Spring Ahead and Bunnies

Easter and the Signs of Spring are all around us. Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall we have a few ideas for you for your Easter Baskets, Easter and Spring Decor. For instance, check out this gallery of the cutest bunnies and Easter eggs! They’ll bring a smile for sure!

Bunnies and Eggs

Whether you use these bunnies for table decorations, Easter Baskets or just little reminders of spring tucked on shelves or tables about the house, they are delightful. Hurry in and make your selection soon.

Books About Bunnies Kids Will Love

Sometimes a little book tucked into the Easter Basket is just the perfect addition! We browsed our shelves to give you a sampling! Of course, that Gift doesn’t have to be about bunnies. But they seem quite appropriate for Spring!

Remember, Easter is Sunday, April 9th. Add a bit of bunny fun to your decorations and baskets.

And don’t forget…

This Sunday Begins Daylight Savings Time

Crocuses - Reminder of Daylight Savings Time

You don’t want to be late for church or brunch or any other activities this Sunday! Turn your Clocks ahead (yes – SPRING AHEAD) before you go to bed this Saturday.

And remember, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya. Stop in and say ‘hello.’

Look UP and down for Collectibles from Bahoukas

The featured image is a bone domino set from the late 1800s.

Look Down and All Around

There are small treasures tucked in EVERYwhere at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Here’s just a sampling of small surprises waiting for you!

Look UP for Larger Treasures

Not only do you want to look down and all around but you’ll definitely want to look UP. After all, some of the best discoveries are hanging from the ceiling!

very tall beer stein
Very Tall Beer Stein
cast iron sitting mermaid - large
tall sitting mermaid in cast iron
grandfather clock

It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day and we thought we’d share a sampling of our small and large treasures to be discovered in our shop. Find that special something for your special someone.

Stop in and browse. Find the special Valentine’s Day gift (or maybe a little something for yourself). Hurry. You’ll enjoy the SuperBowl a lot more if you’ve finished your shopping! And yes, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Fun Tin Signs = Perfect Valentines

A Bit of Humour for Your Valentine

Whether it’s for your ‘sweetie,’ one of the kids, or a good friend, our selection of metal signs will tickle the funny bone! Here’s a sampling:

We also have a selection of vintage oil and gas signs as well as Marvel Comic Characters. One might just be perfect for you, your sweetie, or a friend!

Remember, we are here 7 days a week! And Valentine’s Day is NEXT TUESDAY!! Hurry in. You know we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Art/Prints add Sunshine in January

Art to Bring a Smile

It’s always a perfect time to add a new/old piece of art to your home or office. But during the long, gray days of the early months of the year, browsing Bahoukas Antiques is a perfect time to search for something to add a bit of color, sparkle, and yes, even a smile to your home.

Art Deco, Florals, Advertising, and more

The above slideshow is a great sampling of some beautiful pieces available throughout our store. Many are in gorgeous frames.

So we encourage you to stop in and browse. You might be very delighted by the choices we have. Don’t forget we have fun metal signs, and always so much more!

We look forward to helping you find that perfect ‘bit of sunshine’ to bring into your home. And, of course, you know we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Christmas and SNOWSTORM?

Talk of Snow always makes the kids – and the kids at heart – look for their sleds. This beautiful wooden sled with metal runners might be just perfect. And if you want to feel safe (or just add a bit of warm comfort to your holiday), our HUGE selection of oil lamps will fit any decor.

A wonderful collection of oil lamps in all sizes to add to your holiday decor or to feel safe if a snowstorm affects your power grid.

And the 7th day is Christmas!

Yes, we’re on the countdown to the BIG day! And we’ve plenty to help you with your last-minute shopping. From your holiday decorating to your family and friends’ gatherings, we still have items to help you put the finishing touches on everything.

wonderful selection of Christmas decorations, dolls, stuffed animals
Items to decorate with or gift for Christmas
Lenox serving dishes
A variety of serving pieces (this is just one sample)
Sadly – this photo does NOT do justice to this amazing crystal glassware from Yugoslavia.

Green Team Honey

Honey from the Green Team of Havre de Grace
Local Honey – gift a gift of Havre de Grace!

So hurry in. It’s a beautiful day to be finishing up your last-minute holiday shopping. Remember, we have toys, games, and dolls galore – just to name a few things! We’re here – and most certainly, we’re watchin’ for ya!

Sometimes ‘Clowning Around’ Pays Off

Story of the Clown Trunk

Every now and then someone walks in and inquires about an item that we didn’t really think was anything more than ‘cool.’ This week we had that happen.

