glass and broken china pieces mosaics created just in time for a perfect holiday gift.

Hurry! They probably won’t be here long.

And yes, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

German Cobalt Blue Wine Dispenser

We’ve not been able to find a lot about this piece – a German stoneware wine cask/dispenser in Cobalt blue and white. We did find a similar piece on an auction site. CLICK HERE to view it.

Words from Martin Luther on the end of the Cobalt blue and white German wine cask/dispenser.

Thanks to Edel Patterson, owner of Edel’s Bridal Shop here in Havre de Grace, we are able to give you the translation on this beautiful wine dispenser/cask.

Iss, was gar ist.
Trink, was klar ist.
Sprich, was wahr ist.
Lieb, was rar ist.

In English, it translates as follows and is from Martin Luther:

Eat what is done.
Drink what is clear.
Speak what is true.
Love what is rare.

More detail of the gnomes and design on this German cobalt blue and white stoneware wine cask/dispnser

This piece recently arrived at Bahoukas and it’s truly exquisite!

While we’re discussing wine casks/dispensers, have you ever wondered who might have the World’s Largest Wine Barrel?

World’s Largest Wine Barrel

Well, wonder no more… within the cellars of the Heidelberg Castle in German, is the Heidelberg Tun:

The Heidelberg Tun (German: Großes Fass), or Great Heidelberg Tun, is an extremely large wine vat contained within the cellars of Heidelberg Castle. There have been four such barrels in the history of Heidelberg. In 1751, the year of its construction, the present one had a capacity of 221,726 litres (58,574 U.S. gallons). Due to the drying of the wood its current capacity is 219,000 litres (57,854 U.S. gallons). One hundred and thirty oak trees were reputedly used in its construction. It has only rarely been used as a wine barrel, and in fact presently enjoys more use as a tourist attraction, and also as a dance floor since one was constructed on top of the tun.

from Wikipedia

Heidelberg Tun

Located in the cellars of the Heidelberg Castle is this mammoth wine barrel. Check out the size of the people around it and the stairway to the right that takes you up to the top landing. WOW!

Now that we’ve piqued your interest. Stop in and see the beautiful stoneware wine cask. And, of course, we’re watchin’ for ya!

Like to Sew?

Well, maybe you don’t like to sew. But these thread cabinets could easily be upcycled for any unique project you might have.


It was not until about 1800 that manufactured cotton thread was available to the hand sewers in the United States and Europe. Before that, textiles were sewn with silk or linen thread, and rarely homespun cotton or wool thread. At first, they were sold in hanks as some yarns still are. Thread came on wooden spools beginning about 1820. Like our beverage bottles, the spools could be returned for a deposit, to be refilled. In the mid-19th century, during the Industrial Revolution, textile manufacturing processes were some of the first to be modernized including the manufacture of cotton sewing thread.

from Post-Journal
Beautiful 1800s vintage sewing thread display case at Bahoukas Antiques.

What Ideas Might You Have?

Maybe you collect small items and the drawers would be perfect to store them and pull them out for display. Or possibly, you love notepaper and cards. These drawers might be perfect for keeping your collection. OR!!! Possibly a perfect place to store sheets of wrapping paper or even your artwork!

Love More History of Threads?

Photo from showing a man working at DuPont's nylon production plant in Wilmington, DE, 1938
Images from DuPont’s nylon production plant in Wilmington, Delaware, 1938 (clockwise from top left). Mike McCall pours nylon chips into a hopper; the chips will be melted, measured out and filtered before being spun into filament. An unidentified worker oversees the operation of a draw twister, which twists polymer fibers into thread. Violet Grenda inspects skeins of nylon yarn.
Joseph X. Labovsky Collection, Science History Institute

DuPont in Wilmington, DE in the 1940s manufactured fully synthetic nylon thread. During WWII it was very difficult for women to get hosiery because they were made from silk thread, imported from Japan. DuPont worked to create a substitute that we know as ‘nylon stockings.’ If I remember correctly, the late Phil Barker, a former mayor of Havre de Grace, first worked at DuPont. He started out just cleaning, working up to ‘doffing’ – removing empty spools from the machines.

Of course, you probably have a very unique idea for using one or both of these beautiful 1800s sewing thread cabinets. Let us know how YOU might use them! Yes, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Planning a Wedding?

