These cast iron kettles are a size 4 and 8. The larger is a Jos Bell & Co.
Heat On? Fireplaces Working?
It’s the season where we begin to crank up the heat. Along with the warm and cozy fireplaces and pellet stoves or even just the welcome heat from your furnace, dry air starts to affect our comfort. Many folks love to put a kettle of water on the stove and let it add a bit of humidity to create a more comfortable – and healthy – home!
These two kettles are definitely up to the task. Come see them for yourself. We also have a number of other cast iron items waiting for you to consider.
Might You Be A Hunter?

Along with cooler temps, it’s also hunting season. This 1950 Wellsaw model 400 electric saw is for cutting meat. It does work.
You know, here at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum, you just never know what our ‘collector of collections’ might have in the shop. So hurry in and enjoy a look back while considering how you might use these very collections to make your life forward a bit easier or more fun.
Yep, we’re here – ready to help you find the most unique of holiday gifts. And we’re watchin’ for ya!