Beautiful Chrome Electric Percolators


What is it about the smell of coffee that can take us back to grandma’s or mom’s house in our memories? Even those who don’t drink coffee share similar memories. (Sorry, can’t help but remember this sound from the Maxwell House Coffee commercial!)

Of course, we know the aroma most often brings warm and cozy feelings to mind. Sitting around a kitchen table, fingers wrapped around a hot cup of coffee, conversation lively and fun.

sleek electric percolator
electric percolator for coffee

We have some beautiful chrome electric percolators available at Bahoukas. Various shapes and sizes and yes, they do work!

elegant electric percolator
An electric percolator – great for entertaining.

May Your Holiday Offer the Warm Feelings of Years Gone By

This ad seems to be perfect for the season. Enjoy! And don’t forget, we’re here except for Christmas Day and New Years Day. Give us a call on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve just in case we leave early to enjoy our holiday with our loved ones and friends.

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