TOYS on Your Christmas List?

Toys at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace include very collectible Western Figures.
Toys at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace include very collectible Western Figures and more.
SKY SOLO SET - metal planes - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD
SKY SOLO SET - metal planes - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD

Or maybe you’re looking for a couple of CLASSIC AUTOS or MATCHBOX
Models of Yesteryear!?!?

Storewide Sale thru Christmas Eve – SAVE 20% – Perfect Timing for Last Minute Gifts!

Beautiful Jewelry for Your Holiday Bling

Dolls – Dolls – Dolls

Do you have a doll collector on your gift list? Or a youngster who just loves dolls and would be thrilled to have another one!?! We have an enormous collection of dolls – including Wizard of OZ Character dolls, Presidents’ Wives dolls, baby dolls, American Girl Dolls, angel dolls, and even Barbie Dolls.

Beautiful Taxidermy Wolf and Otter, plus Decorative Plastic Fish and more

Beautiful taxidermy - wolf and otter - at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD
beautiful taxidermy striped bass at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD

Hard to find mini-Hess-Truck Collections

Mini-Hess-Truck-Collections are hard to find but we have some at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace.

Hess Miniature Trucks, released late Spring annually, are small-scale replicas of our previously released Holiday toys – a great way for fans to expand their collection.  So popular that they sell out every year, the items below from prior years are shown for historical reference and are not available

Mini-Hess-Truck-Collections are hard to find but we have some at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace.

Critters, Carvings and more

An Example of the Variety of Gift Ideas Received This Week!

Beautiful Holiday Tins and Cookie Jars – perfect!

Lionel and American Flyer Model Trains – perfect gift for the train enthusiast

The Great Circus Train aand accessories - at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD

Looking to Add to Your Holiday Decorating?

Looking for a bit of ‘Unusual’ for Holiday Gifts?

African birthing chair available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Then look for these ‘horsey’ items – just too cute not to consider for the collector on your list or a child! Definitely ‘antiques’ and stunning pieces. 1940s Jockey and racehorse below are in great condition for their age!

Close up of 1940s stuffed toys - horse and jockey - at Bahoukas
1940s Trotalong MOBO riding horse - metal - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace

The most well known toy is the BRONCO, the ride-on horse. It works by the rider sitting on the horse and pushing down on the stirrups, then releasing them and then the horse moves along. From 1947 to 1950 the Bronco could only be steered in a straight line, but in February, 1950 Magic Steering was introduced. This enabled the rider by pushing on either stirrup to move the horse in that direction. The Broncho was so popular that it stayed in production until 1971.


Small Biz Saturday – books/magazines/Toy Trucks

HESS TRUCKS - 2022 MINI COLLECTION and many new regular-size trucks - all available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace
Nylint Trucks with smaller ERTL truck banks all at Bahoukas
Books available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Have de Grace - Golden Books, Classics, Military, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Cookbooks, and more
Wonderful assortment of magazines available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace MD
Books available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Have de Grace - Golden Books, Classics, Military, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Cookbooks, and more
Books available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Have de Grace - Golden Books, Classics, Military, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Cookbooks, and more
Books available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Have de Grace - Golden Books, Classics, Military, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Cookbooks, and more
Books available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Have de Grace - Golden Books, Classics, Military, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Cookbooks, and more
Magazines and more at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUES in Havre de Grace

Table Linens – Aprons – Teapots-Teacup Sets

Linens-Aprons-Table-Runners available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace
Teapots and Teacups Sets - large variety at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD
Teapots and Teacups Sets - large variety at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD
Teapots and Teacups Sets - large variety at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD
Child's China tea Set - service for 4 - at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD
Beautiful Sunshine Biscuits tins with 2 paintings from American Classic Artists on each at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD
Beautiful Sunshine Biscuits tins with 2 paintings from American Classic Artists on each at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace MD

Today’s Holiday Teasers – CareBears and PEZ

Recently acquired CareBears - perfect stocking stuffer - aat Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Recently acquired CareBears - perfect stocking stuffer - aat Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Each Care Bear is a different colour or shade and has a unique image on their stomach (referred to in various media as a “belly badge” or “tummy symbol”) that represents their personality. In addition to the Care Bear family are the “Care Bear Cousins”, which feature Brave Heart Lion, Cozy Heart Penguin, Bright Heart Raccoon, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Gentle Heart Lamb, Loyal Heart Dog, Playful Heart Monkey, Proud Heart Cat, Swift Heart Rabbit, Treat Heart Pig and Noble Heart Horse created in the same style as the Care Bears.

The 10 original Care Bears consist of Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Cheer Bear, Friend Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear, Grumpy Bear, Love-a-Lot Bear, Tenderheart Bear, and Wish Bear. Later on, additional bears joined them, as well as the Cousins.
from Wikipedia

PenDelfin Bunnies – delightful ceramic figures

A playful collection of PenDelfin B;unnies available at
A playful collection of PenDelfin B;unnies available at
A playful collection of PenDelfin B;unnies available at

Christmas Teasers

Christmas Teasers - variety of cookie cutters available at
Christmas Teasers - variety of ornaments available at

Violins, Cello, Guitar and more

unique Yueqin moon lute (or moon guitar) available at
This unique 4 stringed instrument originated in China and is called a moon guitar, or yueqin, and is considered a Han Chinese lute. It gets its name from its large, hollow sound box and is believed to be a descendant of the ruan. Though it is called a guitar it is closer to a banjo in terms of how it is played.

from Texan Cultures
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