We have holiday ornaments and items to create a beautiful centerpiece. You’ll find little things throughout the store to add just the right ambiance to your holiday fun.
Homemade Sweetness
Local Havre de Honey from our Green Team
Whether you’re baking, adding a glaze to your ham, or sweetening your tea, our local honey from Havre de Grace Green Team will add love to your efforts. This also makes a wonderful gift of ‘local’ to someone special on your list. We might mention that you’ll want to hurry, it’s selling fast!!!
Entertain with Style
Lenox serving pieces
From beautiful serving pieces to highlight the delicious foods you’ll be offering this season, to a variety of trays, cake plates, and more to add the perfect style to your table or buffet.
This is just a sampling of what you might find as you meander through the shop. The perfect decoration, serving dish, or holiday gift is waiting for you to discover. And yes, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya.
These beautiful hand-carved wood figures would most certainly please a collector. One or two might also be a perfect addition to your holiday decor.
Yesterday we encouraged you to look UP and DOWN when you browse our shop. Today we want to point out the variety of items you might find.
Nautical and more
Just a few ideas for a nautical decor or gift including wood figures, decoys, and a duck-decorated lamp.
Vintage Cameras
Vintage cameras and accessories have always been popular items at Bahoukas. We don’t keep them long in many situations. Whether you collect them to display or you’re a photographer who loves to actually work with them, you’ll want to stop in on a regular basis to check our latest finds.
Pottery to Porcelain
Beautiful pottery piecesmini water pitcher and bowl setsbeautifully patterned pitcher, bowl, and chamber pot
Whether you’re looking for an unusual pottery piece, mini porcelain pitchers with wash bowls, or a beautiful pink-rose water pitcher, bowl, and chamber pot, we may have just what you’re looking for. As a unique gift or to add to your home decor, it’s worth taking a peek at what we have.
So from Tea to Tools
We really do have something for everyone!
We look forward to pointing out the special items you might be looking for to complete your holiday gift-giving or to add a bit of spice to your decor. Stop in soon. We’ll be watchin’ for ya.
From Holiday Decor to artwork/prints, wonderful wall items like the huge, folding fan or 3′ round wall art are just a few of the unique items you’ll find throughout the shop. When we say you need to spend some time browsing, looking UP and DOWN, we aren’t joking.
Quick example, a customer asked if he could take pictures of the PEZ collection to send to a friend. I responded, “Of course, but don’t forget to look up!” He looked up and said, “Oh my… I didn’t even see all those!” He was looking up at a shelf of PEZ at least 12′ long and probably 8′ up!
This print sits on a chair…This huge print with teddy bear lamp is near the ceilingThe framed artworks and prints are closer to the floor
Unique Maple Drawer and Shelf
For a child or perfect for a crafter
This perfectly-sized, small maple chest of drawers with a shelf unit is often missed. Well-made and beautiful, it would make perfect storage for a young child, whether it be clothes or toys.
At 23″ high – 29″ wide – 13″ deep, the 6 drawers and the shelf section would also be perfect for a crafter. If you’re a DIY lover, you could even put casters on the bottom so that you could move it.
We encourage you to stop into Bahoukas Antiques and Beer MuZeum soon. And give yourself enough time to look UP and look DOWN. The ‘Collector of Collections’ truly does have something for nearly everyone! And you know, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Just seeing the name “Currier & Ives” conjures scenes of winter and the holidays. This 4 pc canister set would make a stunning gift for someone special.
If you desire a wee bit more color – or a lot in this case, this 4 pc canister cornucopia set with fruit on the lids might be just the perfect gift or be great on your kitchen shelf.
Ceramic Cornucopia 4 pc Canister Set with Fruit covered lid
Variety of Glass and Ceramic for Entertaining
cut glass salt cellars, candy dishes, small plates, candle holders
Add a bit of sparkle to your holiday decor with the cut glass candy dishes, candle holders, small plates for appetizers or desserts, and salt cellars. These also make great items to create a unique centerpiece or to gift as a hostess gift.
ceramic and porcelain holiday serving/decorating pieces
Whether you need a small tureen, candle holders, vases, and various serving dishes, here at Bahoukas we have a wide variety of items for your own holiday entertaining or to gift a special person on your list.
Perfect and beautiful drink set
Queens Lusterware drink set with tray, tongs, and ice bucket
Relaxing by the fire or after a pleasant dinner, enjoy a drink using this beautiful vintage set. This beautiful mid-century Queens Lusterware drink set with tray, glasses, ice bucket, and tongs is a beautiful way to serve. Did you know it was seen in Don Draper’s office on Mad Men?
This is just a sampling of ideas for holiday gift giving or to brighten up your entertaining that can be found in our shop. Stop in soon because you KNOW we’re watchin’ for ya!
