Commemorative Plates Offer Bits of Havre de Grace History

This wonderful plate commemorates the Havre de Grace Double Decker Bridge!

Havre de Grace Double Decker Bridge Commemorative Plate

The back of this plate offers interesting facts that also
give us a glimpse of the economics of earlier times.

back of HdG double decker bridge commemorative plate

Does anyone know who the 7 citizens were that purchased the bridge for $700 in 1908? Fascinating!

Another interesting commemorative plate features the Havre de Grace Methodist Church.

Havre de Grace United Methodist Church Commemorative Plate

Even more interesting, are the details on the back of this plate offering
more information about the Methodist Church.

details on back of HdG Methodist Church commemorative plate

Where was the church located before this building went up?
Was it on the same corner? Or somewhere else?

When you’re looking for collectibles, be sure to check out the back, underside, inside the lid, etc. for interesting details that can often be found regarding the item. Be sure to stop in and chat with George at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. There’s always something interesting happening there!

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