Mirror – Mirror

Reflections – real or perceived?

We all recognize “Mirror, mirror on the wall…”

But have you really stepped into Bahoukas Antique Mall and looked for all the mirrors we have? The variety and sizes are many. From a small child’s music box mirror to a huge, full-length mirror, and everything in between!  The shapes are oval and rectangle. They’re found on the wall or atop a beautiful chest of drawers. You really have to stop by and check them out. I’m sure we’ve not found them all. And yes, as always, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Welcome to August! Enjoy the final weeks of summer!

Father-in-Law Day

Always July 30th

Father-In-Law Day honors your loving, funny, and cheerful father-in-law. Okay, so perhaps sometimes he is a little grumpy and intimidating. Regardless of his personality and charms, this day is dedicated to your spouse’s Dad. And, he certainly deserves a little recognition.

Good ways to celebrate this day are to send him a card, spend a little time with him, or give him his favorite snack.

Important note: If you gave your Father-In-Law recognition on Father’s Day,  it’s okay to give him a little recognition and a show of appreciation today, too.

collectible Baltimore Colts thermos carrier and a B-more Orioles Bird at Bahoukas

To help you celebrate Father-in-Law Day, we thought we’d round up a couple items that may be of interest. Of course, we have plenty of other interesting ideas if our 9,000+ sq ft or retail space. 

beautiful pocket watches and wristwatches make a great gift for Father-in-Law Day - available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace, MD

It’s also International Friendship Day!

The world is filled with too much hatred, too much fighting and too much mistrust of others. The International Day of Friendship is certainly an opportunity to stop, and to reverse, these worldwide problems.

According to the United Nations, the official sponsor of this special day, the International Day of Friendship is day set aside to promote friendship among peoples, cultures and countries. Today is a time to encourage efforts towards peace, and to build bridges among different people. It is a day of respect for others, and a day to celebrate diversity.

According to the United Nations, on this day people, groups and governments should hold events and activities to promote mutual understanding and reconciliation.

On an individual level, use this day to promote friendship in big and small ways. You can begin by “extending an olive branch” to a sibling or a family member, a neighbor, or an old friend who we’ve had a falling out with. If we all try just a little the world will be a friendlier, more peaceful place.

This was a bit trickier to find in our store. But when we thought of friendship, these pieces came to mind:

E.T. and Eilliott glass, Donald and Daisy Duck glass, Small bust of JFK, Jack and Jill book - collectibles at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

The origin of International Day of Friendship has roots as far back as 1919 in the United States. The country of Paraguay  first celebrate this day on an national level on July 30, 1958.  Other countries with early celebrations include: several countries in South America, Bangladesh, India, and Malaysia. Different countries celebrated this day on varying dates in July, August and April.

In 2011, the United Nations declared this an official international day, to be celebrated annually on July 30th.

Finally, this month we celebrate MUTT’S DAY!

Mutts deserve their day in the spotlight, as much as a pure breed. If you own a mutt, or you are a mutt (reading this), then you know this day is for you.

By definition a mutt, sometimes called a “Half-breed”, is a dog that is of mixed breed.  They come from two to several breeds. Purebred owners, and sometimes the public in general, view them as lesser in many ways. Mutt owners know better. They value the diversity and uniqueness of their mutts. Sure, a mutt doesn’t carry the expensive price tag that a purebred with papers has on its head. To the mutt owner, however, the mutt is invaluable. In addition, mutts don’t walk around needing to prove anything. You won’t see them strutting around any dog shows trying to prove they are the best.

To all mutts and and mutt owners, we hope you thoroughly enjoy Mutt’s Day. Spend the day relaxing and doing all the things you and your dog like to do. Do so with both of your chins held high. For your mutt is worth a million bucks!

a variety of ideas to celebrate Mutt's Day - all this fun at Bahoukas Antique Mall

We have soapy’s and PEZ, a figurine and pull toy, and a large figurine to celebrate Mutt’s Day! 

This rounds out our month of unique and interesting holidays that are fun to celebrate. We enjoyed the search for both the holiday and the gift ideas! Of course, no one needs one of our silly reasons to stop in and check us out. It’s just 9,000 sq ft of treasure hunting. So stop in soon. Yes, we definitely will be watchin’ for ya!

Please note: all the quotes above are from Holiday Insights. 

National Culinarians Day…


The cook in your life will love you…

We have a huge variety of culinary items that will delight any cook among your family and friends. Here’s this special day defined by Holiday Insights:

Culinarians Day is a special day for anyone who cooks. That means just about everyone of us get to celebrate this day. You don’t have to be a chef, or a graduate of a culinary institute to celebrate this delicious day. You simply have to  cook, and to enjoy the results.

