Jun 1, 2018 | Beer MuZeum, Blog, Collectibles, Entertainment, Events/News/Fun, Ghosts, Havre de Grace History
VISIT OUR BEER MUZEUM During First Friday!

Thousands of collectible bottles, decanters, mirrors, and more – plus our Nascar Collection is upstairs. If the weather turns out a bit too wet, we’ll be here! Also, don’t forget that tomorrow evening, June 2, we have a …
Paranormal Investigation and Haunted Buildings Walking Tour
… happening from 9pm – 11pm. Let us know you’d like a space reserved for you and friends.

Yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya. (If you need one, we even have a few umbrellas). We’re always ready to have fun at Bahoukas!
May 21, 2018 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Sports, Toys
Can we get another Triple Crown?
Baffert brought us American Pharoah and the Triple Crown, will he do it again with Justify? We can only excitedly wait and see.
Today, the sun is out and hopefully, our surroundings will dry up just a little! Everything is lush and green – a great day to get out and about.
In the meantime, we’d like to share a few items horse lovers may enjoy from our store. Stop in… we have other horse-y surprises as well.
Below is a unique print of Merry Monarch:
The Merry Monarch’s first race of 1846 was the Derby at Epsom. The build-up to the race was marred by reports of a plot to either lame or poison Old England, one of the favourites for the race, while another one of the leading contenders, The Libel, was allegedly drugged (“doctored”). Poor weather on the morning of the race did not deter the crowd, which was reported to be as large and unruly as ever. Ridden by the little-known Foster Bell, The Merry Monarch started at odds of 15/1 in a record field of thirty one runners. These official odds however, were offered jointly for The Merry Monarch and his stable companion Doleful: according to The Sporting Magazine, odds of 35/1 would have been more accurate reflection of the actual betting. The start of the race was delayed by almost an hour by a series of false starts and an incident in which one of the leading contenders, Alarm was kicked by The Libel. Alarm threw off his jockey, Nat Flatman, ran into a chain fence and then galloped loose down the course for several minutes before being caught. Both Alarm and Flatman were injured, but took part in the race when it eventually got under way. The Merry Monarch was among the leading group from the start, and was in fourth place at the turn into the straight, where one horse fell and several others were badly hampered. Approaching the final furlong, Bell sent The Merry Monarch to the front and he established a clear lead before staying on well to win “in clever style” by a length from Annandale, with Old England a neck away in third. The result was a major surprise to most observers, including, it was reported, the winner’s own connections, who had believed that their other runner, Doleful, had the better chance of winning.
—-from Wikipedia

Or maybe you just love collecting horse figures and such. Yep, stop in at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

We have a number of fun collectible horse figures. Stop in today and see what else you might discover as you browse our 9,000 sq. ft. of antiques and collectibles. You’ll love the hunt! Treasures are everywhere!
In the meantime, as Justify prepares to head to the Belmont Stakes, our excitement grows! And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Apr 11, 2018 | Beer MuZeum, Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun
Beer Collectibles for You

This Saturday, April 14, 2018 from noon to five is the first ever Craft Beer and Wine Festival at the Susquehanna Museum at the Lock House. We thought we’d share a few items for those beer lovers and maybe, just maybe, you’d like to have one of these unique steins or choose a pewter tankard – also available at Bahoukas. Hurry in and choose your favorite.
Left to right pictured above include the Bartender battery operated collectible, a double-handle German Beer Stein, a Dogfish Head Chicory Stout tap handle, a 1920s Chesapeake Brewing Co. beer bottle with the terrapin turtle, and a beautiful Neuschwanstein Castle Stein from Germany, limited edition.
We’ll be watchin’ for you at the shop and be sure to say ‘hi’ at the festival!
Apr 3, 2018 | Blog, Events/News/Fun, Ghosts, Havre de Grace History
… with the addition of Haunted Buildings Walking Tour
We’re excited to be bringing back our Ghost Tours with the intriguing professional Dead of Night Paranormal Investigators! Take part in an actual investigation. Learn how they use their equipment to locate entities in our building and try to communicate with them. Also, new this year, enjoy a walking tour that encompasses approximately 6 blocks and listen to George – our casual historian – share stories and history of our haunted buildings.
The next two dates are Saturdays: April 21 and May 19 from 9pm – 11pm. Adults: $15.00 Children: $10 Call George today and reserve your spaces. 410-942-1290 Hurry – space is limited to 25 people. We will continue the event in inclement weather by showing a video of the walking tour if we can ‘walk it.’
Yes, you know, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Feb 2, 2018 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Toys
Did you collect these charms as a kid?

