Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco

Do you remember that? We may be smoking less today, but anyone of a ‘certain age’ will remember that slogan for Lucky Strikes cigarettes. Maybe you remember buying a pack of candy cigarettes and riding on your bicycle pretending to be smoking. Okay, okay… maybe you didn’t. (chuckle)


2 corn cob pipes, wood-carved pipe available at Bahoukas
2 corn cob pipes and a wood-carved pipe

Tobacciana is the collecting of anything tobacco-related. Old tins, cigarette packs, cigarette papers, pipes, ashtrays, tobacco tins, etc.

Choosing a favorite among tobacco memorabilia may be the most challenging aspect of this hobby. From the art to the accessories, selecting which items to collect is a great challenge. 

cigar ash tray, corn cob and wood carved pipes, smoking tobacco pack and cigarette pack, hand-carved vuffalo and owl pipes
corn cob and wood-carved pipes, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, cigar ashtray, hand-carved buffalo and owl pipes.
close-up of the buffalo and owl hand-carved pipes

If you really want to delve into the world of Tobacciana, you may want to check out this Tobacco Pipe Glossary. In the meantime, stop in and see just what we have in our Tobacciana Collection! Of course, we’re watchin’ for ya and can’t wait to say, “Welcome to Bahoukas!”

You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog
Vintage Photos & Tintypes
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