There’s national concern over growing obesity in America. Recognizing this fact, one would think that this is a huge holiday. However, we found this to be one of the least known holidays in the country….. up to now. Not anymore! We have documented it so all can enjoy Culinarians Day this year, and in future years.

Now get into your kitchen and celebrate Culinarians Day. Cook up a storm!

Of course, you’ll have to stop by Bahoukas to pick up a few special items to make that dish truly “Special.”

On Thursday, July 26, we celebrate Thread the Needle DayThis day celebrates a double-meaning. We offer a bit of both in our store. Here’s the definition of this unique day:

You can be certain that today is going to be a great day…….. if you sew.

Thread the Needle Day certainly is a day for those who sew. It also has a second meaning. The term “thread the needle”, is also a saying. It means to either walk a fine and difficult line between two things or issues, or to do something difficult. For example, suppose two of your friends are on opposite sides of an issue. You may have to “thread the needle” on that issue, as you attempt to retain both of them as your friend.

The creator of Thread the Needle Day did not document this day. So, until we find him or her, you can celebrate today by either sewing or threading the needle on issues.

sewing patterns from 60s at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Here are the items for the ‘sewer’ in the family. We have some old patterns that might help you create the perfect outfit. Or maybe you need some collectible buttons or 

   collectible buttons   misc sewing accessories at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Nixon vs Humprey - Threading the Needle

But we might add that “Threading the Needle” also means that fine line we sometimes have to walk. In this day, that fine line might be with friends on opposite sides of the political fence. You can lose one and gain the other, or you can “Thread the Needle.” For life will go on, situations will change. May you be successful whichever way you choose to celebrate “Thread the Needle Day.”

Stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum and see how you might celebrate special days. Absolutely, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Daiquiri and Anti-Boredom…

A unique solution to “I’m bored…”

Okay, we’re fooling with you. But seriously, July is Anti-Boredom Month.

July is Anti-Boredom Month and Bahoukas has some solutions, including a picture puzzle and wooden puzzles.

To help you with that boredom, we have some fun puzzles that include a wonderful frame puzzle for the younger set, and a 1,000 piece Big Ben puzzle. And for those who really like to s-t-r-e-t-c-h their brains, we have a number of intriguing and challenging wood puzzles.

Wondering about those Daiquiri Glasses?

Well, it’s Daiquiri Day on July 19th!

So if you’re still bored on Tuesday, maybe you’ll want to fill one of those Daiquiri Glasses and salute ‘life’ once again!

Here’s to getting out of the doldrums! Remember, summer will be gone before you know it. So, get up and get moving. Head to Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Want to help with Cheer Up the Lonely Day?

You can never have enough humor in your life.

And today is the perfect day to reach out to someone who may need be a bit of cheer in their life! We have a fun sign with Lucille Ball in her “Spoon your way to health” with Vitameatavegamin.

Vitameatavegemin with Lucille Ball poster, old pie tin and crust crimper all at Bahoukas Christmas in July sale!

We also thought we’d share with you the cut from the original program to be sure you had a bit of laughter on this “CHEER UP THE LONELY DAY.”

On July 12th, it’s also PECAN PIE DAY!

Well, we can’t think of a better way to cheer someone up than with a yummy pecan pie. The pie tin is definitely a collectible. In addition, we have a pie crust ‘crimper.’

Any of the items would make great gifts with the 20% savings during our CHRISTMAS in JULY Sale! So stop by soon. We’re watchin’ for ya!

Cookie Jar Storage

… not just for cookies!

cookie jars of all shapes and sizes at Bahoukas

Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall you know that we have a wonderful variety of items. Well, we’ve just discovered some modern-day uses for the old-fashioned cookie jar. Check out this interesting article:

Now you know my secret. I store garlic, potatoes, and onions in our cookie jar. It’s dry and dark in there, and no one suspects that Cookie Monster’s belly is full of healthy vegetables.  __from Unclutterer

Read the many comments to the article (in the link above). You’ll find a number of other uses. What a great idea!

cookie jar surprises at Bahoukas Antiques

Now just imagine using one of these delightful cookie jars to store some of those electronic items that you’ll probably never use but are afraid to throw away, or extra cords and chargers.

Turtle cookie jar at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

We have dozens of cookie jars and we’re sure one or two of them would be perfect for your decor. Or maybe you’d just like to try a bit of whimsey!

more cookie jar storage ideas from Bahoukas

So the next time you’re trying to remove clutter AND make space on a shelf, try one of our colorful cookie jars. The real advantage is that they also have a cover on them so you don’t have to dust the items you’re storing.

