Forget Friday the 13th …
We’re going for National French Fry Day!
The above is a 1982 Mattel and Barbie McDonald’s play set.
… It’s name might suggest a French origin. But, French Fries are believed to have originated in Belgium in the 17th century. Fried potatoes were substituted in the Belgium diet in winter months, when fish were not available to fry. From Europe, their popularity spread literally around the world.
French fries were introduced to the U.S. by President Thomas Jefferson. In the U.S., french fries are the most popular fast food item.
… Did You Know? Americans consume 30 pounds of potatoes per person per year. 25% of those potatoes are made into french fries.
from Holiday Insights
Then Saturday is National Nude Day
… well, we have a few blushingly appropriate items … stop in and see them.
National Nude Day is a serious and special day. There are a sizable number of nudist groups around the world. They are not perverts. Rather, Nudists believe that the body is a beautiful thing, and meant to be displayed. Nudist colonies, nude beaches, and other venues exist to cater to the preferences of individuals who seek to walk around “au natural”. Even the conservative city of Buffalo, NY gets in on the act, holding an annual nude bike ride, encouraging participants to wear as little as they want. from Holiday Insights
and Finally, Be a Dork Day
Today (July 15) is Be a Dork Day. If you are a dork, stand up, be counted, and be proud. If you are not currently a dork, it’s your chance to be one, if only for a day. We are not sure why you would choose to be a dork today or any day. But, if you are so inclined, go for it and certainly enjoy this day along with all it has to offer.
Not sure you want to be a dork? The adjectives used to describe a dork include: awkward, clumsy, goofy, odd, out of touch, ridiculous, silly, and social misfit. I’m sure we missed a few attributes, but you get the picture.
What a Dork is not: A dork is not a nerd or a geek. Nerds and geeks have a higher IQ, and while quirky, they are held to a higher level of esteem.
from Holiday Insights
So have fun this weekend. Forget worrying about Friday the 13th. Celebrate it with some French Fries. Then at least smile about July 14 National Nude Day. And hug a Dork on Sunday, July 15!
Remember that tomorrow evening, July 14, from 9-11pm is our Paranormal Investigation. Call ASAP to reserve your space. And stop in soon, we’re celebrating “Christmas in July” with a 20% off EVERYTHING. We’ll be watchin’ for ya!