The photo above shows the trunk they ‘discovered’ in the back of the store. It was filled with dolls (yes, part of the 5 truckloads George acquired about a month ago!) George was out of the shop, so we called him to see if he would sell and for what price. DONE!

Well, as we closed the deal, we inquired as to whether they collected clown items. Sort of! They were actually clowns themselves and knew the clown painted on the trunk! They were purchasing it as a prize at a fundraiser for their club, if we remember correctly.

Their ‘Thank You’ Note and a bit more detail

Here’s the e-mail they sent to us today (12/15/2022):

Good morning…This is the clown box, we purchased Tuesday…research confirmed that this is Ken Horsman former RBBB clown.  Ken passed in 2016.  The local clown alley Freestate Clown Alley #30 and the Circus Fans of America Association tent John Ringling North ll/Steve and Ryan Tent #178 held a “freeroll” (lunch/snacks and social) for the RBBB clowns in his lounge.  Spencer Horsman (son of two Ringling Clowns) now owns the Illusions Magic Bar & Lounge on S. Charles Street in Baltimore, MD.  

Spencer has been on AGT and performs all over the world.  

Thanks for the opportunity to own part of clown/circus history.  Attached are 2 pics at Illusions…pic of Ken in baseball hat right before he passed.

from Pat Stevenson’s (aka Patty Cake) e-mail (and Thom Stevenson)

Kenneth Horsman, aka Ken-Zo

Ken Horsman, aka Ken-Zo the clown, on the right in the black cap

We did a little research and we think his obituary (May 17, 2016) gives a wonderful short summary of a colorful life that brought smiles to thousands:

“A city boy, a shy, frustrated problem child, leaves town to join the circus. He becomes a clown and puts on a painted smile, unicycling around the sawdust track, juggling and coaxing smiles from children of all ages,” said a 1981 Evening Sun profile of him. “Kenny Horsman’s story is such a classic it’s hard to believe it really happened.”

“He was always an entrepreneur,” said his son, Spencer Horsman, who followed his father as a comedy magician and escape artist. “He sold apples at the Cross Street Market to buy his first suit.”

The 1981 article said Mr. Horsman had been a circus nut since a young age. His parents took him to the Civic Center each year, and he got ultimately got a job selling cotton candy when the circus was in town. “I used to hook school,” he said in the article. He said he would leave his house for school, then take a bus or hike to a spot near the airport to attend the Clyde Beatty Circus. He and other boys would “help pull ropes and set up chairs” in exchange for free passes.

The article also noted that his English teacher at Southern High School, from which he graduated in 1977, recalled that Mr. Horsman “was a self-starter.” While in school, he took a train to Washington to audition with the Ringling Bros. He was chosen to attend its Clown College in Venice, Fla., and was one out of 21 — from a class of 60 — to be offered a Ringling Bros. job.

“He became part of the crew sent ahead of the circus to talk to reporters and generate publicity and was named one of two ‘boss clowns,'” the article said. In 1981, after marrying an acrobat clown, Mary Bernadette “Bernie” Spencer, he gave up the circus life. He returned to Baltimore and bought a house on Byrd Street while still appearing at birthday parties and store openings. He also opened a magic shop, Ken-Zo’s on Light Street.

He ultimately found a new clown role as Ronald McDonald. For nearly 20 years he represented the McDonald Corp. in its Washington, Virginia and West Virginia restaurants. He also appeared at Ronald McDonald houses and other McDonald’s-sponsored events. He worked congressional parties and once took breakfast to Sen. Bob Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, who headed the Red Cross. He appeared on stage at an event with Nancy Reagan.

In 1986, he located a large storefront for sale on South Charles Street just north of the Cross Street Market. He opened Ken-Zo’s Party Place, where he sold magic paraphernalia and party supplies. He also had a room for children’s birthday parties.

“He appeared in a movie with Tom Selleck called ‘Her Alibi.’ He was cut from the film but made $30,000 in 10 days. He put the deposit on this building,” his son said.

“When people come in, it’s a happy feeling, a great feeling — like, what’s behind that door?” he said of his business in a 2005 Baltimore Sun article. “This is a very giving business. The reward of it is to make other people laugh. How many people can say they do that?

“If you can’t have fun in a store like this,” he said, “then you’re not going to find any fun anywhere.”

In 2007, Mr. Horsman renovated the South Charles Street building and renamed it the Illusions Magic Bar and Theatre. He managed the place with his son, who performs his magic and entertains guests at the popular venue.

