Green Glass Pieces
The holiday always brings a desire to ‘add a little something’ to our own decorating as well as searching for ‘just the right’ gift. This is just a sampling of the green glass pieces available for a variety of uses.
Art Glass
Well, need we say that ‘art glass’ tends to speak for itself? In many colors, styles, and uses from vases to sculptures. The photo on the right is a Flygsfors coquille vessel of mauve and white.

Flygsfors was a glassworks established in Sweden in 1888, initially to make window glass. This was discontinued around 1920 due to cheap imports of foreign glass. For many years they also produced cut glass tableware, for which Sweden was famous during the nineteenth century.
During the early twentieth century Swedish glass companies benefited commercially and industrially by their neutrality during the two world wars, and their glassworks evolved beautiful harmonious designs in the 1940s and 50s at a time when little was happening in the glassworks of Europe. During the 1950’s they led the world in the volume and creativity of their designs.
Porcelain and Pottery
Here are a few unique pieces for a variety of uses. Add a few dried tall grass stems for a great statement piece.

In addition, we have a few more pieces to show off!

Many of these are on top of cabinets or on the floor, so you really do need to look UP and DOWN at Bahoukas Antiques. Stop in and browse George’s ‘collection of collections.’ You can be sure we’re watchin’ for ya!