Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away

Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away

These boat models will add a touch of daydreaming to your decor. Some are sailboats, others are fishing vessels. All of them are amazingly detailed models available at BAHOUKAS ANTIQUE MALL.

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Spring is in the Air at Bahoukas Antique Mall

Spring is in the Air at Bahoukas Antique Mall

With Daylight Savings Time coming up next weekend (Sunday, March 9th, 2025), we’re close to the first ‘official’ day of Spring! Here at Bahoukas Antique Mall, we have beautiful serving pieces to add to your Easter Holiday Dinner or a bit of beauty to your Spring entertaining.

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Vintage, Collectible Typewriters

Vintage, Collectible Typewriters

Typewriter Collectors/Enthusiasts have various reasons for collecting: love the mechanics of early and later electronic typewriters, love the variety of styles, colors, and models, and/or enjoy stories of famous writers and their love of typewriters.

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