Mr. Horsman remained at Illusions until his death.

from The Baltimore Sun by jacques kelly

Illusions Magic Bar and Theater

Illusions Magic Bar and Theater in Baltimore featuring Spencer Horsman, son of Kenneth Horsman, aka Ken-Zo, and later Ronald McDonald!
still operating in Baltimore by his son, Spencer Horsman

So you see, we never know what wonderful stories we’ll be gifted with when someone walks into our store. We hope you’ll check out the Illusions Magic Bar, sounds like fun!

And yes, remember that we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya. Besides, we’re waiting to find out what discoveries you might make that will give us a great story.

The Season for Angels

Beautiful Angel Sculpture

The sculpture above would be beautiful on the mantle, or as part of a centerpiece. Simple and inspiring – especially for the holidays.

Angels – all sizes

Need a BIG Angel?

This battery-operated angel is delightful and plays music. Or maybe you want a large “BARBIE” angel. Yep, we have that, too.

If you need an angel for the holidays, hurry in. For sure, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Holly Hobbie and Bunnykins

Holly Hobbie is so much fun

From dolls to tea sets, trays to vases, plates, and more. From the photos, you’ll see we have a wonderful assortment – all in great condition.


Vintage Royal Doulton Bunnykins children's dish sets

A cute variety of pieces from Royal Doulton Bunnykins! You must have a young one who would love a set. Or maybe a collector?

And check out this dollhouse!

Bayberry Cottage 1998 - beautiful condition
Bayberry Cottage by Dura Craft

This doll house is large and well-built. Stop by to check it out. We also have miniature furniture for it.

The holidays are upon us. 10 days from now is Christmas Eve. Hurry in and choose your gifts so you’ll have them wrapped and ready to place under the tree!

Besides toys, holiday decorations, and board games, we also have vintage tools, dishes, and many more collectibles. VISIT OUR BLOG for more ideas. And know that we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Art Glass, Pottery, and Stoneware

Green Glass Pieces

The holiday always brings a desire to ‘add a little something’ to our own decorating as well as searching for ‘just the right’ gift. This is just a sampling of the green glass pieces available for a variety of uses.

Art Glass

Well, need we say that ‘art glass’ tends to speak for itself? In many colors, styles, and uses from vases to sculptures. The photo on the right is a Flygsfors coquille vessel of mauve and white.

Flygsfors was a glassworks established in Sweden in 1888, initially to make window glass. This was discontinued around 1920 due to cheap imports of foreign glass. For many years they also produced cut glass tableware, for which Sweden was famous during the nineteenth century.

During the early twentieth century Swedish glass companies benefited commercially and industrially by their neutrality during the two world wars, and their glassworks evolved beautiful harmonious designs in the 1940s and 50s at a time when little was happening in the glassworks of Europe. During the 1950’s they led the world in the volume and creativity of their designs.

from GlassEncyclopedia.com

Porcelain and Pottery

Here are a few unique pieces for a variety of uses. Add a few dried tall grass stems for a great statement piece.

In addition, we have a few more pieces to show off!

Many of these are on top of cabinets or on the floor, so you really do need to look UP and DOWN at Bahoukas Antiques. Stop in and browse George’s ‘collection of collections.’ You can be sure we’re watchin’ for ya!

Are You Ready for the Holidays?

Christmas Decor

We have holiday ornaments and items to create a beautiful centerpiece. You’ll find little things throughout the store to add just the right ambiance to your holiday fun.

Homemade Sweetness

Honey from the Green Team of Havre de Grace
Local Havre de Honey from our Green Team

Whether you’re baking, adding a glaze to your ham, or sweetening your tea, our local honey from Havre de Grace Green Team will add love to your efforts. This also makes a wonderful gift of ‘local’ to someone special on your list. We might mention that you’ll want to hurry, it’s selling fast!!!

Entertain with Style

Lenox serving dishes
Lenox serving pieces

From beautiful serving pieces to highlight the delicious foods you’ll be offering this season, to a variety of trays, cake plates, and more to add the perfect style to your table or buffet.

cake plates and more
cake plates and more

This is just a sampling of what you might find as you meander through the shop. The perfect decoration, serving dish, or holiday gift is waiting for you to discover. And yes, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya.


Vintage toys and games

We have a huge selection of vintage and collectible cars, trucks, toys, and board games. If you’re looking for something unique, check us out.

Selection of Jewelry in all price ranges

Jewelry is one of the many collections available at Bahoukas. Plenty of variety in style and price. Don’t forget to look at the vintage holiday pins we have.

Unique Hand-Crafted Mosaic Chessboard Table Top

handcrafted mosaic chess table
created by our very own in-house artist, Barbara – a perfect Christmas Gift

Barbara has created several other mosaic gift items including holiday ornaments and wall hangings.

Video Selection – makes a great gift

variety of movie videos
A selection of Videos

Along with movie videos, we have a large selection of phonograph records: Christmas albums, jazz, bluegrass, country, classic, and plenty of rock and roll.

A great selection of Vintage Big-Little Books

A Big Little Book was typically 3⅝″ wide and 4½″ high, with 212 to 432 pages making an approximate thickness of 1½″. The interior book design usually displayed full-page black-and-white illustrations on the right side, facing the pages of text on the left. Stories were often related to radio programs (The Shadow), comic strips (The Gumps), children’s books (Uncle Wiggily), novels (John Carter of Mars) and movies (Bambi). Later books of the series had interior color illustrations.

from Wikipedia
selection of vintage Big-Little Books
selection of vintage Big-Little books

Remember, George is the ‘collector of collections’ which means we have something for just about everyone. Stop in and find a great stocking stuffer, holiday gift, or an addition to your own collection. We’re here. We’re watchin’ for ya!

Action Figures and more

Benefits of Play with Action Figures

Benefits of Play
Play isn’t all fun and games — it’s also an important teaching tool!

Creative Skills — When imaginations run wild, kids form unique ideas and find solutions to challenges

Communication Skills — Play lets kids exchange thoughts and information by speech, signals and actions

Social Skills — Playing with others helps kids deal with group dynamics, collaborate and compromise

from ToyAssociation.org

Have you ever wondered how action figures are created?

From the art work to the 3-d prototype and seeing the final figure!

Of course, we have many more categories for you to choose a great stocking stuffer or holiday gift for the kids or the collector! We’re hear and we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop by today!

Tea to Tools

Syroco 1940s

These beautiful hand-carved wood figures would most certainly please a collector. One or two might also be a perfect addition to your holiday decor.

Yesterday we encouraged you to look UP and DOWN when you browse our shop. Today we want to point out the variety of items you might find.

Nautical and more

Just a few ideas for a nautical decor or gift including wood figures, decoys, and a duck-decorated lamp.

Vintage Cameras

Vintage cameras and accessories have always been popular items at Bahoukas. We don’t keep them long in many situations. Whether you collect them to display or you’re a photographer who loves to actually work with them, you’ll want to stop in on a regular basis to check our latest finds.

Pottery to Porcelain

Whether you’re looking for an unusual pottery piece, mini porcelain pitchers with wash bowls, or a beautiful pink-rose water pitcher, bowl, and chamber pot, we may have just what you’re looking for. As a unique gift or to add to your home decor, it’s worth taking a peek at what we have.

antique and vintage tools for the craftsman

So from Tea to Tools

We really do have something for everyone!

We look forward to pointing out the special items you might be looking for to complete your holiday gift-giving or to add a bit of spice to your decor. Stop in soon. We’ll be watchin’ for ya.

At Bahoukas, you must look UP and DOWN

Wall Art for nearly every style

From Holiday Decor to artwork/prints, wonderful wall items like the huge, folding fan or 3′ round wall art are just a few of the unique items you’ll find throughout the shop. When we say you need to spend some time browsing, looking UP and DOWN, we aren’t joking.

Quick example, a customer asked if he could take pictures of the PEZ collection to send to a friend. I responded, “Of course, but don’t forget to look up!” He looked up and said, “Oh my… I didn’t even see all those!” He was looking up at a shelf of PEZ at least 12′ long and probably 8′ up!

beautiful abstract flower burst print made up of 2 canvasses
This print sits on a chair…

Unique Maple Drawer and Shelf

23"high - 29" wide - 13" deep - beautiful maple draws with shelf unit
For a child or perfect for a crafter

This perfectly-sized, small maple chest of drawers with a shelf unit is often missed. Well-made and beautiful, it would make perfect storage for a young child, whether it be clothes or toys.

At 23″ high – 29″ wide – 13″ deep, the 6 drawers and the shelf section would also be perfect for a crafter. If you’re a DIY lover, you could even put casters on the bottom so that you could move it.

We encourage you to stop into Bahoukas Antiques and Beer MuZeum soon. And give yourself enough time to look UP and look DOWN. The ‘Collector of Collections’ truly does have something for nearly everyone! And you know, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Are You a Lover of History?

