Baseball Season

Baseball cards and more…

Ripkin Collectibles

Above are a set of baseballs for Cal Ripkin. Come check them out! While you’re here, check out the sports books we have available!

A unique gift set for the inaugural season of the Washington Nationals.

Baseball Player Bobbleheads

Of course, what’s a sports collectible without a bobblehead or figurine? Stop by and browse our collections! You might just find the one you’re looking for! Yes, we’ll be here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Slot Cars and Tracks

… a little bit of history

By the fifties, America was moving firmly past the Second World War and into an era of unprecedented prosperity. More and more Americans felt they could afford some pleasant distractions. About this time Joseph and Gennaro Giammarino got together with John Cuomo and Abe Shikes to create a company that would become an icon of the American toy industry – Aurora Plastics Company. While you could fill a book with the history of this innovative business, we will focus on their contribution to slot cars and only briefly touch on some of their many accomplishments.
Slot Cars at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Slot Cars Acquired Recently

By the end of 1976, AFX sales hit their all-time high of about $45 million on the back of the stunning popularity of the new technology. Quite an increase from the roughly $15 million in sales for the line in 1970.

In doing a bit of research, we’ve been made aware that slot car racing is still alive and well in many countries. This interesting book, published in Dec. 2018, is an example of this interest.

THINGIES, a Retro Futuristic Slot Car Story

Here at Bahoukas, we have a small collection of slot cars as well as a number of slot car tracks.

Slot Car Tracks by TYCO available at Bahoukas Antiques

You can visit the Spanish site (also in English) SlotCar Today and discover how active the slot car hobby is today! It’s fascinating to realize how actively the concept of slot car racing is today.

Plus gives a great account of the many countries with a history of slot car racing.

Stop in and visit us. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Collect Slot Cars?

Look at this assortment of 1970s AFX Aurora Slot Cars 

1960s collectible AFX Aurora Slot Cars at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace

The Aurora Plastics Corporation introduced the A/FX (Aurora Factory Experimentals, later simply “AFX”) line of slot cars, slot car track sets, and related accessories in 1971. The AFX brand continued production until the company was forced into receivership in 1983.[1]Aurora designed the AFX cars with interchangeable car body shells usually compatible with each chassis they released during these years. The original 1971 A/FX chassis utilized an updated version of the existing pancake motor design of Aurora’s “Thunderjet 500” line, popular in the 1960s.[2] Aurora then released a longer version of the A/FX chassis in 1973, known as the “Specialty” chassis, which incorporated a longer wheelbase and gearplate (and often a more powerful armature) with bodies unique to that chassis. The car bodies designed to fit the shorter original chassis featured a clever snap-on design while the bodies for the Specialty chassis were affixed with a small screw. In late 1974, Aurora redesigned both the original and Specialty chassis and exposed the bottom of the motor magnets. The exposed magnets were attracted to the metal rails in the track during racing, creating downforce to help hold the car on the track while cornering. AFX “Magna-Traction” cars remained popular from their release in 1974 throughout 1983, even after faster chassis designs were introduced in house and by Tyco.    from Wikipedia

How popular were slot cars in America?

Here’s a quote from Rob Lammle in his article, Little Engines That Could: A Brief History of Slot Cars, published on in 2011:

Then in 1960, the British company Playcraft Model Motoring had a slot car display at a London toy show. Representatives from Aurora, an American company that specialized in scale model kits, snatched up the American marketing rights for Playcraft’s slots. Within five years, Aurora had sold 25 million slot cars to eager kids, becoming the most successful line of slot cars in history.

Stop by the store and take a peek at these very collectible slot cars. Yep, we’re here (decorating for the holidays) and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Collecting Fishing Reels

Do you know your reels?

1940s-1960s collectible fishing reels

Included in this photo are left to right: Penn Reel 1940s-50s, Zebco 1960s, Martin Fly Fishing Reel 1960s, and a JC Higgins Open Face Reel from the 1950s. 

