How Are The Moon, Ratcatchers, and Parents Connected?

We’ll Start with Moon Day – July 20!

On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Kennedy Space Center atop a huge Saturn V rocket. On July 20, 1969, the Lunar Module, nicknamed the “Eagle”, touched down on the surface of the moon at Tranquility Base. Upon landing, Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong reported “The Eagle Has Landed”. A few hours later, Neil Armstrong, stepped off of the Eagle’s ladder, placed one foot upon the moon’s surface and proclaimed: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”.  from Holiday Insights

There are always celebrations at Bahoukas including Moon Day, Ratcatchers Day and Parents Day - visit us in Havre de Grace

We offer a few items like a Life Magazine, A Little Golden Book, Exploring SpaceHot Wheels Armageddon toys, and more.

Then we just couldn’t resist a celebration titled “Ratcatchers Day” on July 22 – what possibly could that be?

One of the most well known German folklores is the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The town of Hamelin, Germany was infested by rats. The mayor promised to handsomely pay the Pied Piper, if he rid the town of rats.   from Holiday Insights

This is an interesting interpretation of “Ratcatchers Day” and you just might want to click on this link above and read the rest. In the meantime, we found a rat (well, mouse) trap and have Ratatouie Pez! ENJOY!


We have lots of things for Parents Day but were tickled by these “Maw and Paw” saucers.

Today is not a day of gift giving. That’s for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The best way to mark this day is by spending time with your parents doing something fun. Its also important that you let them how how much they are loved and appreciated.

Show Mom and Dad you love ’em. Stop by Bahoukas Antique Mall and walk down “Nostalgia Lane” with them. Listen to their stories and give them a hug.

In 1994, President William (Bill) Clinton proclaimed the fourth Sunday in July as National Parents Day.

Quotes are from Holiday Insights. Of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya! Remember, everything is 20% off during our CHRISTMAS in JULY SALE! 


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