that keeps us in – but the sun!

With temperatures heading up to the 90s this week, often it’s too hot for the young ones to be outdoors for too long at a stretch. We just might have a solution or two for you at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

We have a wonderful variety of Little Golden Books and more for the young readers to enjoy. Maybe you’d like to bring them in to pick one out – or surprise them with a selection when you need to bring them indoors for a bit of cool, quiet time!

Along with this wonderful selection of books, you’ll also find a nice selection of games that the youngest to the older kids may enjoy! Make a game or reading party to encourage the youngsters to enjoy a respite from the hot sun!
Stop in today… we’ll be open all week. Yes, we are OPEN on July 4th – and we’ll be open on Saturday – parade day! Yessireeeee… we’re always watchin’ for ya at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum.