These pitchers and the deviled egg dish are awesome if you’re into chicken collectibles.
Do you love anything ‘chickens?’
There are at least 100 glass companies that have produced at least 250 forms or sizes of glass hen covered dishes over the past 150 years. These dishes are referred to as an animal dish, trinket box, hen in a basket and hen on a nest. The official name, according to Smith, originated from Westmoreland glass company in the 1930s. They coined the name “hen on a nest” which has been shortened to simply “hen on nest” by latter companies and collectors. Between 1890-1910 the glass hen dishes gained advertising and publicity when they were used to package condiments, mainly mustard.
from Community Chickens
Collectible chickens – especially ‘hens on the nest’ – are very collectible. Among the ‘homesteaders’ it’s easy to see why they might absolutely love anything ‘chicken’! But it seems that many collectors, as well as home decorators, love anything ‘chicken’!

The variety of colors in these beautiful hens on the nest dishes is amazing. What’s your favorite?

We have a very large selection of these dishes. Fill them with candies, a dish on your Thanksgiving table, or anything you might like. Add to a shelf of collectibles. No matter how you use them, we have an amazing collection.
Yes, we’re here. And we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop in soon and find those items you’ll desire for the upcoming holidays!