Beer Labels Collecting

Beer Labels and Brewmania

There are as many reasons one might collect beer labels as there are the number of different labels available to collect! Some are just simple text while others are beautiful works of art.

The quote below is a great example of a few of the reasons. Do you collect them? What’s your reason?

Beer isn’t just one of the world’s most popular beverage it is also an art form in many respects. That might sound a little over the top but beer is a very collectible industry with a lot of followers. Beer labels, in particular, are something many people love.

They have even attracted people who don’t even particularly like the taste of beer. Beer is a very versatile beverage in many respects and there is a lot of scope to what you can find on a beer label. Many beers have very colourful and creative labels which is why there are many keen collectors out there.


List of Beer Labels

Here’s a list of the areas the latest label collection represents. We encourage you to drop by and browse the collection. And you know, we’re watchin’ for ya!

List of areas our latest beer label acquisition represents.

Prints by Edward Ghee – WCBM

WCBM radio

Like many radio stations, there’s a long history of changes. But these prints, we think, are from the 70s when WCBM was known for its contemporary music programming. After researching the artist, we realize how very valuable these illustrations are. Enjoy our research!

Bill Tanton illustration by Edward Ghee during the music days of WCBM radio in Baltimore
Bill Tanton – sports – WCBM radio Baltimore

Illustrator Edward Ghee

We’ve tried to do some research and believe that Edward Ghee is a well-known illustrator out of Baltimore, MD.

CLICK HERE for an amazing article on Edward Ghee and his granddaughter, Phylicia.

Video from Edward Ghee’s website

Larry Walton illustration by Edward Ghee of Baltimore - WCBM
Larry Walton of WCBM in Baltimore – illustration by Edward Ghee, Baltimore artist

We are so lucky to have these amazing illustrations created by a local artist. The 3 pieces are worn from the years, but in amazing condition considering…

Stop by and see them for yourself. They are amazing. And as we’ve shared, the illustrator, Edward Ghee, is even more remarkable.

Stop by Bahoukas today. You know we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Hen on Nest Collectibles

These pitchers and the deviled egg dish are awesome if you’re into chicken collectibles.

Do you love anything ‘chickens?’

There are at least 100 glass companies that have produced at least 250 forms or sizes of glass hen covered dishes over the past 150 years. These dishes are referred to as an animal dish, trinket box, hen in a basket and hen on a nest. The official name, according to Smith, originated from Westmoreland glass company in the 1930s. They coined the name “hen on a nest” which has been shortened to simply “hen on nest” by latter companies and collectors. Between 1890-1910 the glass hen dishes gained advertising and publicity when they were used to package condiments, mainly mustard.

from Community Chickens

Collectible chickens – especially ‘hens on the nest’ – are very collectible. Among the ‘homesteaders’ it’s easy to see why they might absolutely love anything ‘chicken’! But it seems that many collectors, as well as home decorators, love anything ‘chicken’!

hen on the nest collectibles

The variety of colors in these beautiful hens on the nest dishes is amazing. What’s your favorite?

varieties of Hens on Nest dishes

We have a very large selection of these dishes. Fill them with candies, a dish on your Thanksgiving table, or anything you might like. Add to a shelf of collectibles. No matter how you use them, we have an amazing collection.

Yes, we’re here. And we’re watchin’ for ya! Stop in soon and find those items you’ll desire for the upcoming holidays!

Old-Antique License Plates

Do you collect license plates? We have several milk crates full of old license plates. Whether you hang them on a wall in the barn, workshop, or garage, we have an interesting collection at Bahoukas Antiques, including ‘sets.’

Sets of Old-Antique License Plates

crate of vintage license plates

Did you know that if your antique car fits the criteria, you might be able to use a set of old license plates on your car? CLICK HERE for a great link that helps to explain the process.

CLICK HERE for direct info from Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration regarding use of vintage plates on historic and street rod vehicles.

collection of old license plates in a milk crate

We encourage you to stop in and take a peek at our vintage license plates. And you know it, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Duran-Duran or Elvis

Okay – so maybe it doesn’t matter

This Elvis Presley 1977 Concert Photo Album is beautiful.