U.S. Military Collectibles and Books

Bahoukas Antiques has a decent section on U.S. Military History that includes items used by soldiers: canteens, some clothing, patches, insignia, and a unique set of saddle bags, etc.

Military Collectibles - mostly WWII - jacket - Saddle Bags
Military Collectibles
Shelf of Military History Books at Bahoukas
A selection of U.S. Military history books for WWII

Along with a number of WWII History Books, Bahoukas has a selection of other history books and biographies.

Shelf of Miiltary History Books at Bahoukas
A variety of History Books, autobiographies, etc.

People who love to read know that an actual book in their hands can never be lost if the power goes out and you can’t read via electronics. If you have a subject you love, stop by and see not only the Military Books but many different subjects for all ages. We have several areas for you to browse. They make great gifts and stocking stuffers from Golden Books for the kids, to cookbooks and novels, to our Military selection.

It’s time to get serious about your Holiday Gift List and we’re here to help. Yep, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Holiday Gifts and Entertaining Ideas

Currier & Ives

Just seeing the name “Currier & Ives” conjures scenes of winter and the holidays. This 4 pc canister set would make a stunning gift for someone special.

If you desire a wee bit more color – or a lot in this case, this 4 pc canister cornucopia set with fruit on the lids might be just the perfect gift or be great on your kitchen shelf.

beautiful yellow canister set, Lincoln BeautyWare
Ceramic Cornucopia 4 pc Canister Set with Fruit covered lid

Variety of Glass and Ceramic for Entertaining

cut glass salt cellars, candy dishes, candle holders, etc
cut glass salt cellars, candy dishes, small plates, candle holders

Add a bit of sparkle to your holiday decor with the cut glass candy dishes, candle holders, small plates for appetizers or desserts, and salt cellars. These also make great items to create a unique centerpiece or to gift as a hostess gift.

ceramic and porcelain dishes for great holiday entertaining and gifts
ceramic and porcelain holiday serving/decorating pieces

Whether you need a small tureen, candle holders, vases, and various serving dishes, here at Bahoukas we have a wide variety of items for your own holiday entertaining or to gift a special person on your list.

Perfect and beautiful drink set

Queens Lusterware Drink Set with Tray and Tongs
Queens Lusterware drink set with tray, tongs, and ice bucket

Relaxing by the fire or after a pleasant dinner, enjoy a drink using this beautiful vintage set. This beautiful mid-century Queens Lusterware drink set with tray, glasses, ice bucket, and tongs is a beautiful way to serve. Did you know it was seen in Don Draper’s office on Mad Men?

This is just a sampling of ideas for holiday gift giving or to brighten up your entertaining that can be found in our shop. Stop in soon because you KNOW we’re watchin’ for ya!

Amazing collection of Star Wars Miniatures

Several boxes of Star Wars Minis

As George moved things around to make room for the 5 – yes 5! – truckloads of dolls that needed sorting and displayed throughout the store for Thanksgiving weekend, this wonderful collection of Star Wars Miniatures w/Stat Cards was discovered. We meticulously went through them to match cards with figures and now have a large box with scores of these minis in excellent condition.

This is a beautiful collection. It’s hard to believe that there were so many different characters and themes in the Star Wars Series. Fascinating! We also found a book of RULES:

Star Wars Miniatures - Rulles booklet

If you have a ‘Trekkie’ that needs something unique for his/her collection, do stop in and take a peek! Yep, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Decanters – a change from ‘dolls’

Beer Tray

Or, a beer charcuterie board. Made of solid American Oak, this includes 6-12 oz beer glasses, a board with an area for your cheeses and other delicious munchies, and a recessed area to slide the glasses into securely. It also has antique English handles. It would make a beautiful gift. Add a gift certificate to one of our breweries and, well, someone who loves beer would be delighted to receive this!

Jim Beam Collector Decanters

Jim Beam Passenger Car Decanter - 3rd of a series
Beam’s Passenger Car Decanter

This genuine handcrafted, Regal China Porcelain Decanter is 3rd in the Beam Train Collectors Wheel Series.

JB Turner Jim Beam Railroad Decanter
JB TURNER – Jim Bean Railroad Decanter

This Jim Beam bourbon/whiskey decanter highlights the J.B. Turner locomotive in Regal China Porcelain of Antioch, IL. This is one of the finest decanters Beam ever made and is certain to please the most avid collector of vintage train replicas.

Check back tomorrow when we highlight a unique box of Star Wars items that George discovered when moving things around to fit the dolls in the shop. Until then, stop by soon. You know we’re watchin’ for ya!

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