Turtles and the Space Race
Did you know that 2 turtles actually were on voyages to the moon in September 1968? Check out this article on the ZOND 5.
… what really sets the Zond 5 apart from any other mission is its occupants: two unnamed Russian tortoises, or “steppe” tortoises as they are sometimes known. Along with samples of soil, seeds, and even some worms, the two reptiles were in space for a total of six and a half days as the capsule completed its circle of the Moon.
from National Space Centre – UK

Longevity, Patience, Wisdom
These are just a few attributes given to turtles and their symbolism.
The dream of turtles is a sign of long life, health, and prosperity. It comes as an impulse to be patient, constant in actions, and to have long term vision.
On the other hand, it could be a sign designed to make you cautious, move slowly, and don’t miss any details. Dreams about baby turtles signify that you will soon hatch some new ideas and should let go of fears.
from Worldbirds-turtle Symbolism
No matter what draws you to a turtle, you might want to visit and choose one of these little guys for your collection or to give as a gift. From a huge soup tureen (not necessarily for turtle soup!!!) to one so tiny you could carry it in your pocket, we have a few choices to delight the turtle-lover.
Stop in soon. For sure, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!