Do you remember TV Lamps? Art in unusual places!
With our flat screen televisions, these beautiful pieces are ignored!
But look at the exquisite work on these lamps. For instance, the two that have oriental figures are wonderful. The photos do not do them justice. (Click on the photo to see a larger view – then click back on your browser to return to the page) Better yet, stop in and see them at Bahoukas!
Next is a most beautiful lamp that features a bride (or beautifully gowned woman). I could also see this piece used in a bridal decor with a little creativity!
Then we have “Truly Unique” lamps – a dog, ships, and a pheasant. (At this time, the electrical component on the pheasant is not available. George is on a search to find them. This pheasant is fairly rare!)
And finally (but never the last of those available), this Madonna – or Mother – and Child is so beautiful. The sculpture of this piece is amazing. The colors are soft and gentle, accenting the very piece.
Here’s a close-up to show how astonishingly beautiful this tv lamp is. It would be beautiful displayed as sculpture.