Looking for a bit of ‘Unusual’ for Holiday Gifts?

African birthing chair available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Then look for these ‘horsey’ items – just too cute not to consider for the collector on your list or a child! Definitely ‘antiques’ and stunning pieces. 1940s Jockey and racehorse below are in great condition for their age!

Close up of 1940s stuffed toys - horse and jockey - at Bahoukas
1940s Trotalong MOBO riding horse - metal - available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL in Havre de Grace

The most well known toy is the BRONCO, the ride-on horse. It works by the rider sitting on the horse and pushing down on the stirrups, then releasing them and then the horse moves along. From 1947 to 1950 the Bronco could only be steered in a straight line, but in February, 1950 Magic Steering was introduced. This enabled the rider by pushing on either stirrup to move the horse in that direction. The Broncho was so popular that it stayed in production until 1971.


Really? An African Birthing Chair?

African birthing chair available at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace

Yes… Seriously!

We received this beautiful, hand-carved African Birthing Chair from an Olympic skating coach who no longer had room for it in her home.

An absolutely exquisite piece, hand-carved with elephant and giraffes, this chair most certainly fits “Conversation Piece” to a T!

We believe it’s made of mahogany. Must be seen to be appreciated.

In the meantime, we thought you might get a chuckle from this interesting story of one woman’s first experience seeing a birthing chair in a museum.

Stop in soon and see this beautiful piece, then browse our shop. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!


Another view of the African Birthing Chair!

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