These pitchers and the deviled egg dish are awesome if you’re into chicken collectibles.
Do you love anything ‘chickens?’
There are at least 100 glass companies that have produced at least 250 forms or sizes of glass hen covered dishes over the past 150 years. These dishes are referred to as an animal dish, trinket box, hen in a basket and hen on a nest. The official name, according to Smith, originated from Westmoreland glass company in the 1930s. They coined the name “hen on a nest” which has been shortened to simply “hen on nest” by latter companies and collectors. Between 1890-1910 the glass hen dishes gained advertising and publicity when they were used to package condiments, mainly mustard.
Collectible chickens – especially ‘hens on the nest’ – are very collectible. Among the ‘homesteaders’ it’s easy to see why they might absolutely love anything ‘chicken’! But it seems that many collectors, as well as home decorators, love anything ‘chicken’!
The variety of colors in these beautiful hens on the nest dishes is amazing. What’s your favorite?
We have a very large selection of these dishes. Fill them with candies, a dish on your Thanksgiving table, or anything you might like. Add to a shelf of collectibles. No matter how you use them, we have an amazing collection.
Yes, we’re here. And we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop in soon and find those items you’ll desire for the upcoming holidays!
The popularity of glass items, especially those made of milk glass, spurred the creation of many glass manufacturing companies in the United States, France, and England during the mid-1800s. These companies produced milk glass products that were used as tableware, bowls, covered dishes, specialty items, vases, and figurines.
A wonderful display of unique bowl designs in milk glass.
Milk glass is an opaque or translucent milky white or colored glass, blown or pressed into a wide variety of shapes.
A covered bowl – perfect for hiding those candies you love, plus several other milk glass pieces.
First made in Venice in the 16th century, colors included blue, pink, yellow, brown, black, and the white – which lead to its popularity.
Beautiful milk glass goblets
How to clean White Milk Glass:
We found a great answer to cleaning the yellowed milk glass you may find during your hunt – denture cleaner. Yes – denture cleaner! Click on the link below to the easy how-to steps!
Jadeite, also known as Fire King Jade-ite, is a type of glass tableware made of Jade-green opaque milk glass, popular in the United States in the mid-20th century. A blue variety called “Azur-ite” was also produced for several years. Jade-ite and Azur-ite were both produced by Anchor Hocking.
It’s our final suggestion from our many collections in our shop. Just a few samplings to give you help with your last-minute shopping for Mom.
Elvis Collectible
Many older moms loved Elvis. Would your mom love an Elvis Collectible? We have a great assortment for you to choose from.
We have a huge selection of jewelry – reasonable costume jewelry to some fine gold and silver pieces. Are the kids looking to find something special? Stop by and browse our aisles!
Dishware and more…
There’s no way we can show you all the dishware pieces that we have in the shop. But if you’re looking for just a special piece, we’ll help you find it.
Knives-Forks-Spoons-oh my!
Silverware service
This is just one example of our collection of silverware. This is a beautiful set.
Cast Iron Cookware
cast iron cookware
We have a collection of cast iron pans, kettles, and more. Would mom appreciate one of them? Stop by soon…
Okay, so this is veering a bit from cookware… but hey, we never know what YOUR MOM might like.
Oil Lamps?
Oil Lamps
These are just 3 of hundreds of oil lamps available in our shop! You’ll be so surprised to see the variety we offer.
…and even more variety of choice
We’re Here…
and we’re watchin’ for ya. We even have umbrellas should you need one! In the meantime, let us help you with your last-minute gift for MOM!
What juxtaposition refers to is best illustrated by examples such as an old trunk placed at the foot of a contemporary bed or a vintage dresser used with new bedside tables. It basically offers what might be referred to as a “harmonious marriage of contradictions” or put another way, the fact of two things being seen or placed together with a contrasting effect. And when used properly, the results can be inspiring.
We just received this amazing planter, perfect for a Mother’s Day gift, and ready for Spring! Plant it to overflowing with your favorite flowers, perfect for accenting a deck, porch, sunroom, or entryway. It’s a simple item that presents beautifully in any decor. Create a conversation piece by giving it a special place in your home decor.
Decorating should always have a sprinkle of fun, whimsy, or just plain unique! This is just one item in our store of over 9,000 sq. ft. Stop in soon, after all, Mother’s Day is THIS Sunday, May 8, 2022! We have a wonderful collection of collections to add a bit of juxtaposition to your decor. Have fun! Be creative! And know that we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!
This beautiful holiday celebrating ‘moms’ is only one week from Sunday! WOW! So we’re going to share a few blog posts with ideas for your mom, or grandmom!
These beautiful ‘lady head vases’ can be used for a plant or small fresh flowers. We have a wonderful collection.
Beautiful, exquisite Lady Head Vases
Many of the most desirable head vases feature fancy hats, realistic facial features, and even pearl necklaces with matching dangle earrings adorning them. Some even have a shapely hand with painted nails delicately framing one side of the face.
We have some Josef Originals birthday angel figurines. They are so beautiful. They may also add a touch of class to your mom’s shelf. (Or a little girl’s birthday gift).
Josef Originals birthday angel figurines and Lady Head vases
Who was Josef of Josef Originals
Muriel Joseph was originally a producer of Lucite jewelry under the name of Muriel of California until the outbreak of World War II. Unfortunately for Muriel Lucite was needed for the war effort, mainly for airplane windshields, which forced Joseph to search for a new product material. For a few years she continued to make jewelry, now with ceramic, before coming to the idea of designing and creating ceramic figurines. Muriel’s fiancé, Tom George, returned home to California at the end of the war unable to find work, so he focused on helping his wife’s business by making molds of Joseph’s models. The two married and in 1946 began producing ceramic figures under the name Josef Originals. The spelling of the name was meant to be “Joseph,” but the printer made a mistake on the first set of labels ordered. As it was too late to reprint the labels, this error gave birth to the name “Josef Originals”.
As always, we’re here – and we’re watchin’ for ya. We have a wonderful variety of collectibles for creating a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. Don’t forget, it’s only days away – May8, 2022!
Afternoon tea is usually associated with the great tv series we’ve enjoyed, such as Bridgerton and Downton Abbey
A fancy tea (photo courtesy of Unsplash)
… or fun!
But also, you can have fun just as Alice did at the Madhatter’s Tea Party.
(photo courtesy of Unsplash)
We Have Tea Sets
Whether you’re looking for beautiful teacups and saucers, teapots, or beautiful settings, Bahoukas Antiques can add pizzazz to your tea party. Just look at 4 patterns from the very latest teacups and saucers we’ve acquired:
Teacups in blues
Teacups in Lavendar
Teacups in shades of green
Tecups in yellows
Tea Party Etiquette
Of course, you can be very traditional or casual. But a little extra decorum can make a tea party a special event while still being plenty of fun. You might experiment with different tea flavors. Or you could ask each to bring a small dessert to share.
If you have a matching tea set, a traditional tea party is definitely a good excuse to pull it out and show it off. If not, mismatching cups bring fun and color to your table.
The whole point of a tea party is to get together and enjoy tea. Pick your favorite teas to pour and share with your friends.
A beautiful display of our many teacups and saucers
So choose your theme. Then stop by Bahoukas if you need to add a few teacups and saucers, serving trays, or a teapot. Make it fun. Mix and match. Invite friends that will enjoy the tea and share stories and laughter. A tea party just might be what you need.
Don’t forget… we’re here… and we’re watchin’ for ya.
We have a variety of collectibles for you to celebrate Spring! With Easter just one week away, you’ll want to stop in and pick out a few special items for decorating and to add to your Easter baskets.
The beautiful geese can grace a special buffet (these are fairly large) or add a bit of whimsy to your porch or deck.
Bunnies & Eggs
We have the cutest rabbit collectibles and a variety of eggs. Whether you add to a basket (which we have) or to your Easter centerpiece, they’re sure to bring a smile.
Don’t forget that we have a variety of toys and games from mini-furnishings for a dollhouse to metal trucks, Hot Wheels, and even a noisemaker or two!!!
Remember, they can take these outside and enjoy!
We have a variety of jars and bottles that are just perfect to add a bit of spring to your home decor while you await the coming burst of flowers. Or just add a daffodil or two and VOILA! you have a bit of cheer and color to brighten a room.
As we look forward to the coming warmer days and greener lawns, Bahoukas offers a variety of indoor and outdoor decor, tools and games, kitchen accessories and dishware, toys, and more. Put on your creative hat as you start your Spring plans and visit us. We just might surprise you with our variety of antiques and collectibles.
Of course, you already know we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
We thought we’d entice you to visit by sharing a variety of items in this post. Whether you’re a kid or a kid-at-heart, we have some nifty items. You can also find some Vintage Baltimore advertising pieces, a game, and more.
We believe this game is a 3D Tic Tac Toe but we don’t have any directions. Can you figure it out? We’ve seen similar online, but none exactly like this one. It’s our recent whozwhatsit!
Vintage Newsstand Advertisement Pieces
We have a variety of Sun Papers advertisements in the shop. (Not recent reproductions) Stop by and see if you might enjoy a couple to frame and have in your collection or decor!
Above is a Sunday Sun (Baltimore) newsstand advertisement for TV Weekly – I believe this is one of Charlie’s Angels – Farrah Fawcett
On the left is a vintage Sunpapers (Baltimore) newsstand advertisement for ‘expert baseball coverage.’
Vintage Shoes and Boots
A variety of vintage women’s boots from the 1900s with one pair of 1880s.
These women’s boots are so unique. Maybe you’d like the whole set or just a pair to perk up a special place in your home.
Men’s Boots
This handsome pair of men’s leather, riding boots are wonderful, but the wooden boot trees are what make this item extra, extra special.
Do you know what a skediddle is? We weren’t sure until we did some research. But this Mickey Mouse Skediddle is pretty cool. It’s a 1968 Mattel toy.
Mickey Mouse Skediddler
This is just the cutest toy from 1968 Mattel. Check out the 1968 vintage commercial below.
Sometimes we have way too much fun…
With Easter in another week, it’s a great time to stop in and see what might work perfectly to fill a basket or decorate your home. No matter what, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
This colorful tin (from a Whitman’s Sampler) is perfect for an Easter ‘basket.’ Fill it with colorful grass, a small toy or two, and wonderful chocolates to make a very special someone – happy! Or add a few gift items to give to an adult – even homemade cookies! No matter how you might use it, it’s a beautiful container!
Then we’ll add an assortment of baskets…
Wonderful assortment of baskets for your Easter gifts and decorations
Here at Bahoukas, we also have a wonderful selection of baskets. Of course, they’re perfect for the Easter basket filled with flowers, candy, little toys, and other delights. But they also make perfect containers for your spring decor.
Get your spring on …
We’ll be posting more of our Easter-related and spring collectibles over the coming weeks. Stop by soon to browse and find the perfect item for your Spring and Easter Celebrations. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Great pieces to aid in your Spring decorating – inside and outside!
Do you have the perfect plant that would love a crock for its home? Maybe you have a wonderful collection that would look great in a fruit crate. Stop in and see what inspiration you might find browsing our shop.
stoneware crocks and urn with spigot
What Are Stoneware Jugs Used For?
Before the advent of refrigeration, crocks were used in American kitchens to hold foodstuffs such as butter, salted meats and pickled vegetables. The crocks were invariably made of stoneware, a durable, economical ceramic that remains water-tight, even without a glaze.
This beautifully painted rooster sits atop a large dinner bell that needs to be mounted to a wall. It’s an absolutely gorgeous piece.
Cast-Iron Figures for every decor!
We have an eclectic assortment of cast-iron figures (old and new), bottle openers, door knockers, and cast-iron mechanical banks.
These are just a few samplings. From lobsters to ladybugs, mermaids to Michelin men, flying pigs to turtles, well, you’ll just have to come and see for yourself. We’re sure you’ll find the perfect addition to your collection or for your decorating idea. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Did you find a teapot, bowl, or other items that are just too beautiful to ignore but you’re trying to justify the purchase? We found a great article to show you how to upcycle your favorites into beautiful planters.
teapots make great planters for your indoor ivies and flowers
flower blossoms in old collectible bottles
This cactus looks so great in this fun, collectible pitcher.
Or make a statement with these beautiful tulips clustered in a silver teapot. Exquisite!
Tins of all shapes and sizes make wonderful planters to show off the greenery and the collectible tins!
Check out this article for ideas and how do to upcycle a variety of objects into great planters.
Old or new, colanders make ideal hanging planters since they come equipped with their own drainage holes. You can line the colander if you’re concerned about some dirt spilling out, and you easily can tie some rope to the handles to hang your planter from the ceiling.
pitchers, bowels, teacups and more make great containers for spring flowers
Here at Bahoukas we have vases, pots, crockery, baskets, and so much more to add some fun to your plant shelf. Check out the above article. Then put on your creative cap and come on in and see what we might have that will work perfectly for your plant decor. Yep, we’re watchin’ for ya!
Everyone at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving, hopefully, shared with family and friends. PLEASE NOTE that we are CLOSED for Thanksgiving Day to enjoy our own families and to appreciate all that we’ve been given. Regular hours will return tomorrow and we’ll be open 7 days/week until Christmas Day!
We know that as soon as this holiday is over, folks will be “full steam ahead” for holiday decorating and gift-giving ideas. The above photo gives you a peek at our latest addition to our vintage holiday decorations – beautiful Vintage Santas!
These beautiful very collectible, figural glass ornaments are beautiful. The set, from Santa’s Kaleidoscope, is waiting for just the right home to add a bit of pizzazz to your holiday decor!
Vintage Christmas Decor
Vintage Christmas Decorations
Here’s a sampling of more vintage and very collectible decorations to add a bit of whimsy to your holiday decor. Hurry in. These items tend to go quickly. And yes, we’re watchin’ for ya and are ready to point you in the right direction!
Again, Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels. Always be grateful!