Comics… and MORE Comics
Bahoukas Antique Mall has acquired an amazing collection of comics – hundreds (if not thousands)! And George has just started putting them out.
The easiest way to share them is in this Gallery Of Comics – which is a mere drop in an ocean of comics!
Do you know what the title of the first comic printed in the U.S. was? Are you ready?
The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck
Yep – printed in 1837 in Europe, and translated and printed in the U.S. in 1869.
Pannapictagraphist – what?
a pannapictagraphist is a comic book collector, who takes collecting comic books very seriously.
from Select Blinds
So whether you’re a pannapictagraphist or just love to read a comic or two … or three … or a dozen, stop by soon and browse our collection.
And don’t forget, we’re here and, yep, we’re watchin’ for ya!