The featured image is a bone domino set from the late 1800s.
Look Down and All Around
There are small treasures tucked in EVERYwhere at Bahoukas Antique Mall. Here’s just a sampling of small surprises waiting for you!
Look UP for Larger Treasures
Not only do you want to look down and all around but you’ll definitely want to look UP. After all, some of the best discoveries are hanging from the ceiling!

It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day and we thought we’d share a sampling of our small and large treasures to be discovered in our shop. Find that special something for your special someone.
Stop in and browse. Find the special Valentine’s Day gift (or maybe a little something for yourself). Hurry. You’ll enjoy the SuperBowl a lot more if you’ve finished your shopping! And yes, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!