Looking for wedding decorating ideas?

How often do you think of your local antique shop for great ideas for wedding decor. Does the bride and/or groom collect something special that may be used in the decorations? Maybe you’re looking for unique serving dishes or goblets.

fun and funny collectible wedding toppers at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Fun and Funny Wedding Topper Collectibles

Or consider ‘insulators’ for table decor:

Insulators at Bahoukas, let us help you start your collection
A variety of insulators

Here is a tea light holder made from a green glass insulator and a rusty bed spring. The two together have a great industrial  look that is really unique.

from - a beautiful example of creating a candle holder for wedding decor from an old glass insulator.
An old insulator and a rusty bed spring upcycled to a candle holder – easy wedding decor (or holidays)
Green and other shades of oil lamps at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace

Other Wedding Decor Ideas

We have oil lamps of all shapes, colors, and sizes to add to centerpieces or highlight a particular area of your wedding reception.

Don’t forget that we also have vases of all shapes and sizes.

We have an array of glass ware …

pink depression glass
Pink Depression Glass – just a small sampling

Perfect for the bride’s table, special guests, or everyone, we have a wonderful variety of glassware you may enjoy incorporating in your wedding decor. Special cake platters, serving dishes, full sets of dishware, are available.


Don’t forget the our “Collection of Collections’ offers some pretty unique gift ideas for the bride and groom, or from the bride and groom. And don’t forget the children! Be creative if you have children in the wedding party.

Think out of the box for your wedding!

from bahoukas

And don’t forget, we’re here to help you find the perfect items. Yep, we’re excited for your big day and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Bottles, Bottles, Bottles

It’s been a while since we’ve shared our variety of bottle collections. An old bottle is a great way to upcycle – use to keep pens, show off a small bouquet or a single flower, or just add to a windowsill with a sprig of ivy. Check out just a few of our collections in the store.

Milk Bottles

scores of collectible milk bottles at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace
A great collection of milk bottles
Close up of a few collectible milk bottles at Bahoukas
Milk Bottle Sampler

Medicine Bottles

Do you love flowers? Well, our collection of bottles can give you beautiful cut flower containers. Consider these for a bud face or simple flower:

Shades of blue and clear glass bottles - beautiful on a window sill - Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
pharmaceutical bottles

CLICK ON OUR BOTTLES category (on the right side of our page) to see more complete posts about our many bottles available.

Vintage Bottles

vintage bottles including torpedo, igloo ink, blob top, crown top, and a clay Weiss Beer bottle - all available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace, MD
Unique vintage bottles

Whether you have a windowsill filled with tiny bottles or a cabinet filled with your collection, we encourage you to stop into Bahoukas Antique Mall to see if one – or a dozen – might add to your collection or to your decor!

Absolutely, we will be watchin’ for ya!

Local Souvenirs – Bel Air

The Sabina Line by Sabin Industries

Sabin Industries’ home was McKeesport, PA.

This company, founded by Samuel Sabin in 1946, did not manufacture china, but it decorated “blanks” (i.e., undecorated pieces of china) purchased from ceramics companies that made the actual pottery and porcelain. Sabin applied decoration to these blanks — often by using decals — and then resold them to a variety of wholesalers or retailers. It is reported that Sabin also decorated glass.

The Sabina Line of souvenir plates for Bel Air, MD. 22k gold trim - artwork by George Stubbs. Available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD
Bel Air, MD souvenir plate with art by George Stubbs

Most of the Sabina Line souvenir plates had 22k gold trim.

Souvenir plate for Bel Air, MD from the Sabina Line with 22k gold trim and artwork by John Ferneley.
Bel Air, MD souvenir plate with artwork by John Ferneley

These are beautiful plates. You can see them in our store. And absolutely, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Jewel Tea Co. and Hall Dishware

In 2020, thanks to a covid pandemic, delivery to our door has become commonplace for just about everyone! But if you’re familiar with Jewel Tea Co., you may not realize they started their door-to-door business in 1899.