What did you do with your bubblegum charms? Did you make a bracelet or a necklace? Did you add them to a keychain?
Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall we have a huge assortment of bubblegum charms. Have you considered creating a fun piece of jewelry or accessory that utilizes some of our collectible charms? NO? Well think about the stories you’ll hear if you share a bubblegum charm design with someone special. What a great little gift idea!
Maybe you’d like to create a special “You are my lucky charm” Valentine Gift. CLICK HERE for a possibility. (The charms are different, but you’ll get the idea.) Maybe you’d enjoy making a special pin for mom or grandmom with a few bubblegum charms, or add a few to a keychain for dad. Stop in and take a peek at the variety of charms we have. It’ll surely spark a fun idea. Or possibly create something For St. Patrick’s Day or even Easter! And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya.
Dec 24, 2017 | 44 Days of Gifts, Antiques, Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Holidays, Home
It’s Christmas Eve!
Please note that Bahoukas will be closing at 2 p.m.
today to prepare for our Family Holiday.
We will be closed on CHRISTMAS DAY and
re-open regular hours on Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2017
Tomorrow you’ll be gathering up wrappings and the surprises will be over. The kids will excitedly play with new toys. Hopefully, mom and dad will have a chance to breathe a bit.
To help you with your last minute shopping, here’s a link that shows you our 44 Days of Gift Giving Ideas.

Most of all, everyone from Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum
wishes you a safe, Happy Holiday Season
overflowing with the love of family and friends. Remember to share
a bit of time with someone who may need a friend during this season.
Nov 12, 2017 | 44 Days of Gifts, Blog, Collectibles, Decorating, Events/News/Fun
1963 – JFK Assassination probably the most remembered event

With the release of 13,000 documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it seemed an appropriate time to mention some of our JFK collectibles available at Bahoukas Antiques. Above are a few of the JFK Tapestries we have. They are beautifully done! Possibly a grandparent or parent would appreciate one of these items. Then take the time to listen to their stories from those days long gone.

Above is a small selection of the many JFK Memorabilia we have for you at Bahoukas. Included are several magazines (Post and Life), a vinyl record of the actual speeches of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, small busts, figurines, banks, tokens, and even a PEZ Presidents Collection.
Along the bottom of the above photo are a few photos taken of the Kennedy grave site in March/April 1964. To the left is a larger image of one of those photos. (Apologies for the blur)
Are you interested in reading these documents for yourself? Click this link to the government archives. Read them for yourself. We will note that there are still many redactions.
Do you wonder what else happened in 1963?
Let’s see:
The Lava Lamp was introduced (photo from Wikipedia)
- AT&T introduced the touch tone phone
- The Beatles released their first album,
“Please Please Me”
- Martin Luther King gave his “I Have A Dream” Speech
Curious about other trends and happenings? We can point you to more by having you click this link.
Many items besides the JFK Memorabilia are available at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Always we invite you to stop in and browse. And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya.
Oct 27, 2017 | Blog, Events/News/Fun, Ghosts

As you may already know, we’ve had the Dad of Night Paranormal Investigators at Bahoukas Antique Mall nearly once every month in 2017! It’s been fun and exciting. Many have enjoyed learning how folks such as these practice their profession. We’ve also met a few new entities! We have two Saturdays remaining for 2017 – November 18 and December 16. Reserve your spot today for these remaining ghost searches. You’ll also learn a bit of the building’s history from George!
In the meantime, peruse other articles we’ve included in our blog posts. CLICK HERE!
Oct 19, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Entertainment, Events/News/Fun, Halloween, Toys
Bahoukas loves a party. Halloween is a perfect reason!
With a busy week of Homecoming, a Carnival, Halloween activities and sun-filled October days, you’re bound to be attending or hosting your own Halloween party. Here are some items to create a memorable event. Below are cast iron characters – a ghost and a nodder (bobble head) witch. Add these to your centerpiece to make your table or buffet really special.