While working on this particular blog post, we had to do a little research. We found this very interesting article on that will intrigue the novice and probably start a lot of debate among collectors and fishermen/women.  

Wikipedia relates an interesting development of the fishing reel and states that in 1651, English literature first reported a “wind” installed within two feet of the lower end of the rod. This is usually accepted as the earliest known written reference to a reel. However, there are examples of Oriental paintings that depict Chinese fishermen using reels of various sizes that date to the twelfth century.

Until the 1800’s the reel was used primarily as a storage device for excess line. However, in the 19th century there was a rapid development of the multiplying reel, which allowed reels to evolve into casting devices. Although multiplying reels were probably invented in Great Britain, the reels of George Snyder, of Paris, Kentucky, have become the most famous 19th century multipliers.

Did you realize that there was a “wind” or reel as early as the 12th century?

We certainly didn’t. But it seems they’ve been depicted in Oriental paintings. Fascinating!

The credit for the first multiplying reel in the U.S. goes to a Kentucky man. Sadly, not having patented or trademarked it, it was soon copied by others. The following quote is from Kentucky Monthly:

Snyder was born in or about 1780 in Pennsylvania and moved to Kentucky around 1803, settling in Paris. He was a watchmaker and silversmith, and also an avid and apparently skilled fisherman who is credited with building the first multiplying reel in the United States. Snyder owned, or had at least seen, a British-made 1-to-1 level wind reel and likely developed his multiplying design from this simple tool.

So, yes, we encourage you to stop in and browse our shop. Whether you’re looking for a reel or any other item from our “Collection of Collections,”, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Father-in-Law Day

Always July 30th

Father-In-Law Day honors your loving, funny, and cheerful father-in-law. Okay, so perhaps sometimes he is a little grumpy and intimidating. Regardless of his personality and charms, this day is dedicated to your spouse’s Dad. And, he certainly deserves a little recognition.

Good ways to celebrate this day are to send him a card, spend a little time with him, or give him his favorite snack.

Important note: If you gave your Father-In-Law recognition on Father’s Day,  it’s okay to give him a little recognition and a show of appreciation today, too.

collectible Baltimore Colts thermos carrier and a B-more Orioles Bird at Bahoukas

To help you celebrate Father-in-Law Day, we thought we’d round up a couple items that may be of interest. Of course, we have plenty of other interesting ideas if our 9,000+ sq ft or retail space. 

beautiful pocket watches and wristwatches make a great gift for Father-in-Law Day - available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace, MD

It’s also International Friendship Day!

The world is filled with too much hatred, too much fighting and too much mistrust of others. The International Day of Friendship is certainly an opportunity to stop, and to reverse, these worldwide problems.

According to the United Nations, the official sponsor of this special day, the International Day of Friendship is day set aside to promote friendship among peoples, cultures and countries. Today is a time to encourage efforts towards peace, and to build bridges among different people. It is a day of respect for others, and a day to celebrate diversity.

According to the United Nations, on this day people, groups and governments should hold events and activities to promote mutual understanding and reconciliation.

On an individual level, use this day to promote friendship in big and small ways. You can begin by “extending an olive branch” to a sibling or a family member, a neighbor, or an old friend who we’ve had a falling out with. If we all try just a little the world will be a friendlier, more peaceful place.

This was a bit trickier to find in our store. But when we thought of friendship, these pieces came to mind:

E.T. and Eilliott glass, Donald and Daisy Duck glass, Small bust of JFK, Jack and Jill book - collectibles at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

The origin of International Day of Friendship has roots as far back as 1919 in the United States. The country of Paraguay  first celebrate this day on an national level on July 30, 1958.  Other countries with early celebrations include: several countries in South America, Bangladesh, India, and Malaysia. Different countries celebrated this day on varying dates in July, August and April.

In 2011, the United Nations declared this an official international day, to be celebrated annually on July 30th.

Finally, this month we celebrate MUTT’S DAY!

Mutts deserve their day in the spotlight, as much as a pure breed. If you own a mutt, or you are a mutt (reading this), then you know this day is for you.