Although many remember the Jewel Tea Co. which closed in 1981, few are probably aware of just how unique and entrepreneurial this company was. The following quote is a great example of how nimble and quick-thinking they were:

There were many tea companies at that time, and they all sold door-to-door, giving premium coupons with grocery purchases. When enough coupons had been saved, the customer had a choice of premium items offered. One day Mr. Ross knocked on the kitchen door of a prospective customer and had hardly stated his business when she grabbed a broom. He returned later that same day and learned that the lady had saved coupons for six months buying coffee and tea from a “wagon man” and had expected to get a rug with her coupons. However, the wagon man stopped coming around. Mr. Ross quickly offered her a premium to be left with her first order, to be paid out with a later trade.

This story varies from a broom to hot water, but the fast-thinking Mr. Ross with his idea of advancing the premium set the Jewel Tea Company apart from all other existing tea companies of the day.

A set of Autumn Leaves pattern dishware used as premiums for the Jewel Tea Co. at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace.
Jewel Tea Co. “Autumn Leaves” dishware by Hall Co.

Many of the baby boomers today will recall these dishes from having had them in their homes growing up. They were premiums offered by Jewel Tea Co. and made by Hall China Company.

In the mid-1920s, the directors of Hall China made a decision to associate with the Jewel Tea Company to produce an exclusive line of dinnerware for them. Jewel started using Hall teapots as premiums, and then expanded the promotion to include its own line of distinctive dinnerware and kitchenware. New pieces were introduced by Hall China for Jewel until 1980.

from Wikipedia

Cameo Rose Pattern

Autumn Leaves and Cameo Rose dishware patterns made by Hall China Co. for the Jewel Tea Co.

This image is from a post and shows both the Autumn Leaves and Cameo Rose designs.

Do you collect the Cameo Rose pattern?

There’s much to be learned from earlier successful companies. And it’s always fun to start a collection where you can share a bit of the ‘story’ that comes with them.

Drop by and chat with us, browse our 9,000 sq. ft. of collections. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Is PINK still popular?


We absolutely love this collection. If, per chance, you don’t remember what Depression Glass is, here’s a bit of background:

Glassmakers couldn’t sustain through the Great Depression by providing the popular labor-intensive cut crystal glass of the 1920s to the upper class. Much like we’ve seen distilleries pivot to hand sanitizer and designers pivot to mask production during the COVID-19 pandemic, glass companies that once made luxury crystal were forced to reconsider their products. In an attempt to keep people employed, glass factories in the Ohio River Valley pivoted to mass-producing significantly cheaper molded, patterned glassware thanks to an innovative machine that could produce upwards of 1,000 pieces a day.

from Architectural Digest

We’ve just received this amazing collection of Pink Depression Glass – serving dishes to candy bowls.

This Pink Depression Glass Collection is exquisite!

Did you know there is a National Depression Glass Association?

Lovely Pink Depression Glass bowls and parfait dishes, goblets and pitchers.

What’s really exciting is that, according to this Architectural Digest article, the interest in collecting Pink Depression Glass (and others) could be gaining new interest.

This is just one “Collection of our many Collections! Stop in soon and browse Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. Yes, we’re watchin’ for ya!

Unique decor found at Bahoukas

If you’ve not yet visited our store, you’re missing out on over 9,000 sq. ft. of browsing adventure! Even more fun is the fact that you just never know what you’ll find. Here are a couple of examples of the thousands of wonderful and whimsical items to add a bit of accent to your decor!

TRIVIA QUESTION: What year did the Lava Lamp turn 50? (answer at end of article)

Metal, balancing whale

This delightful piece would make a great interest focus in your living room or absolutely delight a young child for their room.

The Mesmerizing Lava Lamp

At a certain moment in the late 1960s, the lava lamp came to symbolize all things countercultural and psychedelic—although, as you might expect, those who basked in its lurid glow sometimes had trouble recalling exactly why. It’s like asking, “Why did we like Jackson Pollock?” says Wavy Gravy, the longtime peace activist and Grateful Dead sidekick. “Because it was amazing! It causes synapses in your brain to loosen up.”

from Smithsonian Magazine

Our Lava Lamp is 27″ tall and yes, it does work, although it takes a very long time to warm up. Curious as to how they’re made? Check out THIS LINK.

In the meantime, enjoy this trip back in time!

Of course, we have thousands of items from antique classics to modern-day whimsy. Stop in soon and see what you might discover. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Answer: 2013

Beautiful Roseville Donatello

You have to see these Donatello pieces by Roseville to appreciate them.

