Back to School Fun
Hope your first week was extraordinary!
Heading back to school creates mixed emotions. As parents we see our children growing up way too fast, especially if you’ve just sent them off to college. Our young one’s first day of school is always emotional. Don’t get me wrong, some parents are jumping up and down with glee, while others are teary-eyed and sad. But to school we must go!
To make school days extra special, here are just a few items available in our store that can make it a fun event. Character, collectible lunch boxes, a special Sally, Dick and Jane Reader, a world globe, or even a wonderful palette of watercolors can make returning to school a real treat.
CLICK HERE for some fun facts about the Dick and Jane Readers you might not have known.
Or CLICK HERE for some great ideas for kids to use with the watercolor palette box.
The older world globe is a great way for an older student to learn how much the countries of the world have changed. They can compare the globe to a map of the world on the internet of today!
Of course, collectible lunch boxes are just plain fun. Having a character box that your student will love to open at school lunchtime will remind him/her of how special you think they are.
What would YOU like to give your unique student? Stop by soon and see the possibilities we have waiting for the perfect owner!