Spring is in the Air at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Vintage Federal Glass covered bowl - Atomic Starburst - available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace MD
Set of 4 Pyrex Early American Cinderella nesting bowls 1960s vintage - available at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD
Variety of beautiful Lenox serving dishes and more - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace MD
Beautiful Lenox Serving Dishes, candle holders, and more at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL
Fire King gas stove - 1920s - manufactured by A Weiskittel & sons of Baltimore MD - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace

Vintage Toys – Just in Time for Easter

1960s Vintage Easter Toys

Luck Rabbit - a 1960s vintage toy, battery operated, he has a whistle and plays a drum. Comes with the original box.

A variety of vintage 1960s plastic toys - great for Easter.

1960s Selection of Vintage Easter Toys – plastic

Check out our McDonald’s Plates

McDonald's Plastic plate - Ronald McDonald character and Easter Bunny

Last – but so much fun – the battery operated Lion

Spring Ahead and Bunnies

Easter and the Signs of Spring are all around us. Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall we have a few ideas for you for your Easter Baskets, Easter and Spring Decor. For instance, check out this gallery of the cutest bunnies and Easter eggs! They’ll bring a smile for sure!

Bunnies and Eggs

Whether you use these bunnies for table decorations, Easter Baskets or just little reminders of spring tucked on shelves or tables about the house, they are delightful. Hurry in and make your selection soon.

Books About Bunnies Kids Will Love

Sometimes a little book tucked into the Easter Basket is just the perfect addition! We browsed our shelves to give you a sampling! Of course, that Gift doesn’t have to be about bunnies. But they seem quite appropriate for Spring!

Remember, Easter is Sunday, April 9th. Add a bit of bunny fun to your decorations and baskets.

And don’t forget…

This Sunday Begins Daylight Savings Time

Crocuses - Reminder of Daylight Savings Time

You don’t want to be late for church or brunch or any other activities this Sunday! Turn your Clocks ahead (yes – SPRING AHEAD) before you go to bed this Saturday.

And remember, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya. Stop in and say ‘hello.’

Collectibles, Spring, and Easter

Celebrate Spring with a visit to Bahoukas

We have a variety of collectibles for you to celebrate Spring! With Easter just one week away, you’ll want to stop in and pick out a few special items for decorating and to add to your Easter baskets.

The beautiful geese can grace a special buffet (these are fairly large) or add a bit of whimsy to your porch or deck.

Several Bunny figurines and a large ceramic egg

Bunnies & Eggs

We have the cutest rabbit collectibles and a variety of eggs. Whether you add to a basket (which we have) or to your Easter centerpiece, they’re sure to bring a smile.

Visit this link for more info on our Easter/Spring ideas.


Don’t forget that we have a variety of toys and games from mini-furnishings for a dollhouse to metal trucks, Hot Wheels, and even a noisemaker or two!!!

Remember, they can take these outside and enjoy!

a variety of noisemakers for kids

We have a variety of jars and bottles that are just perfect to add a bit of spring to your home decor while you await the coming burst of flowers. Or just add a daffodil or two and VOILA! you have a bit of cheer and color to brighten a room.

flower stems in old collectible bottles

As we look forward to the coming warmer days and greener lawns, Bahoukas offers a variety of indoor and outdoor decor, tools and games, kitchen accessories and dishware, toys, and more. Put on your creative hat as you start your Spring plans and visit us. We just might surprise you with our variety of antiques and collectibles.

Of course, you already know we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Collectible Toys That Delight Us

Vintage Toys Can Be So Much Fun To Share

Just received – 3 beautiful Pop-Up Musical Boxes: Mother Goose, Doctor Doolittle – GIRAFFE, and Bumble Bug

George found these toys from the 1970s that all work, They are just so delightful. Maybe a youngster would love one with their Easter Basket – or you collect toys and want to add these to your shelf. Stop in soon and check them out. Bumble Bug, Mother Goose, and Giraffe in a box are all ready to bring a smile to your face.

Doctor Doolittle’s Giraffe in-a-box Vintage Toy

Mother Good in-a-box/So much fun!

Everyone Loves Woody Woodpecker!

Vintage Woody Woodpecker Talking Stuffed Toy with pull string

Admit it, you just love these! So whether one or two are for your collection, or a nostalgic gift to share with a special youngster, we encourage you to come to check them out soon.

Easter’s coming … we’re trying to help you be ready! And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Stuffing Your Easter Basket – pt 2

The Cutest Bunnies…

Without a cute, little bunny tucked into the Easter Basket or among your Spring Decorations, it just doesn’t feel like Easter – or Spring! Take a peek at some of the cuties we have.

Easter Bunny Figures of all sizes
Bahoukas has a wonderful collection of Easter Bunny figures in several sizes – and even a cookie jar!
The cutest faces on these Easter Bunny figurines
It’s hard not to love – and smile – at these cute little, music-loving, bunnies at Bahoukas.

Seriously, have you seen anything so cute? Can’t you almost hear them singing along with their instruments? So many wonderful choices of little bunnies to add to a special Easter Basket or in your Spring Decor!

Several Bunny figurines and a large ceramic egg
These very collectible bunnies – plus flower pot and large egg – are perfect for your Easter Holiday.
eggs perfect for spring decor
Very collectible Eggs to fill with a gift for Easter or to add to your Spring Decor
Decorated Eggs
Several decorated Eggs as well as a variety of Plastic ones.

Stop in soon and pick out your favorites to tuck into someone’s Easter Basket or add to your Spring Decor. We’ve shared baskets, PEZ ideas, and now Easter Bunnies. Stay tuned for our next collectible perfect for the season. In the meantime, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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