Elvis Presley died in August 1977. This Concert Photo Album is a tribute album to his many concerts. It’s in beautiful condition. The gold box that it’s packaged in has certainly seen its wear, but considering that it’s 45 years old, it’s in decent condition.

It has 62 pages with plenty of large-color concert photos of Elvis. If you have an Elvis Collector on your Christmas list, you’ll want to come in and scoop this up.

Do you remember Elvis Presley’s first time on American television – the Ed Sullivan Show in October 1956?

Duran Duran Memorabilia

In recent weeks we acquired a wonderful collection of Duran Duran memorabilia – about 30-35 pieces. If you, or someone you know, has this group among your ‘favorites’ list, you’ll definitely want to check out our latest collection. Photos, posters, concert brochures, tickets, and more are available.

As we celebrate the weekend with the Havre de Grace Art Show, we figured it was a great time to highlight these new pieces added to our collectibles. Stop in before or after you stroll the Art Show! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

5,000 Coonskin caps a day

Did you know that at the height of Crockett-mania, coonskin caps were selling at 5,000 a day! Do you still have yours?

Do You Know the Name of Davy Crockett’s Horse?

ALWAYS look UP when you’re in our shop! Otherwise, you’ll miss some fine collectibles!

Davy Crockett canteen – Wild Frontier Trail Canteen
Great interview from the adult children of Fess Parker

Coonskin caps were originally worn by some American Indians as a traditional article of clothing; however, European pioneers that settled in the Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina regions in the 18th and 19th centuries adopted it as their own and wore them as hunting caps. Even Benjamin Franklin, in his trip to Paris as Ambassador to France, wore a cap as a symbol of patriotism. Its rough-hewn look has become an iconic part of the American frontiersman’s image.

from National Museum of American History

walking stick gifted to
Benjamin Franklin in France.
Note that the top represents
his iconic fur hat.

courtesy National Museum of American History

Did You Know About Franklin? (the possible state)

Crockett was born on August 17, 1786, in what is now eastern Tennessee. At the time, however, many of the region’s residents considered themselves citizens of the so-called state of Franklin, a breakaway territory that had declared its independence from North Carolina two years earlier.

from 10 Things You May Not Know About Davy Crockett

Fess Parker: Davy Crockett or Daniel Boone

Actually, Fess Parker played both and quite often we confuse the two. Well, you might enjoy this short video.

So dig out that ole coonskin cap and come in to Bahoukas Antique Shop and take the time to LOOK UP, down, and all ’round for some amazing collectibles! Yep, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Rainy Days Make For…

Updated Displays

When the rainy days arrive, it allows for some indoor clean-up. Do you collect bottles? Well then, you’ll want to see our newly arranged bottle display at the back of the shop. It’s shaping up nicely! Kudos to George! Here’s a sampling of the varied and unique bottles available at Bahoukas Antique Mall.

Milk to soda bottles, water bottles to juice bottles, clear to blue to brown glass, and even small pharmacy bottles and ink wells. Visit and see the attractive display. They also make great additions to holiday centerpieces.

So with your creative hat on, visit us at Bahoukas. This is just one tiny collection of George’s Collections. Remember, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Milk Glass – beautiful pieces and interesting facts

The popularity of glass items, especially those made of milk glass, spurred the creation of many glass manufacturing companies in the United States, France, and England during the mid-1800s. These companies produced milk glass products that were used as tableware, bowls, covered dishes, specialty items, vases, and figurines.

A wonderful display of unique bowl designs in milk glassl
A wonderful display of unique bowl designs in milk glass.

Milk glass is an opaque or translucent milky white or colored glass, blown or pressed into a wide variety of shapes.

Beautiful milk glass pieces, covered candy dish, and beautiful bowls.
A covered bowl – perfect for hiding those candies you love, plus several other milk glass pieces.

First made in Venice in the 16th century, colors included blue, pink, yellow, brown, black, and the white – which lead to its popularity.

