It’s a beautiful Monday morning, so take a bit of time and stop into Bahoukas Antique Mall to check out the Holiday Teasers and browse the shop for a special Holiday Decor and/or Gift.
Do you know the names of the original 10 CareBears?
Each Care Bear is a different colour or shade and has a unique image on their stomach (referred to in various media as a “belly badge” or “tummy symbol”) that represents their personality. In addition to the Care Bear family are the “Care Bear Cousins”, which feature Brave Heart Lion, Cozy Heart Penguin, Bright Heart Raccoon, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Gentle Heart Lamb, Loyal Heart Dog, Playful Heart Monkey, Proud Heart Cat, Swift Heart Rabbit, Treat Heart Pig and Noble Heart Horse created in the same style as the Care Bears.
The 10 original Care Bears consist of Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Cheer Bear, Friend Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear, Grumpy Bear, Love-a-Lot Bear, Tenderheart Bear, and Wish Bear. Later on, additional bears joined them, as well as the Cousins. from Wikipedia
The Holidays are here. This week we wish you a Safe and Beautiful Thanksgiving Celebration filled with Gratitude! And don’t forget, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop by and browse to find that special treasure for the season.
Friday, Dec 1, 2017 – we celebrate our Community Tree Lighting in historic downtown Havre de Grace. The Holly Jolly First Friday Celebration is from 4:30-8:30 pm with a parade at 6 p.m. It’s the absolutely perfect day to share our PEZ collection with you. We’ll also give you details to enter our PEZZ TREE CONTEST. Keep reading…
For gift giving ideas, we have the following variety of PEZ collectibles. Do you see one you wish you had for your collection? Or maybe you know someone who would love a PEZ collectible in their stocking. Well, Bahoukas has hundreds of PEZ from individual characters to a variety of specialty pieces.
The fun PEZ collectibles above include: (top l to r), PEZ Star Wars – C3PO and R2D2, PEZ Barbie, large PEZ Charlie Brown Dispenser, PEZ Disney’s Frozen. Top row in front include (l) PEZ A Saurus in the PEZ Car Candy Dispenser, PEZ PETS Penquin. Bottom front ( to r) include PEZZ – KISS, PEZ Presidents of the United States, and PEZ Tigger and Pooh.
Anyone who knows George knows that he also has a personal collection of PEZ that are close to 1,000 pcs. In the store, easily another 1,000. There’s an entire case and several shelves. But during the Christmas Season, he loves to share his PEZ Christmas Tree and Wreath.
Go ahead – guess!
How many PEZ are on the tree?
If you’re the winner, you’ll receive a
$25 Gift Certificate for Bahoukas.
Fill out the entry form and place it
in the tin at the store.
Friday Morning
December 22
between 10 a.m. and noon.
So there you have it. PEZ collectibles, a Community Tree Lighting and Parade during our Holly Jolly First Friday, a PEZ Christmas Tree Contest, and plenty of ideas from our 44 Gift Giving Ideas from Bahoukas.
Stop in during First Friday or anytime between now and Christmas. We’re here to help and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!