By definition a mutt, sometimes called a “Half-breed”, is a dog that is of mixed breed.  They come from two to several breeds. Purebred owners, and sometimes the public in general, view them as lesser in many ways. Mutt owners know better. They value the diversity and uniqueness of their mutts. Sure, a mutt doesn’t carry the expensive price tag that a purebred with papers has on its head. To the mutt owner, however, the mutt is invaluable. In addition, mutts don’t walk around needing to prove anything. You won’t see them strutting around any dog shows trying to prove they are the best.

To all mutts and and mutt owners, we hope you thoroughly enjoy Mutt’s Day. Spend the day relaxing and doing all the things you and your dog like to do. Do so with both of your chins held high. For your mutt is worth a million bucks!

a variety of ideas to celebrate Mutt's Day - all this fun at Bahoukas Antique Mall

We have soapy’s and PEZ, a figurine and pull toy, and a large figurine to celebrate Mutt’s Day! 

This rounds out our month of unique and interesting holidays that are fun to celebrate. We enjoyed the search for both the holiday and the gift ideas! Of course, no one needs one of our silly reasons to stop in and check us out. It’s just 9,000 sq ft of treasure hunting. So stop in soon. Yes, we definitely will be watchin’ for ya!

Please note: all the quotes above are from Holiday Insights. 

Sun – Justify – Horse Lovers

Can we get another Triple Crown?

Baffert brought us American Pharoah and the Triple Crown, will he do it again with Justify? We can only excitedly wait and see.

Today, the sun is out and hopefully, our surroundings will dry up just a little! Everything is lush and green – a great day to get out and about.

In the meantime, we’d like to share a few items horse lovers may enjoy from our store. Stop in… we have other horse-y surprises as well.

Below is a unique print of Merry Monarch:

The Merry Monarch’s first race of 1846 was the Derby at Epsom. The build-up to the race was marred by reports of a plot to either lame or poison Old England, one of the favourites for the race, while another one of the leading contenders, The Libel, was allegedly drugged (“doctored”). Poor weather on the morning of the race did not deter the crowd, which was reported to be as large and unruly as ever. Ridden by the little-known Foster Bell, The Merry Monarch started at odds of 15/1 in a record field of thirty one runners. These official odds however, were offered jointly for The Merry Monarch and his stable companion Doleful: according to The Sporting Magazine, odds of 35/1 would have been more accurate reflection of the actual betting. The start of the race was delayed by almost an hour by a series of false starts and an incident in which one of the leading contenders, Alarm was kicked by The Libel. Alarm threw off his jockey, Nat Flatman, ran into a chain fence and then galloped loose down the course for several minutes before being caught. Both Alarm and Flatman were injured, but took part in the race when it eventually got under way. The Merry Monarch was among the leading group from the start, and was in fourth place at the turn into the straight, where one horse fell and several others were badly hampered. Approaching the final furlong, Bell sent The Merry Monarch to the front and he established a clear lead before staying on well to win “in clever style” by a length from Annandale, with Old England a neck away in third. The result was a major surprise to most observers, including, it was reported, the winner’s own connections, who had believed that their other runner, Doleful, had the better chance of winning.


—-from Wikipedia

Merry Monarch print 1845 won Derby at Epsom, England

Or maybe you just love collecting horse figures and such. Yep, stop in at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

horse collectibles and figures at Bahoukas Antique Mall

We have a  number of fun collectible horse figures. Stop in today and see what else you might discover as you browse our 9,000 sq. ft. of antiques and collectibles. You’ll love the hunt! Treasures are everywhere!

In the meantime, as Justify prepares to head to the Belmont Stakes, our excitement grows! And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Finally time for outdoor fun!

Check Out These Games

Beautiful Croquet Set - wood - at Bahoukas

This beautiful, collectible croquet set is in wonderful condition. Nice wood and heavy. Don’t ignore this amazing set.