Beautiful milk glass goblets

How to clean White Milk Glass:

We found a great answer to cleaning the yellowed milk glass you may find during your hunt – denture cleaner. Yes – denture cleaner! Click on the link below to the easy how-to steps!


Did You Know Jadeite is Milk Glass?

Jadeite, also known as Fire King Jade-ite, is a type of glass tableware made of Jade-green opaque milk glass, popular in the United States in the mid-20th century. A blue variety called “Azur-ite” was also produced for several years. Jade-ite and Azur-ite were both produced by Anchor Hocking.


We also have a wonderful collection of Jadeite pieces.

Stop in and take a peek at these collections. They’re really wonderful. Of course, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Did Alfred Hitchcock Write Kids Mysteries

The Three Investigators Series Challenged Us

We received this amazing selection of The Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Series, featuring The Three Investigators: Jupiter “Jupe” Jones, Peter “Pete” Crenshaw, and Robert “Bob” Andrews. The series is for young teens. But the plots and suspense are intriguing.

We have about 20 of these books. The series, written between 1964 and 1987 is made up of 43 books. But in doing a search, it was a bit challenging to determine Alfred Hitchcock’s role in these books. Below is a quote that might tickle your interest:

The boys’ ages are never explicitly stated, though a safe bet would place them around thirteen or fourteen. While their youth would seem to be a detriment to crime fighting, the series manages to avoid the Lord of the Flies syndrome. Hitchcock is always there with funds or information, and while they can’t drive, the investigators have convenient access to unlimited use of an antique Rolls Royce sedan, complete with a British chauffeur (a gift from a grateful client, via Deus ex machina Rent a Car).

Still, they never rely on grown ups to solve the mysteries. It’s always Jupiter’s ingenuity, Pete’s bull-headed muscle, and Bob’s penchant for research that save the day.


So did Hitchcock write these?

Well, NO! Evidently, he was paid for the use of his name on the books. In researching, the answer is a bit challenging to find. This quote may help:

The Three Investigators were created by Robert Arthur, who wrote the first few books and then oversaw and edited the rest of the series. It was he who had the brainwave of having Alfred Hitchcock as the patron of the team. Hitch introduced each case, and often called them in to set them off on their latest adventure. It was this intrusion of real life into a fictional world that cemented my relationship with the Three Investigators. Could these stories possibly be true … ?


This is just one example of the intriguing books you’ll find at Bahoukas Antiques. So stop in today and browse. Maybe you’ll find a book or two that will encourage your young readers at home. And, of course, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Bourbon and Cookies

What’s the connection between Bourbon and Cookies?

Two great collector pieces, that’s what! A really delightful decanter and a cookie jar for ‘space enthusiasts.’

Old Cabin Still 1969 Hillbilly Decanter

bottom label on Hillybilly 1969 Cabin Still Bourbon Decanter
Cabin Still Collector’s Gallery 1969 “Old Hillbilly” Decanter

Do you know what makes the difference between Bourbon and Whiskey?

…all bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon. 

What makes bourbon distinct from other whiskeys is the way it is manufactured and aged. All whiskey is spirit made from fermented grain and then aged in barrels. But the kind of grain and the kind of barrels determines the variety of whiskey. Per the American Bourbon Association, in order to be classified as bourbon, a whiskey needs to be distilled from a mixture of grains, or mash, that’s at least 51 percent corn. That corn gives bourbon its distinctive sweet flavor. 

Old Hillbilly - Old Cabin Still 1969
Old Cabin Still 1969 Kentucky Bourbon Decanter – Old Hillbilly

… and the cookie – Friendship 7?

This beautiful 2-pc black pottery McCoy cookie jar, shaped like the Mercury capsule, is from 1962, commemorating the “Space Era’ and the “Friendship 7 Mercury Capsule.” Do you want to know what’s really exciting about this piece? There is actually one in the collections at the National Air and Space Museum!

