Toys, Games, Vintage Advertising, Vintage shoes
We thought we’d entice you to visit by sharing a variety of items in this post. Whether you’re a kid or a kid-at-heart, we have some nifty items. You can also find some Vintage Baltimore advertising pieces, a game, and more.
We believe this game is a 3D Tic Tac Toe but we don’t have any directions. Can you figure it out? We’ve seen similar online, but none exactly like this one. It’s our recent whozwhatsit!
Vintage Newsstand Advertisement Pieces
We have a variety of Sun Papers advertisements in the shop. (Not recent reproductions) Stop by and see if you might enjoy a couple to frame and have in your collection or decor!

On the left is a vintage Sunpapers (Baltimore) newsstand advertisement for ‘expert baseball coverage.’
Vintage Shoes and Boots

These women’s boots are so unique. Maybe you’d like the whole set or just a pair to perk up a special place in your home.

Men’s Boots
This handsome pair of men’s leather, riding boots are wonderful, but the wooden boot trees are what make this item extra, extra special.
Do you know what a skediddle is? We weren’t sure until we did some research. But this Mickey Mouse Skediddle is pretty cool. It’s a 1968 Mattel toy.

Mickey Mouse Skediddler
This is just the cutest toy from 1968 Mattel. Check out the 1968 vintage commercial below.
Sometimes we have way too much fun…
With Easter in another week, it’s a great time to stop in and see what might work perfectly to fill a basket or decorate your home. No matter what, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!