Jan 11, 2019 | Blog, Collectibles, Home
Help someone start collecting with ‘tiny’…
We all love to gather things around us that reflect our personalities,
interests and values, and make our home or office unique.
These ‘Tiny Collections’ can be added to your own shelves, or maybe you’d like to encourage someone to begin their own collection. We’ll be sharing more from George, our ‘collector of collections’ expert!
And yes, we’ll be watchin’ for ya. Stop in soon!
May 18, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Toys
No better way to enjoy the summer sand than with a bucket and a shovel!
Whether it’s your back yard sandbox, a little garden spot, or the sunny beach,
these cute and collectible, metal, Donald Duck, Disney-Character buckets and shovels
make a perfect toy. A little rust due to age, but otherwise in excellent condition.
A tiny one (maybe holds a couple cups) and a larger one – probably a quart size.
Made at the Ohio Art Company in Bryan, Ohio
These original items are from 1938.
Proudly made in the USA