Friendship 7 McCoy Cookie Jar – 1962

This cookie jar shaped like John Glenn’s Friendship 7 Mercury capsule was produced by McCoy Pottery between 1962 and 1968. McCoy cookie jars in various novelty shapes were available for sale in “five and dime” stores and department stores such as JCPenney’s. The popularity of this Mercury capsule cookie jar was a part of the space craze of the early 1960s, an outpouring of public enthusiasm generated by NASA’s first human spaceflight successes.

from National Air and Space museum

Now you know, these are two unique collectibles that just might be the perfect gift for Christmas. It’s never too early to be gathering the perfect gifts for the special people on your list. Stop in and see these two pieces for yourself. And as always, you can bet we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

A Bit of Turtle Talk

Turtles and the Space Race

Did you know that 2 turtles actually were on voyages to the moon in September 1968? Check out this article on the ZOND 5.

… what really sets the Zond 5 apart from any other mission is its occupants: two unnamed Russian tortoises, or “steppe” tortoises as they are sometimes known. Along with samples of soil, seeds, and even some worms, the two reptiles were in space for a total of six and a half days as the capsule completed its circle of the Moon.

from National Space Centre – UK
collection of turtles - salt and pepper shakers, bank, jewelry  holder, more
Just a few from a recently acquired turtle collection

Longevity, Patience, Wisdom

These are just a few attributes given to turtles and their symbolism.

The dream of turtles is a sign of long life, health, and prosperity. It comes as an impulse to be patient, constant in actions, and to have long term vision. 

On the other hand, it could be a sign designed to make you cautious, move slowly, and don’t miss any details. Dreams about baby turtles signify that you will soon hatch some new ideas and should let go of fears. 

from Worldbirds-turtle Symbolism

No matter what draws you to a turtle, you might want to visit and choose one of these little guys for your collection or to give as a gift. From a huge soup tureen (not necessarily for turtle soup!!!) to one so tiny you could carry it in your pocket, we have a few choices to delight the turtle-lover.

Stop in soon. For sure, we’re here and we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Do You Remember Schultz and Dooley?

Utica Club and their “spokesmugs”

Growing up in New York in the 1950s, I was one of the many television viewers in the Northeast who were introduced to the West End Brewing Company (WEBCO) “spokesmugs,” Schultz and Dooley, through a series of award-winning commercials for Utica Club beer. Unlike the ceramic Schultz and Dooley character steins now marketed by WEBCO, the original TV characters were made of wood. The renowned puppeteer Bill Baird is credited with bringing the steins to life, along with comedian Jonathan Winters, who supplied their voices, complete with German and Irish accents.

from Beer Stein Article

Can you still hear their voices in your head when someone mentions “Shultz and Dooley?” They were fun commercials. Did you know that Jonathan Winters was the voice for the characters?

We have a great set of Schultz and Dooley mugs that just arrived. Stop in and see them after you enjoy these fun commercials.

Great UC Commercials

Schultz and Dooley were the spokesmen … er…spokesmugs… for Utica Beer.

Literally hundreds of thousands of Schultz and Dooley series characters have now reached the marketplace, leaving little room for doubt regarding their continuing popularity with collectors…

Although generally unrecognized by collectors, the original Schultz and Dooley steins hold a place in steinmaking history, in that they were in all probability the very first character steins produced specifically for an American audience. By comparison, the original “Bud Man,” Anheuser-Busch’s initial character stein, did not arrive on the scene until 1976, some 17 years later. Moreover, the on-going series of companion steins is in itself a likely first in the history of steinmaking. Although there are several groups of character steins that might qualify as “sets,” there has never before been anything to compare in scope or staying power with the Schultz and Dooley series.

Another factor contributing to the popularity of these steins is that there are any number of people for whom Schultz and Dooley help to evoke fond memories of an earlier time in their lives. In a sense, this reaction to Schultz and Dooley is not unlike that of the many servicemen who did tours of duty in Germany and whose memories are recaptured through stein collecting.

