Wade Miniatures

Red Rose Tea and Teacups

Wade Miniatures - Noah's Ark - at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace
Wades miniatures include Noah’s Ark and all the critters

When Red Rose Tea began to offer Wade miniatures in 1967, it wasn’t uncommon to promote food and beverage items with free premiums. Even so, the success of Wade figurines for Red Rose was unprecedented, boasting a production run for the first series of miniatures that numbered in the millions. The miniatures soon became a perennial item in boxes of Red Rose Tea. To date, it is estimated that more than 300 million Wade figurines have been given away in packages of Red Rose Tea in America.

George Wade came into ownership of Wade & Sons of Burslem, England in 1899, eventually renaming it George Wade Pottery. The style of figurines known as “Wade Whimsies” first appeared in the 1950s, and have been a regular promotion in Red Rose Tea in the United States since 1983.

from Red Rose Tea website
Stop by and see our amazing collecting of Wade miniatures.

Looking for a very special Valentine Day gift? Does she/he love tea? Consider a teapot and teacup set for 1 or more. Then add a few Wade miniatures. What a beautifully loving way to say, “I love you.”

We have an amazing selection of teacups and teapots.

Of course, with our huge ‘collection of collections,’ we’re sure we can help you discover a perfect gift for him or her that says, “I love you!” on that special day.

Yes, we’ll be watchin’ for you. Stop by soon.

Noah’s Arks

Yes, we know there was only one!

A Wade figures Noah's Ark and one by ARCO


On the right is a porcelain Noah’s Ark with Wade figurines (circa 2002) by Red Rose Tea. It includes 7 pairs of ‘critters’ plus Noah and his wife. It’s an adorable set.

On the left is a plastic Noah’s Ark set by ARCO. In this set, all the critics can be kept inside the ark since the top comes off.

Franchised gas stations used to give out all kinds of premiums to lure in folks from their road trips to fill up with Gulf over ARCO, or Esso rather than Sinclair.

Some of those premiums were in the form of maps, but others went straight to the back seat, to keep the kids quiet. If you grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, you’ll probably remember these gas station premiums.

… from Bestride.com

Remembering these premiums kind of makes me miss those road trips when we stopped for gas and got a toy or a juice glass as a premium! Ah, yes, the good old days.

Well, stop in and see what we have at Bahoukas. You know that we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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