Donatello pieces by Roseville Pottery, c. 1920s - bowls, pottery basket, candle holder - these and more available at Bahoukas.
A few pieces from our latest collection, Roseville Donatello.

In 1908 Harry Rhead succeeded his brother as Art Director. In an era where hand-decorated wares were becoming unpopular and unprofitable, Harry began in earnest to create less labor-intensive lines. He was responsible for the creation of the famous Donatello line, which was produced for at least ten years. They sold over 100 shapes of Donatello and the line made the Roseville Pottery successful and profitable.

from Roseville Art website
3 bowls - Roseville Donatello pottery - c. 1920s at Bahoukas
Donatello Bowls by Roseville Pottery

The Roseville Pottery was incorporated in Roseville, Ohio in 1892. Not only is its history long and well-received, its lines carry great value to collectors even to this day.

As with all other American pottery companies, cheaper imports from Japan undermined their sales. Constantly struggling to survive, Roseville Pottery limped along until 1954, when they sold the company along with all designs and plants to New England Ceramics Company who then sold it to Franklin Potteries of Franklin, WV. In 1954, all production of Roseville Pottery stopped. Even to this day vintage Roseville Pottery is collected by thousands of people world-wide. Prices have undergone wild swings over the years, and some patterns fall into and out of style with collectors. But with a solid history and thousands of different shapes, Roseville Pottery is certain to be collected for many decades to come.

from Roseville Art website

Beautiful Roseville Donatello pieces available at Bahoukas Antiques!

Beautiful pieces of Roseville Donatello - bowl, flower frog, candle holders
Beautiful Donatello by Roseville bowl, flower frog, candle holders

These pieces are outstanding! Stop by and view them for yourself. Beautiful pieces of Roseville Pottery from around the 1920s. And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for you!

Pickle? Ferment? Or just decorate?

Stoneware Crocks have many uses…

Stoneware Crocks and Jugs available at Bahoukas

The word “pickle” comes from a Dutch word ‘pekel’ or northern German ‘pókel’ meaning “salt” or “brine,” two components that are essential in the pickling process. Pickling in America is largely synonymous with the act of submerging cucumbers (or other fruits or vegetables) into a salty brine or acidic solution along with various spices to create an environment where no unhealthy bacteria can survive and your vegetable is preserved.


Stoneware crocks were used for pickling and fermenting foods for centuries! The process also gives you an easy and effortless way to make probiotic-rich fermented foods a part of your life. And if you remember pickles or sauerkraut from your grandmother’s pantry, you probably remember the flavor being much more complex and tasty than those you buy in a jar today.

Historically, the process of pickling was a necessity and an invaluable way to preserve foods for sailors and travelers. It provided families with food through the colder months.


If you’re interested in an easy-to-read introduction to pickling/fermenting, CLICK HERE for a great blog post and answers to the many questions you might have. And one more site that may be of interest in choosing and caring for a crock, CLICK HERE.

More stoneware crocks and jugs available at Bahoukas Antique Mall

But maybe you just love, love, love these old crocks and jugs. Visit this page for photos of great ways to decorate with crock pots – 36 ways, in fact.

Maybe you’ve found a container that you’d like to make it ‘look’ like an old crock. Here’s a great do-it-yourself solution.


Here are the before and after photos…

So, as you can see, we have the crocks and jugs. You can decide which ones you like and how you might use them. Stop in soon and choose your favorites. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

2 Handled Bowls?

Soup? Tea? Here’s the ‘scoop.’

Vintage Double-Handled Soup Bowls

Did you know there was a time when picking up your soup bowl and sipping was proper? That’s right!

If it looks like a teacup with two handles and it fits nicely into a matching saucer, then this item is a soup bowl. It was once considered polite to gently sip one’s soup. Quietly using a spoon came later and now soups are considered one of the “naturally” messier foods out there.


As winter temps settle in, we all look forward to savoring a wonderful warm bowl of soup. What’s more wonderful than enjoying that soup from a bowl designed to pick up and sip!

Beautiful Vintage Double-Handled Soup Bowls

Stop into Bahoukas Antique Mall soon and choose a couple for your home! MMMMmmmmmmmm… I can spell that soup now! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Beautiful Serving Dishes

Just in time for the Holidays!