Finally, the Schultz and Dooley series is just plain fun and also readily obtainable. The cartoon-like nature of the steins is appealing to people of all ages and they’re available at prices almost everyone can afford.

from Beer Stein Article

Visit Our Beer MuZeum

Of course, if you love Schultz and Dooley, you’ll most likely enjoy browsing the Bahoukas Beer MuZeum on the second floor of our building. Oh, and we should add this beer glass also arrived in our ‘latest’ finds, commemorating the 1982 Loyal Order of Moose 1982 National Convention MOOSEHAVEN & JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA JUNE 28- JULY 1 1982. Just an FYI – the 2023 International Moose Convention will be in Reno, Nevada!

souvenir beer class
Order of Moose 1982 National Convention beer glass
1982 Order of Moose Nat'l Convention beer glass

As summer winds down, there’s still plenty of time to stop in and enjoy browsing our shop. And yep, we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Christmas in July

Yes, it is H-O-T! But we’re thinkin’ winter and Christmas. We have some delightful items in our Christmas collections for your own collection, for decorating, and even for creating your own crafts.

We look forward to your visit. Of course, we’ll be watchin’ for ya. Stop by and check out our vintage Christmas collectibles. (Think winter and Christmas!)

Father’s Day Meets Bahoukas

Coins to Tools for Dad

At Bahoukas Antique Mall, we can help you cater to Dad! From vintage tools to collectible coins and tokens, fishing poles to decoys and sailboats, or books and magazines on a variety of topics, we’ve got great ideas for you.

This is just a sprinkling of the many items in our shop just in time to create a beautiful gift for dad. Or maybe he collects:

  • Star Wars
  • PEZ
  • Brewmania
  • Cameras
  • Records and albums
  • Boardgames
  • Lighters
  • Military
  • and more….

It’s a beautiful weekend coming up. Stop in soon to pick a special item for that special “Dad” in your life! You bet, we’ll be watchin’ for ya!

Unique Tools from Estate

Ice Cutting Saw

This saw is from the Stirer Estate and is from the late 1800s-early 1900s.

Tools for Collectors

We also have a fireman’s ax.

Both of these items would make great additions for collectors of tools and implements.

Beautiful Crock

This beautiful 2 gal. salt-glaze crock is also from the Stirer Estate and is from 1870-1880s. You can see this in our front window.

Stop in soon and see these items for yourself! We’re here … and we’re watchin’ for ya!

Military Clothing

Military Duffel Bag, Jackets, and even a trunk

The previous 3 blog posts gave you a glimpse of our military memorabilia. There’s plenty to browse in our store. Below is a pic of a duffel bag and trunk.

As you prepare to enjoy the first long weekend that announces the promise of summer, don’t forget to take a moment to remember our Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice. If you have an opportunity, attend a Memorial Day Ceremony or visit a cemetery.

In the meantime, enjoy safe travels. We look forward to seeing you and – yes – we’re watchin’ for ya!

Military Memorabilia 2

Canteens – Belts – Binoculars – Photos

We have an intriguing variety of Military Memorabilia that includes canteens, binoculars, photos, pictures, caps, leather bags, and more. If you’re a collector, you just might want to stop in and browse.

military binoculars - canteen - caps - music

We have some music albums, and even a set of leather bags, airplane model, and more.

Military memorabilia - airplane model - photos - books - music
Military hats - caps - photos - leather bags

Click this link for more Military Memorabilia

Please remember to take a moment to be still and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for their country! Be safe in your travels. Remember – we’re here and we’re watchin’ for ya. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Military Memorabilia

In Observance of Memorial Day

In keeping with this week’s theme, today’s post includes a few photos of various US Military Memorabilita.

US Military Memorabilia includes, letters, medals, glasses, photos, and more
Military Memorabilia available at Bahoukas Antiques in Havre de Grace

We have photos, medals, newspaper articles, and various military pieces that may be of interest to the collector. Stop in and browse.

Plates, photos, posters, military memorabilia
Lighter, mess kit, ashtray, photos, books, belt, medals and more Military Memorabilia

We’re here and YES…

We’re watchin’ for ya. Hurry in and see our Military Collectibles. Remember those we’ve lost by observing a moment of prayer.

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