We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

When Pigs Fly?

You’ve heard that, right? It’s called an adynation!

The phrase “when pigs fly” (alternatively, “pigs might fly”) is an adynaton—a figure of speech so hyperbolic that it describes an impossibility. The implication of such a phrase is that the circumstances in question (the adynaton, and the circumstances to which the adynaton is being applied) will never occur.  from Wikipedia

cast iron flying pig at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

We have a fairly large variety of vintage and reproduction cast iron pieces, including our “FLYING PIG!”

Use these hefty fellows as a doorstop, by your fireplace, or just a fun decoration and conversation piece. Here are a couple more pics:

reproduction cast iron figures at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Along with these great reproduction cast iron pieces, you’ll find a number of vintage and collectible cast iron items.

Reproduction cast iron pig at Havre de Grace Bahoukas

It couldn’t be any more fun than this! So drop by Bahoukas Antique Mall and choose your favorite from our vintage and reproduction collections of cast iron figures. Yessiree, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Does Dad Love Radios?

Father’s Day is June 17th!

Does your Dad love radios? Does he collect them? We have a really beautiful and unique radio from the 1920s.

1920s radio - for the collector - at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD

This is a “FADA Eight” – table model, 1926, wood, low rectangular case, center front dials, loop antenna stores inside when not in use, lift top, 5 knobs, BC, 8 tubes, battery. You can see the loop antenna which would be raised up to ‘receive’ when in use.

Of course, we have a variety of radios for the collector and the curious.

Maybe Dad remembers his first ‘transistor’ radio. We have those, too.

1960s transistor radios came in all sorts of shapes - cars, gas pumps,Snoopy, even a phone and Pet milk can - all at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD

We offer a variety of collectibles that just might bring a big smile when you give it to Dad for Father’s Day. So stop in soon. And yes, of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!


Vases and Flowers

SPRING? It’s been a bit wet!

But the spring flowers have definitely welcomed us, even if the season seems a bit short. And we’ll soon be seeing the beautiful flowers that will blossom with the hot, humid days of summer. We have a wonderful assortment of vases. Of course, you can add them to your collection. But, better yet, find the perfect vase for some of those flowers and bring them into your home decor.

beautiful vases available at Bahoukas Antiques

Large and small, artistic and classic, we have a huge assortment of vases and small planters.

Gorgeous vases available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD

These wonderful vases can also be used for other items – they can hold pens and pencils, maybe your artist brushes, or even kitchen utensils. Have you thought about that? Are you looking for unique ways to decorate and keep your house beautiful and clutter-free? Check these shelves of vases and planters:

huge variety of vases and planters available at Bahoukas

These vases and small planters also make great vessels to put gifts in or to use for decorating for a shower or even a picnic.

Get creative. Have some fun. Create a ‘conversation piece.’ Stop by today and pick out one – or two – or there for your flowers, table, and creative projects. Did we forget to mention color? Oh my goodness, the choices are amazing. You’re sure to find just the most perfect piece!

colorful ceramic and pottery vases and small planters - all available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace

We also have crackle glass small vases, some fine crystal pieces, and etched glass ones. So stop in soon. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Just in Time for Picnics

Gifts for Mom and the Family

May, thoughts of outdoor picnics and barbeques, and great serving pieces make for perfect Mothers Day gift ideas. Below is a beautiful glass cake dish with a cover. Can you imagine the tasty dessert that will be served? YUM!

Beautiful covered cake dish - Bahoukas Antiques

Maybe you need a dish for your casserole. Well, check this one! A glass-covered, Guardian Ware serving dish. Perfect!

Guardian Ware covered serving dish

Has mentioned that she could sure use a few mixing/serving bowls? These stainless steel bowls below make it easy to mix your favorite salad, cover with plastic wrap and take directly to the picnic table. Those hungry kids will be so excited!

stainless steel bowls at Bahoukas Antiques

We absolutely love this circus-themed covered tin that’s just perfect for a batch of your favorite cookies and brownies. ooooOOOOOoooooo

circus themed tin for some favorite munchies

If you’re taking the cut-up veggies, a dip, maybe baked beans, these glass serving pieces with covers are perfect for the table and can go directly into the refrigerator/freezer afterward. Well, that’s if there’s anything left in them afterward!

glss covered serving/freezer dishes at Bahoukas Antiques

So if you’re thinking picnic, outdoor barbeques, or just a great gift for Mom this Mother’s Day, these pieces just might fill the bill. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Spring Nesting

beautiful Czech Glass and Porcelain Curtain Tiebacks at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace

Add Pizzazz!