Gravy boat and small tureen in blue and white add wonderful accents to your holiday dining. Available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Gravy Boat and Small Tureen

Looking for a beautiful piece to add a bit of class to your holiday table?

We have a wonderful selection of serving pieces. Oh, you say they don’t match what you have? Well, put on your creative decorating hat and use them as ‘accent pieces’ rather than ‘matching pieces.’

Beautiful blue and white platter, pitcher, and square covered serving dish at Bahoukas.
Platters and Tureen

Upcycling is not only practical but can truly be beautiful.

When you find a perfect serving piece to accent your table and to show off that favorite side dish, you’ll have the perfect match!

Glass chip and dip set (or a beautiful salad dish) has just a hint of holiday red!
Chips and Dip? Or maybe a beautiful salad bowl!

This lovely glass serving dish will add a bit of color to your buffet table and has just a touch of holiday hue!

beautiful covered butter dishes and a small flowered tureen at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Butter Dishes and Small Tureen

Beautiful covered butter dishes are so much nicer than a plastic tub.

From simple lines to beautiful cut glass, we have a wonderful selection. Did you notice the beautiful small tureen? It’s a gorgeous piece for serving that yummy side dish.

These are just a few of the beautiful pieces we have that will add a touch of color, class, and even conversation to your holiday meals. Stop in soon and pick out one or two for YOUR decorating.

In the meantime, you can be sure that we’ll be here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Taking Cake To Dinner?

Bahoukas offers some help!

Cake carrier and serving dishes at Bahoukas Antique Mall
Cake Carriers and Serving Dishes

As you head into the holidays, plans are being made for “what should we take with us to dinner!” Here at Bahoukas, we can offer a bit of help by sharing a number of collectibles to give that dish extra special attention. In this post, we’re sharing cake trays and carriers.

Cake Trays - spoon holder

Beautiful glass Cake Trays and unique ceramic spoon holder

Bahoukas has beautiful glass trays and plates for presenting your beautiful cake in all its splendor. We also have metal carriers to help you get it to the party all in one piece!

Glass Cake Trays and metal cake carriers

So whether you’re presenting in a beautiful covered glass dish in your own home or you need a carrier to take it to a dinner party, we just might have what you need.

A beautiful glass Cake Tray with Cover

Recycling and Upcycling make shopping at Bahoukas the best ‘first stop’ on your agenda. You may just find the perfect item and unique while adding a bit of color and story to your gift and/or presentation. All while saving a perfectly sound item from our landfill. Seems like a perfect match for the upcoming “THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY!”

You bet … we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

While the boss was away…

the wife would play!

Well, that’s not exactly how it works. While George visited family in Montana, Barbara put her ‘shoulder to the wheel’ and began to clean and organize. The following photos don’t do the items justice (glassware is a bit challenging):

pink depression glass

Betty (one of our steady ‘volunteers’) wanted a bit of ‘pink’ near the counter. The above pink depression glass is much more beautiful when you stop by the shop to see it. We also had a great suggestion from one of our ‘regulars’ – the pink depression glass is stunning on a navy blue tablecloth!

beautiful leaded and art glass

These wonderful shades of green are absolutely stunning. There are some amazing pieces that are waiting for you! Just one could add a dash of class to your holiday decor.

glass serving trays and more

These glass plates can be used to serve nearly everything from delectable chocolates to a vegetable and dip. Wonderful macarons from Les Petits Bisous would be perfect!

Covered serving dishes and other items for your holiday decor
plus some mixers to help in the preparation.

The white covered serving dishes above would make a great dish for those yummy and much anticipated holiday dishes – mashed potatoes or a green bean casserole. YUM! There are many fine items throughout the shop to add a bit of eye appeal to your holiday festivities. Add your favorite recipes to fill the dishes and you’ll have some very happy family and visitors.

Stop by and see how many items have been brought to life with the elbow grease and determination of Barbara. She loves showing off the great collections at Bahoukas Antique Mall. of course, there’s no end to this task. So we encourage you to stop in frequently as more items are cleaned, shined, organized and readied for your holidays!

Be sure to stop by and say “hi” to George. Of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya.

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