… a fun and stylish collectible

From Benjamin Franklin’s spectacles to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’s sunglasses, eyewear plays an important role in our perceptions of history and culture. While the first eyewear emerged in the 13th century Italy, it didn’t mesh with fashion until much later. In 1730, an English optician developed a pair of glasses with two attached rods that rested on the wearer’s ears. From that point, corrective lenses became wearable accessories.
From AntiqueTrader.com
Did you ever make the connection between the invention of the Gutenberg Press and the popularity centuries later of printing for the masses would create the need, and popularity, of eyeglasses! Before then, few average people owned books. But once available, people then needed eyeglasses to improve their eyesight for reading.
It wasn’t until the 15th century, soon after the advent of the movable-type printing press, that concave lenses were developed in Florence. Florentine spectacle makers were so advanced, they had lenses graded for every five years of eye-sight loss for the age 30 and onward, plus two different strengths of lenses for the near-sighted.
from CollectorsWeekly.com
Today, eyeglasses are common. Of course, we also have contact lenses and corrective eye surgery to improve our eyesight. But collecting eyeglasses has gained popularity among history re-enactors who look for period eyewear to complete their costumes. The theater has always been a great place for using vintage eyewear.
Even more fascinating are those who love collecting styles that were worn by celebrities and famous individuals. Nearly everyone can remember the styles worn by Jackie-O (wife of the late President John F. Kennedy).

Check out this post that shares some great examples of famous people and their eyewear.
This iconic vintage glasses guide will take you through the lives of 10 of the most stylish and famous ladies from Hollywood and beyond. We’ve even matched the eyepieces of our favorite iconic glasses wearers with our own frames, which are updated for today’s trends, so you can steal the look!
from VintandYork.com
Okay, now you know a little more about eyeglasses. Stop in to Bahoukas and pick a pair for your historical costume, a theater costume, or to add a bit of pizzazz the next time you go out! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!