Yes, Spring is finally here … (we hope, we hope, we hope)!

As nature works her magic and the birds and animals create their nests, so, too, do we humans make our own preparations for Spring. For many, that includes a bit of decorating and freshening our homes.

These beautiful curtain tiebacks might just add a bit of spring and a touch of color to your decor.

The top selection are of Czech Glass. The bottom group is porcelain. They are beautiful and we have a nice variety to offer you. So if you’re looking to add just a pinch of color and class to your windows, you might want to stop by and see these curtain tiebacks.

Of course, we’ll be watching for ya. Now that the snow is melting away.

Andy Warhol Collected Cookie Jars

What do Little Sprout, Nestle’s Toll House, and Wiley Coyote have in common?

Cookie jars!

Little Sprout, Nestle's Toll House, and Wiley Coyote are just a few of the wonderful collectible cookie jars available at Bahoukas.

Artist Andy Warhol amassed a collection of 175 ceramic cookie jars. These were in a multitude of shapes and figures. Most were purchased at flea markets. Warhol’s collection was featured in a prominent news magazine and sparked an interest in collecting cookie jars. When asked in the 1970s why he pursued the 1930s and 1940s jars, Warhol said simply, “They are time pieces.” At an auction of his apartment’s contents in 1987, Warhol’s collection of cookie jars realized $250,000.

The Brush Pottery Company of Zanesville, Ohio is generally recognized as producing the first ceramic cookie jar.
__from Wikipedia

This comment about cookie jars used for advertising product is interesting:

 Early on, American companies would fill cookie jars with their product and sell the entire container. It was an easy and popular way to promote their brand and product.

The above quote comes from a great article from Antique Trader. Read it for 9 other interesting tips about the history of cookie jars.

Of course, here at Bahoukas Antique Mall we have wonderful collection of cookie jars. Come to think of it, they’re just in time for our upcoming Easter and Spring celebrations. Brighten up your kitchen with a unique, collectible cookie jar. And yes, we’ll be watching for ya!

Collectible Creamers

Use them for cream, or even a small planter.

Delightful assortment of creamers available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD

Left to right, you have a traditional Wedgewood creamer, a delightfully funny pig, a pair of flowered cows, and a Royal Copley Spaulding duck. If you’re a collector, these are really interesting. But if you’re looking to use one for a creamer, they are all delightful. If neither of those uses is one that suits you, maybe you like to “think Spring” and use them for a small plant.

Royal Copley

Spaulding China Company operated from 1942 to 1957 in Sebring, Ohio. Marketed based on titles chosen to denote levels of “sophistication” the merchandise was all of very high quality. “Royal Windsor” and “Spaulding” were marketed to high end shops and department stores. 85% of the product was marketed as “ Royal Copley”, and sold to affordable “dime stores” and chains like Woolworth’s. The name Royal Copley has survived to represent all of the products of Spaulding, and an entire class of pottery.    __from Royal Copley Collecting

Stop in soon and take a peek at these. They’re really cute! We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Pygg Pots to Piggy Banks

Ever Wonder How the Piggy Bank Got Its Name?

The piggy bank’s history goes back to the Middle Ages. Check out this interesting trivia!

Believe it or not, the basic piggy bank used to be far more than just a childhood relic. The concept of stashing cash in hollowed objects has been around for nearly six centuries – before banks themselves were even dreamt up.
from Business Insider

Pygg pots to piggy banks - fun at Bahoukas Antiques

Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace has a delightful collection of banks – yes, including ‘piggy banks!’ Left to right they include: a mechanical cowboy souvenir bank from Havre de Grace First National Bank & Trust (not for sale), a J. Chein tin bank that says “Happy Days Bank,” a glass piggy bank (I remember these!), a large chalk ceramic Piggy Bank, an advertising piece – Sinclair Dinosaur Bank, a glass ‘fox’ bank that originally had drink flavoring in it, U.S. Mail box cast iron bank from the 1920s, and a 1930s cast iron piggy bank!

Mahapahit piggy bank from National Museum of Indonesia, JakartaAlong with the amazing history of the Pygg Pot, we share the desciption below:

Pygg is an orange colored clay commonly used during the Middle Ages as a cheap material for pots to store money, called pygg pots or pygg jars.[3] There is dispute as to whether “pygg” was simply a dialectal variant of “pig.”[4] By the 18th century, the term “pig jar” had evolved to “pig bank”.[5] As earthenware was supplanted by other materials, such as glassplaster, and plastic, the name gradually began to refer specifically to the shape of the bank, instead of what was used to make it.  fromWikipedia

So, tell the truth, did YOU know how piggy banks got their name? As we keep sharing, you just never know what you’ll see and learn when you stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum in Havre de Grace. As you know, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Thinking Spring? Thinking Green?

We have a bit of green for you!

Green Depression Glass and 3 pc Czechoslovakian Malachite Perfume Set by Ingrid

We have an entire cabinet filled to nearly overflow with green Depression Glass. In addition, the 3 pieces in the center of this photo are beautiful Czechoslovakian glass – a malachite perfume set by Ingrid.

Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral which occurs naturally and has concentric layers. It polishes to a high gloss and is used for ornaments. Malachite glass is intended to look like malachite, or more generally, to look like marble.

fromGlass Encyclopedia

If you’re looking for a unique collector piece, or a beautiful work of art, you may just want to drop by Bahoukas and see this beautiful display. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Do You Remember Jewel Tea Co?

Or Maybe the Fuller Brush Salesman?

The Jewel Tea Company’s Home Shopping Service began to phase out their home service in 1981. So many of you still remember the home delivery service.

Autumn Leaf by Hall

  • Autumn Leaf dinnerware often made its way into American homes through “The Jewel Man,” a door-to-door salesman employed by the Jewel Tea Company of Chicago. This is where the collector’s nickname “Jewel Tea” originated. New items were added to the collection through 1980, and the pattern has many fans today.    from TheSpruce.com

Called ‘mobile stores’ at the turn of the century (1900s) Jewel Tea set themselves a step above the competition by ‘advancing the premium’ rather than the customer receiving after so many purchases. The story goes something like this:

There were many tea companies at that time, and they all sold door-to-door, giving premium coupons with grocery purchases. When enough coupons had been saved, the customer had a choice of premium items offered. One day Mr. Ross knocked on the kitchen door of a prospective customer and had hardly stated his business when she grabbed a broom. He returned later that same day and learned that the lady had saved coupons for six months buying coffee and tea from a “wagon man” and had expected to get a rug with her coupons. However, the wagon man stopped coming around. Mr. Ross quickly offered her a premium to be left with her first order, to be paid out with a later trade.

from Chicagology.com 

Evidently the door-to-door salesman of the early 1900’s brought products to folks who may not normally have considered their products.

“Direct Selling” was useful for introducing new types of goods or new brands and enabled manufacturers to keep their products from losing to the competition at department stores. The rise of door-to-door selling in the 1920’s helped fuel the scientific homemaking movement, which provided housewives with labor-saving devices.  from Birth of a Salesman – the transformation of selling in America by Walter A. Friedman

Stop in to Bahoukas to see some of the Autumn Leaf pattern pieces that we have. Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Bells … calling you to dinner or school or church

We have smaller bells – two shelves of them!

Do you have memories of a bell as a child? Did mom call you to the table with the ringing of a small bell? Did she call you home with a bell? Or if you lived on the farm, maybe you had a large bell that brought you in from the field. Many remember a teacher having a bell on her desk. What do you remember?

dinner bells, school bells, decorative bells - all at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Whether you’re looking for a pretty bell for a shelf or table, a functional bell to call the kids into the house or to bring everyone to dinner, we have a wonderful collection for you to peruse.

Did you know?

The largest swinging bell in the world is the World Peace Bell in the Millennium Monument of Newport, Kentucky, United States. It has a weight of 66,000 pounds and a diameter of 12 feet. It was cast in 1998 by the Verdin company.

from Owlcation

The above link to Owlcation has some wonderful facts about bells. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a smaller version to add a bit of color and conversation to your home, stop in and check these out. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!


Oil Lamps and more Oil Lamps


Every style for every decor…

I believe we may have posted these before Christmas. Most of them came in just before the holidays. There are many different sizes, colors and patterns.

floral pattern oil lamps at Bahoukas

Green and other shades of oil lamps at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de GraceIf you’ve ever thought a couple oil lamps would add a touch of warmth and light to your home or get-away cabin/cottage, now is the time to stop by and choose the ones you’d love to have.

shades of blue oil lamps

Oil lamps are practical, functional and beautiful. Pick up a couple in case of an electric outage. Pick up a few others just for the ‘ambiance’. Beautiful and practical – a perfect combo for any reason. Stop by. We’ll be watching for ya!

Mostly amber-colored oil lamps



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