Did you find a teapot, bowl, or other items that are just too beautiful to ignore but you’re trying to justify the purchase? We found a great article to show you how to upcycle your favorites into beautiful planters.

Tins of all shapes and sizes make wonderful planters to show off the greenery and the collectible tins!
Check out this article for ideas and how do to upcycle a variety of objects into great planters.
Colander Hanging Planters
image: Kalyn Brooke
Old or new, colanders make ideal hanging planters since they come equipped with their own drainage holes. You can line the colander if you’re concerned about some dirt spilling out, and you easily can tie some rope to the handles to hang your planter from the ceiling.
from SmallBizTrends

Here at Bahoukas we have vases, pots, crockery, baskets, and so much more to add some fun to your plant shelf. Check out the above article. Then put on your creative cap and come on in and see what we might have that will work perfectly for your plant decor. Yep, we’re watchin’ for ya!