Tools and Instruments

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A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they are the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advantage (also called leverage) to multiply force. The six classical simple machines which were defined by Renaissance scientists are:

Wheel and axle
Inclined plane

from Wikipedia

The simple machine was the beginning. We could take a simple machine and multiply our efforts. Then …

Substitution as makeshift is when human ingenuity comes into play and a tool is used for its unintended purpose such as a mechanic using a long screw driver to separate a cars control arm from a ball joint instead of using a tuning fork. In many cases, the designed secondary functions of tools are not widely known. As an example of the former, many wood-cutting hand saws integrate a carpenter’s square by incorporating a specially shaped handle that allows 90° and 45° angles to be marked by aligning the appropriate part of the handle with an edge and scribing along the back edge of the saw. The latter is illustrated by the saying “All tools can be used as hammers.” Nearly all tools can be used to function as a hammer, even though very few tools are intentionally designed for it and even fewer work as well as the original.

from Wikipedia

Here, at Bahoukas Antique Mall, we have a variety of tools for nearly every need. We have a wonderful assortment of vintage tools used for woodworking. But check these out for a different peek at what you might find on a shelf :

Collectible microscope at Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD  Comptometer - Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace  Vintage blood pressure cuff at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace, MD 

On the left is a beautiful microscope that just might delight a young person learning a bit of science! In the center, well, this is quite the calculator. What we can do on our smartphones is so much more than the efforts made with the Comptometer! Here’s a great video explain the mechanics behind the Comptometer. You can see how the ‘simple machines’ noted above make up the way these machines worked.


Do you wonder how you use them? Here’s another video. You can advance to around 3 minutes to see how to use it. 

 And finally, we have an old version of a tool/instrument to read your blood pressure. It’s intriguing to see wrist cuffs now that do the same. 

Keep in mind, that tools started with the simplest machines noted above. Later, when you added steam, electricity, transistors, all leading to the computer age and the use of chips. Tools and instruments are fascinating. If you’re an older person, you’ll remember many of these transitions. If you’re a younger person, it might be fun to understand the development required to have the amazing tools you use today!

Hey, stop in and visit us at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. We love chatting. And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

How many ways can you play stringed instruments?

… play with a bow, some with picks, many with plucking and strumming

musical instruments available at Bahoukas Antiques

Above we have a beautiful violin (autographed, but we don’t recognize the names – maybe you will), a dulcimer, a Bauer Bowl Mandolin, a Russian balalaika, and the frame of a banjo. Oh yes, and a tambourine! (Come on… let that 60’s child out and enjoy a bit of rhythm!)

The balalaika (Russian: балала́йкаpronounced [bəɫɐˈɫajkə]) is a Russian stringed musical instrument with a characteristic triangular wooden, hollow body and three strings. Two strings are usually tuned to the same note and the third string is a perfect fourth higher. The higher-pitched balalaikas are used to play melodies and chords. The instrument generally has a short sustain, necessitating rapid strumming or plucking when it is used to play melodies. Balalaikas are often used for Russian folk music and dancing.   from 

Listen to an explanation and hear the beauty of this instrument in this video:

If you go to another blog post on our site, CLICK HERE, you can also enjoy the beautiful sound of the dulcimer and the mandolin.

Music seems to be as old as the human race. It has comforted us, given us joy, led us to war, and created amazing celebrations.

“While language splits the world into detailed, distinct pieces, music unifies the world into a whole,” Perlovsky writes. “Our psyche requires both.”


These wonderful instruments are in our front window. Stop by and see them for yourself. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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