Celebrate with Gratitude
We first want to say how thankful we are for each and every person who has stepped into our store of collections! George – the ‘collector of collections’ – loves sharing his many finds and all the stories that go with them. We wish everyone a Thanksgiving filled with peace, love, and gratitude for all that we have. Remember, it’s not about quantity, but quality. Well, except for George – the collector! (chuckle)
It’s been George’s tradition to decorate the weekend following Thanksgiving. But this year, the hundreds of dolls he acquired meant that he had to move a lot of things around ASAP!!! So the windows are decorated a couple of days early – yes, thanks, Barbara. And Christmas can be spotted throughout the store.

Dolls – a 3.78 Billion Dollar Industry in 2021
So stopping by Bahoukas might just be worth your while. The dolls in the window are beautiful. The hundreds in our store – well, come see them. Check out the braid on this Barbie! WOW!
You won’t believe the dolls and doll furniture available. From tiny porcelain dolls to 2 ft + Barbies, baby dolls, and American Girl Dolls are just a few of the many waiting for someone to give them some love. Seriously, stop by and pick one (please). They are priced for the collector and to purchase for a special child in your life. Definitely something for everyone.
Add to this a wonderful selection of furnishings and accessories for your dolls that include well-made high chairs, table, rocking cradles, cribs, chairs, and more. Seriously this is one special collection.
Next add puzzles!
Here are a few of our very collectible puzzles. But we encourage you to check our TOY section for more.

What celebrates Holiday Gift Giving better than a horse figure? Here’s a sampling:

And for the ‘littles’ on your list

How About Ratatouille!

Games – did I hear Games?
Well, we have a substantial selection of board games in our Toy Section plus these unique games for indoor fun:

We are ready to help you with your Holiday Gift Purchases
Browse our blog for the hundreds of collections in the shop. Hopefully, this post gives you a glimpse of what’s available for the collector AND the kids on your list. We are here and, yessirree, we are excitedly waiting to show off our collections!

Remember, if you purchase $50 or more, you can fill out a raffle ticket for a chance to WIN a $100 HdG GIFT CARD – this weekend only!