In the following photo, we show you just a few of the many wonderful vintage Halloween collectibles available at Bahoukas Antique Mall. A plastic puppet, small pumpkin etc for favors, a larger pumpkin to hold a candle, a tambourine with Halloween decoration, favors, and cupcake decorations, etc. Stop in and see the variety of really fun Halloween collectibles. Hurry, you’ll want them for your party this week!

With Halloween retail sales projected to be 9.1 billion (yes that’s Billion – with a ‘B’), we know you’ll want to check out some really great pieces to add a wee bit of nostalgia to your decorations. And don’t forget, we have a lot of unique items to add just the finishing touch you need for your very unique costume. See you soon. We’ll be watchin’ for you!
Oct 18, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun
With the Carnival in town …
It seems like a perfect time to show off a few of our carnival collectibles.

Remember when you used to toss coins into the Carnival Glass dishes to win a prize (or the dish)? We have some beautiful Carnival Glass collectibles. We have a carny stick to use to draw attention to your grand show! Included above are chalk statues of Shirley Temple from the 1960s; a Fisher-Price merry-go-round 1972; a beautiful porcelain, musical Carousel Horse; and a 1950s Kiddy-Go-Round by Unique Art Mfg. Co.
In the meantime, be sure to grab the kids and head to the Havre de Grace Carnival (Oct 19-22, 2017) And pop into our shop on your way, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Oct 16, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Halloween
Are you looking for unique Halloween costumes?
We just might have items you’re looking for at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Besides the standard mask or store costume, we have an eclectic selection of items that may add to your costume fun!

Yoda the legendary Jedi Master is always a favorite. This plastic mask is from 1979. But this size 6 child’s nurse’s costume is delightful. From the 1960s, it includes a beautiful navy blue cape with red lining, white cap and dress with a light blue jumper. Someone could be made very happy with this collectible.

But our costuming doesn’t end there… are you looking for the perfect addition to your costume? Maybe a military hat? Or a Preakness hat? Maybe you need a bit of lace or jewelry to add the finishing touch. Don’t forget we have a lot of items in our toy area that might finish off the perfect costume. Stop in and see what great find you may discover.
Watch for upcoming posts related to the Carnival that’s arrived in town for the HdG Independence Commission fundraiser, and more items for Halloween party decorations! Stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall today. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Oct 13, 2017 | Beer MuZeum, Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun
Gemütlichkeit: (gu-moot-lish-kite)
This word has a very broad meaning. It is an atmosphere of comfort, peace, and acceptance, and it is what Oktoberfest is all about.
from the Alpine VIllage Center we found this delightful glossary of words and phrases to enjoy our Havre de Grace’s 3rd annual OKTOBERFEST, Oct 14, 2017 from noon – 7pm and the 5th Annual American Legion OKTOBERFEST same day from 9am – 3pm! Of course, here at Bahoukas Beer MuZeum we have the perfect collectibles to bring a little Oktoberfest home. Here’s a link to all the October Events in Havre de Grace.
If you want to carry your very own beer stein to the Oktoberfest, visit us at Bahoukas Beer MuZeum…. we have a pretty nice selection to choose from…

In the above photo we have (Back – left to right) a 2-handled German Oktoberfest beer stein, Dogfish Head Tap Handle, Chesapeake Brewery Terrapin Turtle – crown top – bottle, Budweiser flat-top can (req’d church key), Neuschwanstein Castle lidded German beer stein. Front, left to right, include Tennents Lager “Penny cans, National Bohemian (Natty Bo) glass and church key, cast iron bottle openers (far left – drunk on a pole 1954, center – goat 1950s, 4-eyed, wall mounted, reproduction and a 1940s Syroco – Syracuse Ornamental Company – horse head bottle opener.) Click on the link for a history of the Tennent’s Lager Lovelies.
But we don’t stop here with Brewmania, check out these advertising mirrors, lamp, and signs.

