Jul 25, 2018 | Blog, Home, Tools
The cook in your life will love you…
We have a huge variety of culinary items that will delight any cook among your family and friends. Here’s this special day defined by Holiday Insights:
Culinarians Day is a special day for anyone who cooks. That means just about everyone of us get to celebrate this day. You don’t have to be a chef, or a graduate of a culinary institute to celebrate this delicious day. You simply have to cook, and to enjoy the results.
There’s national concern over growing obesity in America. Recognizing this fact, one would think that this is a huge holiday. However, we found this to be one of the least known holidays in the country….. up to now. Not anymore! We have documented it so all can enjoy Culinarians Day this year, and in future years.
Now get into your kitchen and celebrate Culinarians Day. Cook up a storm!
Of course, you’ll have to stop by Bahoukas to pick up a few special items to make that dish truly “Special.”
On Thursday, July 26, we celebrate Thread the Needle Day. This day celebrates a double-meaning. We offer a bit of both in our store. Here’s the definition of this unique day:
You can be certain that today is going to be a great day…….. if you sew.
Thread the Needle Day certainly is a day for those who sew. It also has a second meaning. The term “thread the needle”, is also a saying. It means to either walk a fine and difficult line between two things or issues, or to do something difficult. For example, suppose two of your friends are on opposite sides of an issue. You may have to “thread the needle” on that issue, as you attempt to retain both of them as your friend.
The creator of Thread the Needle Day did not document this day. So, until we find him or her, you can celebrate today by either sewing or threading the needle on issues.
Here are the items for the ‘sewer’ in the family. We have some old patterns that might help you create the perfect outfit. Or maybe you need some collectible buttons or
But we might add that “Threading the Needle” also means that fine line we sometimes have to walk. In this day, that fine line might be with friends on opposite sides of the political fence. You can lose one and gain the other, or you can “Thread the Needle.” For life will go on, situations will change. May you be successful whichever way you choose to celebrate “Thread the Needle Day.”
Stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum and see how you might celebrate special days. Absolutely, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Apr 23, 2018 | Blog, Collectibles
A campaign button is a pin used during an election as political advertising for (or against) a candidate or political party, or to proclaim the issues that are part of the political platform. Political buttons date as far back as President George Washington. They have taken many forms as the technology to create an image and mass production has allowed. In the late 18th and first half of the 19th century they were sewn-on clothing buttons, whereas the modern forms typically have pins on the back and are therefore also called pin-back buttons. ___Wikipedia
Above are a variety of campaign pins over the years. In this time of lots of political activity, be sure to save your campaign pins. It’s a perfect time to start your own collection.
The first photographic image on pins dates to 1860. Abraham Lincoln and his various opponents used the tintype or ferrotype photo process.
The first mass production of metal buttons dates to the 1896 William McKinley campaign for president with “celluloid” buttons with one side of a metal disk covered with paper (printed with the message) and protected by a layer of clear plastic.
Since 1916, buttons have also been produced by lithographing the image directly onto the metal disk. A celluloid-type button is fastened to a garment using a pin on the back side of the button (in recently produced buttons, the pin generally fits into a safety-pin-style catch). A lithographed button may fasten with a pinback or with a metal tab which folds over a lapel or pocket. ___Wikipedia
We also have these interesting 1952 National Republican Convention Tickets – Chicago.
The 1952 Republican National Convention was held at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois from July 7 to July 11, 1952, and nominated the popular general and war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower of Kansas, nicknamed “Ike,” for president and the anti-communist crusading Senator from California, Richard M. Nixon, for vice president.
The Republican platform pledged to end the unpopular war in Korea, supported the development of nuclear weapons as a deterrence strategy, to fire all “the loafers, incompetents and unnecessary employees” at the State Department, condemned the Roosevelt and Truman administrations’ economic policies, supported retention of the Taft-Hartley Act, opposed “discrimination against race, religion or national origin”, supported “Federal action toward the elimination of lynching”, and pledged to bring an end to communist subversion in the United States.
The 1952 convention was the first to be televised nationwide!
So as you consider upcoming elections, you just might want to consider starting your collection.