Apr 13, 2018 | Blog, Collectibles, Paper
Stunning Very Collectible Vintage Postcards

We recently received hundreds – yes, hundreds of beautiful, stunning, vintage postcards. Many of them are embossed. We have beautiful postcards for nearly every holiday and dozens of subjects. You have to see them to appreciate them. They are just stunning. Whether you add them to your collection, use them for decoupage, or frame them, these vintage postcards are a delight!
Hurry in and see them for yourself. If you love vintage postcards, you won’t be disappointed. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!
Dec 13, 2017 | 44 Days of Gifts, Blog, Collectibles, Paper
Thrill a Reader on your List with a Collectible Book!

Above we have Cherry Ames in Rest Home Nurse, Trixie Belden and the Black Jacket Mystery, and The Bobbsey Twins in The Secret at the Seashore! Below we have two in the Nancy Drew Mystery Series: The Quest of the Missing Map and the Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion plus Peter Potamus!

But that’s not all…. consider these:

Above we have The Three Musketeers – a Whitman Book, Little Golden Books including this one about Roy Rogers, and another Whitman Book, Wyatt Earp. Below we have The F.B.I. from Random House with a forward by J. Edgar Hoover, The Lone Star Ranger by Zane Grey, and The House on the Cliff with The Hardy Boys!

While doing a little research, we discovered a great deal more information on Zane Grey.
Most of knew him as a highly read author of Westerns. Consider these:
- His name was actually Pearl Zane Gray
- He was an accomplished baseball player, earning a college scholarship
- He went to the University of Pennsylvania, receiving a degree in Dentisty
- His wife “Dolly” pretty much handled his affairs
- His favorite sport was fishing and he held 10+ world records for big game fishing
- Born Jan. 31, 1872 and died Oct. 23, 1939 in Zanesville, Ohio
- He authored more than 90 books
- His novels and short stories were adapted into 112, films, 2 TV episodes, and a series, Dick Powell’s Zane Grey Theater
What an amazing story! You see, we have much to share when you visit us at Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum. Remember, the countdown to Holiday Festivities in growing close. We’re here to help you find those unique gifts for the very special people on your list. Stop by … we’ll be watchin’ for ya.
Jul 26, 2017 | Blog, Paper
What was your favorite book as a child?

Children’s books continue to be one of our most loved items in the store. We have had books from the Dick and Jane Series, Weekly Readers, and many others. Some are very used, others in decent condition. Somehow … the ‘very used’ seem to feel special when you hold them. After all, some very loving, little hands enjoyed them over the years.
CLICK HERE to read an interesting article on banned (mostly) children’s books. Regardless of your personal choices, we have some beautiful classics for children. Stop in and browse. The weblady is partial to the Bobbsey Twins Seris and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Did you ever wonder about ‘challenged and banned books?’ Here’s an interesting link from the American Library Association. Intriguing …
Jul 19, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Paper
Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Economy, and Mechanic Arts

Recently George received a number of these publications: The Maryland Farmer: Monthly Magazine Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Economy & Mechanic Arts. They are from 1865-1866! The articles offer advice and details on plantings, animal husbandry, recipes, even lifestyle! Intriguing reads with a dash of that old-fashioned wisdom that still fits today. Intriguing!

Jul 8, 2017 | Blog, Collectibles, Paper
Amazing Bible-Teaching Portable Class dated 1896
This unique piece is perfect for the right person. Could that person be YOU?

The briefcase opens into a lectern. The top works like a movie screen, with beautiful illustrations that are manipulated with a key-like hand-crank.

The Royal Scroll and how to use the Pen Pictures
The book is a Bible study filled with Pen Pictures from Genesis to Revelation and includes descriptions of the plates (illustrations), maps and a Question and Answer section related to the stories.

Beautiful Maps

Bible Study in Topical Form addressing questions of The Scriptures 1902

Table of Contents
The screen offers beautiful illustrations. Below are some samples.

Published in 1902 by Powers, Higley and Company, Chicago. The copyright is 1896 by Powers, Fowler and Lewis