Bracelets and Rings and Pins – oh my!

Bracelets and Rings and Pins – oh my!

The holidays are upon us and it's time to add a wee bit of bling to your holiday outfits! Of course, these wonderful costume jewelry pieces make excellent gifts as well. We have received an amazing collection of reasonably priced costume jewelry to add that flair you...

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Sharing a Meal in Your Style

Sharing a Meal in Your Style

It may be true that formal dinner parties have become passé, becoming more casual -sharing, rather than ‘entertaining,’ with friends and family.

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Love Vinyl Recordings?

Love Vinyl Recordings?

Over the past few months Bahoukas Antique Mall has acquired a vast array of vinyl record albums – many never opened and most LIKE NEW! Stop in and check them out!

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And at Bahoukas – you must look DOWN!

And at Bahoukas – you must look DOWN!

We encouraged you to look UP when visiting Bahoukas Antique Mall. This week we’re encouraging you to LOOK down for more discoveries waiting for you. We’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

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