Ballantine ale & beer clock sign

Yuengling mirror with golf scene

reproduction of 1907 Yuengling calendar with puppies

Pabst Blue Ribbon mirror/clock sign

National Boh advertising sign – round barrel

Natty Boh red-white apron in frame

Two advertising signs include top – Busch beer with two people on horseback on a mountain top and bottom – Coors Light porthole with crab painted on mirror

Hanging Tiffany-style lamp advertising piece for Piels Real Draft Beer
Again, Bahoukas Beer MuZeum offers some fine pieces for you brewmania collection or to add to your Oktoberfest celebrations! We leave you with this phrase from the Alpine Village site!
Oans, zwoa, g’suffa!: (ōnns tswō g’zoo-fa) “One, two, drink up!” This the very Bavarian way of saying it.
Stop in today, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Sep 11, 2017 | Blog, Events/News/Fun, Jewelry, Wearables
Sometimes a Sense of Humor Is Required
This Monday morning, as we watch the news to learn of the storm damage of Hurricane Irma, it seems a fine time to mention a unique jewelry item we have in the store. We hope these pieces will add a chuckle to your day. Stop by and grab your “Crazy Nuts” necklace. It’s sure to bring a smile to all those around you!

“Crazy Nuts’ necklaces are created by Robert Davis of Kansas. He stopped by the store a while back and we just fell in love with these whimsical pieces. The silly faces are carved from Brazil Nuts, Almonds or Pistachios.
We might mention that Robert’s brother’s family also lives in Havre de Grace and they stop in to visit us every now and then.
Jun 29, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Independence Day
Parade, Downtown Block Party, Concert and Fireworks!

It’s a wonderful time to be in our beautiful city of Havre de Grace. Celebrating with our parade and fireworks has been a long-time tradition. There are changes this year. But we look forward to the event.
CLICK HERE for details of our Independence Celebration on Sunday, July 2nd.
And just in time, we have this deLIGHTful collectible. It’s actually a ‘bank’ – shaped like a plastic rocket (fireworks). It celebrates the Moon Shot of years ago. It’s nearly 3 feet tall. Imagine how many pennies it might hold!!!
Don’t forget to stop in to Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum while you’re visiting us for the long holiday weekend and our Independence Celebration.
Jun 20, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Events/News/Fun, Independence Day
In two weeks, our nation will celebrate our Independence!

It came with great effort from the vision of our forefathers and the lives lost in battle. Let us remember to take a moment to honor and truly appreciate the unique legacy they left for us.
Let us respect one another, practice civility, honor diversity, and be active citizens in our communities.
We wanted to share this unique collection of 7-UP cans. Can you make out what they show:

There are 50 cans, one for each state, and they make an image of Uncle Sam. Can you see it? The 3rd row down, if you can see the ‘eye’, then draw back a little, you’ll see Uncle Sam. They’re not aligned perfectly, but you’ll see it. Below are two examples of the information for each state.

Of course, here in Havre de Grace, our big celebration will take place on Sunday, July 2nd.
For Details – CLICK HERE Our theme this year is “Hometown Heroes”… join us on the front lawn of Bahoukas for the parade, hang out for the Downtown Block Party, the free concert (free tickets required and available beginning July 23rd) and the fireworks!
Jun 3, 2017 | Blog, Events/News/Fun, Havre de Grace History
Booklet from the 1950s Jr-Sr High School

As the school year comes to a close, we wanted to share this interesting booklet from the 1950s. It’s a handbook for Havre de Grace Jr.-Sr. High School. It explains “If you wish to be well-liked… “, information regarding the Parent-Teacher Association (membership of 600!), and the rules regarding behavior, tardiness, etc. along with the results of breaking these rules.
Do you remember these rules? Were they enforced?
Stop in and take a peek. George has it at the counter! He’d love to hear your stories!
Jun 2, 2017 | Blog, Events/News/Fun, Ghosts
Saturday – June 3, 2017
Join us for another intriguing evening with the Dead of Night Paranormal Investigators as they use all their high tech to interact with the entities that move about our shop.
At Bahoukas we’ve had friendly spirits that have been noticed by many visitors, long before the investigators came in. Since the folks from Dead of Night have visited many of the stories have been confirmed. You’ll also learn a bit of Havre de Grace history during the evening.
This Saturday there are still a few spots left to join us. Call George ASAP and have a great evening in Havre de Grace. The entire weekend offers First Friday event from 5-10pm (June 2), shopping, eateries, and all the museums open over the weekend, and our exciting Dead of Night Paranormal Investigating at Bahoukas on Saturday evening, June 3 from 9-midnight!
So far it’s been a friendly exchange. Come check it out for yourself. Call George and reserve your spot!

May 29, 2017 | Events/News/Fun, Holidays

It’s simple – we will NOT forget.