Rocking, Springy. Bouncy Toy Horses
Everyone Had a Horse!
What was your favorite toy horse?
It took three times around the shop to actually find all the ‘play horses!’ And we’re not even talking about the horse figurines, which we’ve posted in the past. These amazing rocking/springy/bouncy children’s horses come in all shapes and sizes. But don’t stop there.
We also have several wooden horses including this Fench Rocking Horse from the early 1900s. It’s not in the best of shape, but someone out there could create a beautiful upcycled pieced, we’re certain.
The other fun ‘horse-y’ items are the 1940s stuffed horse and jockey. These are just too cute.
You might notice in our slideshow two unique pieces. One is a stick horse which requires actually walking/running around pretending you’re riding a real horse. Hey, exercise that’s fun! The other is a huge wagon wheel. Why? I don’t know, just seemed to fit with horses. One is all metal; the other is wood with a flat metal tire. These are large wagon wheels at least 3 feet in diameter. Can you come up with a unique upcycle?
Stop in and think creatively. Whether you purchase one for your bouncing, active little one or you upcycle it in some way, we have a nice selection to choose from. Stop by and share your stories of playing on your bouncy, springy, rocking horse. Yessireeee… we’ll be watchin’ for ya!