Bossons is the name given to an extraordinary collection of character wall masks, figurines, shelf ornaments, animal studies, wall plaques, lamp bases, bookends, wall clocks, thermometers, barometers, pottery figures and mirrors that were produced by the W. H. Bossons Company of Congleton, England between 1948 and 1996. The brainchild of a talented father and son team, they have become highly sought after works of art all around the world, but especially in the USA and England.

Talk about a small business with a quality of excellence!
Ray Bossons was an extremely talented artist with an intuitive ability to anticipate market trends. He was a perfectionist with regard to the anatomical detail, artistic excellence and historical accuracy of each item of art the company created. He was the creative genius and without question, the designer extraordinaire of the W. H. Bossons companies following the death of his father, W. H. Bossons in 1951. The company’s reputation spread within a comparatively short period of time to all the principal markets of the world. Most of the original ideas and basic concepts came from Ray Bossons fertile imagination. He would sketch the ideas for the wall masks and figurines after much research on each character to be portrayed and relied on his extensive library for research material. The original models were executed in clay by highly talented sculptors with no limit set on the time it took to create an original model.* Ray Bossons would set the standards for the pieces and then turn them over to the staff of painters to complete.
*italics by post author
This unique selection of Bosson Chalk Heads can be a perfect start to a new collection. Stop in and see them for yourself. We’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya.
UPDATE: Yes, we WILL be open on New Year’s Day!