Think Warm!

COLD? brrrrr…

Beautiful Hoosier cupboard and Fire King Stove - both available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

This is the time of year we peruse our garden catalogs and consider how we might want to update our homes. As we huddle in our living rooms to stay warm, our thoughts go to projects for Spring.

We thought this might be a perfect time to highlight the gorgeous Fire King Stove and Hoosier Cabinet and the other kitchen accessories in our front window. The Hoosiers is a 1920s oak cabinet with an enamel top. Made by Sellers of Elwood, IN. It has a flour bin and bread box. Beautiful condition.

The 1920s Fire King Stove/oven combo was made in Baltimore and yes, it works! On the shelf above the oven, you’ll notice an electric, table-top washing machine.

On the Hoosier sitting on top is a sausage or fruit press (the black item). On the wall is a coffee grinder and a drying rack. On the enamel top of the Hoosier are cast iron items that include a matches holder, pancake maker, ice scraper and lemon squeezer. There’s a cast iron toast holder, various utensils, dishes, wonderful pottery bowls and old tins, plusĀ  a yellow egg basket.

Just looking at the photo seems to make us feel warmer. Stop in and take a peek for yourself. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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