Sports Combination Games available at Bahoukas

1960s indoor/outdoor game set available at Bahoukas

This 6-in-1 Champion Sports Combination game set is for indoor AND outdoor play. Come check this out. It’s pretty darn awesome. Fun for everyone and all ages. Hurry, it’s perfect for the coming warm days!

1950s Badminton set at Bahoukas Antiques

This 1950s Badminton Set has seen a lot of years and can give you even more.

We love that it’s time to really start enjoying the great outdoors. All of these games are perfect for the entire family. Drop by Bahoukas and check them out. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

It’s Finally Spring

… and we start thinking about boating

a huge Spanish galleon and a couple sailboat models - at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

We’ve shown this beautiful Spanish Galleon sailing vessel before, but it’s still waiting for the perfect home. It’s an absolutely stunning model. The little red sailboat in the foreground is ‘not for sale’ since we have a young boy ghost who plays among the shelves and gets mighty upset when we move his boat. The other sailboat in the background is for sale. Stop into Bahoukas and see these models. We’re sure they’re perfect for someone! We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Boxed Cards and Single Packs

Baseball – Football – Desert Storm and more…

unopened boxes and single packs of sports cards at Bahouaks in Havre de Grace

It may be snowing out today… and a bit of a challenge to be thinking sports, unless maybe Winter Olympics!! But we have a number of unopened boxes of sport cards as well as single packs. Above (l to r) includes:

  • 1992 Top Stadium Club Baseball Cards
  • 1991 Upper Deck NFL Football Cards
  • 1991 Fleer Baseball Cards
  • 1991 Desert Storm Cards by Tops

So when you’re ready to step outdoors again, do stop by. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!


We May Have March Snow, But …

It’s Spring Training Time for the Orioles!

Ed Smith Stadium is a baseball field located in Sarasota, Florida. The stadium was built in 1989 to replace Payne Park as a Spring Training and Minor League Baseball site. In 2010, the Baltimore Orioles began playing spring games at the ballpark.  from Wikipedia

Baltimore Orioles sports memorabilia at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD

To celebrate Opening Day and Spring Training for the Orioles, we share a few Orioles Collectibles available at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. In this photo we have an 1960s Baltimore Orioles pennant, and a selection of glasses specific to the Orioles. So ‘get your game on’ and celebrate Spring with Baseball’s Spring Training!

If you’re feeling a bit down about the Orioles this year, check out this article that offers a bit of hope… then stay tuned as the Orioles get to work on their 2018 Season!

The Orioles have now supplemented their starting rotation with two veteran pitchers — more progress in less than a week of spring training than in the entire offseason — but the team is far from done in attempting to continue to upgrade its camp roster.  from Edwardo A. Encina for the Baltimore Sun


Bodt and Steiner Pierce Decoys

Nautical is our theme today.

This shelf offers fine decoys by local carvers such as Bryon Bodt and Steiner Pierce. Beautiful boat models with several by Tony Vincenti – yes, another local. Plenty of various nautical items like lamps with a duck base, various seabirds, mugs and glasses, and a wonderful selection of “Old Salts of the Sea” figures.

Nautical theme at Bahoukas Antiques include decoys, boat models, Old Salts of the Sea and more

Below are two beautiful sailboat models by Tony Vincenti. There’s is another large sailboat by Tony that is not in the photos. These beautiful boats sit on a Civil War Era dresser, walnut with a marble top and oval mirror. It’s an exquisite piece.

As always, we encourage you to stop in and browse. Think we don’t have anything you need or want? We encourage you to check the category 44 Days of Gifts or just browse the Blog. We’re pretty sure you’ll be surprised! And on that note, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

beautiful boat models by Tony Vincenti of Havre de Grace MD at Bahoukas Antiques

Day 30 – 44 Gift Giving Ideas from Bahoukas

KNIVES May Not Seem Appropriate

But a knife is a tool first and foremost. A pocket knife quite often will have more than one blade that will allow you to loosen/tighten a screw, or even open an envelope. Others can be used to whittle wood to create a toy or small sculpture, open a package, remove a splinter, and still others are used by hunters.

