Crazy Nutz – a perfect Monday morning jewelry

Sometimes a Sense of Humor Is Required

This Monday morning, as we watch the news to learn of the storm damage of Hurricane Irma, it seems a fine time to mention a unique jewelry item we have in the store. We hope these pieces will add a chuckle to your day. Stop by and grab your “Crazy Nuts” necklace. It’s sure to bring a smile to all those around you!

"Crazy NUtz" - jewelry carved from Brazil Nuts, Almonds or Pistachios by Robert Davis from Kansas available at Bahoukas Antiques in Maryland

“Crazy Nuts’ necklaces are created by Robert Davis of Kansas. He stopped by the store a while back and we just fell in love with these whimsical pieces. The silly faces are carved from Brazil Nuts, Almonds or Pistachios.

We might mention that Robert’s brother’s family also lives in Havre de Grace and they stop in to visit us every now and then.

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