U.S. Military Collectibles and Books
Bahoukas Antiques has a decent section on U.S. Military History that includes items used by soldiers: canteens, some clothing, patches, insignia, and a unique set of saddle bags, etc.

Along with a number of WWII History Books, Bahoukas has a selection of other history books and biographies.

People who love to read know that an actual book in their hands can never be lost if the power goes out and you can’t read via electronics. If you have a subject you love, stop by and see not only the Military Books but many different subjects for all ages. We have several areas for you to browse. They make great gifts and stocking stuffers from Golden Books for the kids, to cookbooks and novels, to our Military selection.
It’s time to get serious about your Holiday Gift List and we’re here to help. Yep, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!