CLICK HERE for a great list of 101 Pocket Knife Uses

The photo below shows the following: at top is a Display Knife made for Jones & Company by Maxam. Below that are l. to r.: 1970s Buck Knife #317 with a black case – no longer made, a 1950s Boy Scout Knife “Be Prepared”, a pen knife by Imperial with 2″ blade and a Florida Souvenir Knife in sheath and it has a small compass on the handle. The bottom row is an advertising pocket knife with 3″ blade for P.K. Maurer & Scott Sales Inc. – says High Explosives Blasting Supplies and also IV. 3.0300 Phila. 27, PA, also a Johnston Mfg pearlized handled 2″ blade pocket knife, and a U.S. Military knife by Camillus 1977.

A variety of Knives available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace - Buck Knife w/black case, Boy Scout Knife 1950s, Imperial Pocket knife, a Florida souvenir knife with compass on handle, Johnston Mfg peralized handle knife with 2" blade, and a US Military knife by Camillus 1977


… because YOUR SAFETY matters to everyone at Bahoukas. We’ve attached this short video to help guide you in using your knife. All kids should learn from someone with experience. Think safety first! ENJOY!

Okay… stop in soon with your gift list, we’ll be watchin for ya and ready to help!

Day 23 – 44 Gift Giving Ideas from Bahoukas

Looking for a Unique MAN-ly Gift?

Sometimes that special guy in your life is difficult to find the perfect gift. Bahoukas would like to help you with some ideas:

Antique and Collectible Tools are a great idea for the wood worker in your life:

antique and vintage tools for the craftsman

Of course, our Beer MuZeum offers a wonderful variety for that ‘man-cave’.

Thinks like beer taps & mugs, Neon signs, mirrors, beer steins and more. We have a variety of brewmania to make the ‘man-cave’ perfect or to add to his collectibles.

Italian Anri wood-carved bottle stoppers at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Mechanical, wood-carved, Italian Anri bottle stoppers

Beer collectibles including bottles, cans, beer steins, at Bahoukas Beer MuZeum in Havre de Grace

Picture given to Kathryn Asher from Pabst for the

We have some fine men’s jewelry pieces

… that include watches, pocket watches, ‘girly stuff’ such as Playboy Cuff Links.


For the sportsman,

… we have Heddon fishing lures, Decoys, Nascar items, collectible sports cards to name just a few things.

Collection of Heddon Fishing Lures at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Maybe old bottles, coins or a special knife would be a better fit.

Vintage Kiehl and Kiefer blob top soda bottle, Lancaster PA             CHas. Zech Lancaster PA crown top vintage soda bottle available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace Maryland             Coin Sets available at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Have you considered games, cameras, old phones, military items, or even scales?

Many varieties of scales at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Hurry in to Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum – let us help you find the perfect gift for the special guy on your list. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Day 16 – 44 Gift Giving Ideas from Bahoukas

Baltimore Colts Leave in the Middle of the Night

Were you a Colts fan? If so, you might enjoy these tidbits from Wikipedia:

The Baltimore Colts were one of the first NFL teams to have cheerleaders, a marching band and a team “fight song” (along with the nearby Washington Redskins, forty miles southwest in the nation’s capital).

The Baltimore Colts were named after Baltimore’s 142-year-old annual “Preakness Stakes”, a premier thoroughbred horse racing event, second jewel of the famous “Triple Crown” championship series of the sport run at the historic Pimlico Race Course since 1873.

Baltimore Colts Memorabilia includes helmet clock, desk lamp, hat, 2-thermos insulated bag, Johnny Unitas signed photo, 1960s Christmas card, 1982 ticket stub, booster pin, 1980 schedule, beer mug, NFL Champions 1958, Ameche's ash tay w/Colt's logo all available at Bahoukas

Our Day 16 offers some really fun gift ideas for the COLTS FAN in your life (or maybe, just maybe, that’s you!). Some of the items we have include a helmet clock, desk lamp, knit hat, 2-thermos and insulated bag, Johnny Unitas signed photo, 1982 ticket stub, booster pin, 1980 schedule, Colts mug, NFL Champions 1958 pewter ‘First Sudden Death Play-Off’ ashtray, Ameche’s ash tray w/Colts logo.


