Cowboys and Tigers and more…oh my

National Day of the Cowboy

John Wayne collectible plates and more at Bahoukas to Celebrate National Day of the Cowboy

Holiday Insights gives us a wonderful definition of National Day of the Cowboy celebrated on the 4th Saturday of July:

National Day of the Cowboy was created in 2005 to preserve the role and contributions cowboys and cowgirls made to the western heritage and history of our country. Every year on this day, the NDOC gives recognition awards to individuals, organizations and projects that contribute to the preservation of both pioneer history, and the promotion of cowboy culture.

Shortly after the Civil War, cowboys and cowgirls began to appear in America’s heartland and the wild west. They were largely ranchers and ranch hands, raising cattle, horses and other animals. Cowboys herded them across the plains to feed the animals, and ultimately to slaughterhouses to feed a growing American population.

It was a wild and often lawless time. In the absence of the rule of law, Cowboys developed their own code to live by, known as the “Cowboy Code of Conduct” or the “Cowboy Code of Ethics”. They were simple and logical rules of behavior. The rules could readily apply at any time, even today.

Consider this wonderful Cowboy Code of Honor:

  • Live each day with honesty and courage.
  • Take pride in your work. Always do your best.
  • Stay curious. Study hard and learn all you can.
  • Do what has to be done and finish what you start.
  • Be tough, but fair.
  • When you make a promise, keep it.
  • Be clean in thought, word, deed, and dress.
  • Practice tolerance and understanding of others.
  • Be willing to stand up for what is right.
  • Be an excellent steward of the land and its animals

greatcowboy movie photos used on movie theater billboards at Bahoukas!

Wondering how you might celebrate this special day? Consider these ideas:

      Go to a rodeo, where cowboy skills are on display
       Buy a cowboy hat
       Dress up like a cowboy
       Read a book or article on cowboy and cowgirl history
       Watch a Western movie that features cowboys.



Then Celebrate International Tiger Day

Collectible Tiger glasses to celebrate International Tiger Day available at Bahoukas

International Tiger Day celebrates tigers, the largest cat on the planet. It is arguably the most beautiful and majestic cat on the planet, too. Love ’em, hate ’em, or just plain scared of them, one must admit that they are indeed a beautiful animal.

At an International Tiger Summit in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the plight of wild tigers came into full focus.  Over the last century, the world-wild tiger population dropped 97% (not including tigers in zoos). With only an estimated 3,000 tigers left in the wild, they are on the brink of extinction. The drastic population loss was due to several factors, among them was hunting, poaching, and loss of habitat.  This international groups sought raise awareness to the plight of the tiger, and to protect and expand their habitat. Their goals and endeavors, are an international effort.  from Holiday Insights

Tiger by the Tail - a give away from Esso to hook to your antenna - a great collectible from Bahoukas

 There are many things you can do to celebrate this special day. Here are a few ideas:

  Read up about tigers and their loss of population.
  Show your support of groups working to raise awareness and improve their habitat.
  Go the the zoo and see these majestic creatures.
  Make plans to go on a safari, to see tigers in their native habitat.


Celebrate these special days with us by dropping into Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum to enjoy the treasure hunt!

We’ll be watchin’ for ya!

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