Enjoy this great video about Johnny Unitas! ENJOY… then come visit us at Bahoukas Antique Mall and find the perfect gift for the holidays. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Day 9 – Gift Giving Ideas from Bahoukas

WRESTLERS add fun to our 44 Days of Gift Ideas

Wrestling figures including Hulk Hogan, Hillbilly Jim, Junkyard Dog, Iron Sheik, George "The Animal" Steele

It may not look like a holiday gift, but to the wrestler enthusiast, it’ll make a fine gift. In the photo above, the figures (left to right) are: Hulk Hogan, Hillbilly Jim, Junkyard Dog, Iron Sheik, and George “The Animal” Steele. The photos behind the figures are (l to r): Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth, and Ultimate Warrior.

These would make great stocking stuffers for the ‘big or small’ wrestling enthusiast on your list.

By the way, are you aware there is a Pro-Wrestlers Hall of Fame. Yep…. Click on that link and check it out. By the way, they’re working on updating their site… so keep checking back on their site.

Be sure to check out the continued 44 Days of Gift Giving Ideas that we’ll be sharing throughout the holiday season. Then stop by our shop… ’cause we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Day 1 – Gift Giving Idea from Bahoukas

NASCAR Collectibles Seems Like the Perfect Start

During the next 44 days we’re going to offer some creative ideas to help you find the ideal gift for that very special ‘someone’ in your life. Your significant other, your kids, your grandkids, maybe a best friend or someone in the office. No matter, we’ll have a number of suggestions to help you discover the perfect gift.

With the NASCAR race tonight (11/10/2017) at the Phoenix Speedway, and the Grand Finale on 11/17/2017 at the Homestead-Miami Speedway, it’s the perfect time to remind you of the NASCAR collectibles we have waiting for you to choose a few items for the NASCAR collector on your list – or maybe you just want to encourage someone to ‘start’ their collection.

Nascar Collectibles available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace including Jimmy Johnson jacket and beer mug, Jeff Gordon License Plate, Richard Petty Pepsi (never opened), Nascar Pencils #20 Tony Stewart, Dale Jr flag #8 and coasters and #01 Army/American Hero model car

So enjoy the races and then pop in to Bahoukas to grab the NASCAR collectible and memorabilia that will complete your collection! They make perfect gifts as well. Stay-tuned. We have 43 more days to go. In the meantime, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Play Marbles with the Kids

When did you last play a game of Marbles!

Wonderful selection of marbles available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace Maryland

Don’t remember how … or maybe just want to learn. CLICK HERE for the basics! Above is a wonderful selection that includes shooters, cat eyes and clear slag glass. We also have a much sought after collection of clay marbles.

Big Marbles including Bennington and End of Day at Bahoukas Antiques in Maryland


Above you’ll find the big marbles – shooters! The blue ones are Bennington, others are End of Day. So many choices!

Round dish of shooter marbles at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

This round tray of different shooters will entice any lover of marbles. Stop by and get your selection. Start sharing a fun game with your kids that requires no electricity or batteries. It does require thumbs!

If you need a refresher, here’s a glossary of terms. ENJOY!

There are plenty more choices available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, Maryland. We’ll be waiting to show them to you! Stop by soon!

Hunting Stamps – Maryland-Harford County

Migratory Birds Hunting Stamps – Maryland

Migratory Birds - Maryland Hunting Stamps

There are some beautiful, collectible, Maryland Hunting Stamps available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD. Above is a sampling of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp and a Big Game Hunting Stamp for Archers.

Big Game Stamp for Archers - Maryland - at Bahoukas




Here’s a close-up of the Big Game Stamp.









We also have a nice selection of hunting licenses for Harford County Maryland. Do you collect them? Stop by and see what we might have to add to your own beautiful collection!



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